Koei considering releasing dating sims for English PS2

I’ll be quoting the starting post of this thread from the AnimeSuki forum, written by domino.
You can find the original thread here.

According to a recent Newtype USA article, it seems that Koei has stated that they will release their anime-style dating sims for the Playstation 2 in English if they can find enough support.

The series in question is Angelique, one of Japan’s most popular romance game series. A petition for the game has started up in an attempt to persuade Koei (there was another petition for the series that got 1000+ signatures but the owner of it disappeared…).

I don’t know where petitions stand in the rules for this forum, but I’d appreciate it if you’d sign the petition and tell people about it: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/AngeliquePS2

It could be a good opportunity to finally open the door to getting more dating sim games in the US. And even though it’s aimed at girls, I know many guys who enjoy this series, so guys shouldn’t be afraid.

The games in this series are about a girl and her rival trying to become queen by winning a competition to raise a continent/planet/piece of land better than her rival. The girls can also date their assistants and improve relationships with characters and fall in love. The games also have awesome voice actors and anime-style cutscenes, so it’s a series that America shouldn’t miss.

Some sites about this series:
Official site (Japanese)
General information site (English)
Angelique Image Gallery (English)

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 12-15-2004).]

Excellent. This might mean that the Japanese firms’ reluctance to bring this sort of thing to America is cracking! Awesome…

Well, Koei is one of the few companies that actually cares about its fans…

I signed the petition. Let’s see what comes of it.

Yesterday around the same hour I was the 22nd to sign it. Now there are already 48 signatures.

It seems to be working well. >:D

72 signatures at the moment, and counting…

As of my signature the numeber was up to 102. I hope that there will be alot more the next time I look

Beautiful boy so isn’t my thing, but I’ll sign anyways. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll see tokimeki memorial (I can dream can’t I?)

bleh, great time to sell my ps2 but I don’t really like bishounen anyway. Any support is always good support so…


128 as of now.

sorry guys, I am not into dating guys.

Someone petition konami or red and then maybe I will sign up

Still, it’s a dating sim, and thus a special kind of game.

If this is successful, Konami’s Tokimeki Memorial may follow.

No petition is working for Konami anyway.

I signed it and even said I’d buy it (though probably not play it, since I’m not sure how much I’d want to play as the female lead in a Dating Sim, but anyways…) way back when there were only ~12 signatures… I’ll support it if it leads to further games of that type coming here, whether I play them or not… I hear to many stupid parents say “Well if it’s only got violence in it I’ll buy it for little johnny, but if it has suggestive themes! Well! I just couldn’t let him play a game were he’d make out with a girl or anything…” How olds johhny in this case? ~13… I think Johnny should have far more girls in games and far less violence…

I doubt this petition will go anywhere. Anyone remember the sakura wars one?

smog, this is different. Koei is actually CONSIDERING releasing the games if there’s enough interest.

That has a far higher chance than just making a petition out of the blue.

I remember the Trek people once offered to write a book featuring a certain character if they could get (i forget exactly, either 1000 or 10,000) letters sent in by a certain date. only about 200 was managed. no book written.

similarly, 136 signatures in all this time doesn’t exactly show a huge swell of support.