Lamuness you know if PP has considered

Do you know if Peach Princess has considered creating auction to sell some games on ebay? I mean seriously I see games selling for way over the retail sale price quite frequently. For example there is a love love show auction going on right now that is selling for over $50… and it retails for $35. I think Peach Princess should post a couple auction of their own, I pretty sure it would get them some extra sales and the cost for posting is very low.

It tends to be somewhat erratic, the auction generated returns, from my experience.

I don’t know, every auction that I see well described and containing pictures seems to do well. Also listing that it is NOT pirated seems to help. Ebay gets alot of traffic and properly listing you product can get you alot of publicity. The only ones that I see only a mediocre return on are the Japanese Language games that are listed. They seem to only get $30-50 where as the English listed games seems to get $40-50. Now considering that the Japanese games cost $65-90 and the English cost $25-50, I am amazed at the difference in selling price. In fact its not that infrequent that I see games sell for MORE than what people originally payed for them. I sold a couple games and easily made 95% what I payed for the games, also I have since seen at least 5-6 games auction and every one sold for 90-110% of the games original cost and that is just what I have noticed in my infrequent ebay browses. I would think that it could be a possible way to sell off a couple games. Also creating a program to quickly create a auction and description is very easy, in fact there are quite a few programs that are pre-created and freeware.

Heck, why do them on an individual basis. Do a dutch auction with lots of copies available at retail price and see how many people bite.

Personally I too believe that places like ebay are pretty erractic and uncontrolled, but I haven’t used ebay myself so I am not sure myself how things work.

Anyhow, I will tell the staff about it as a suggestion to consider. Thanks.

I have to vouge for ebay bringing in a ton of buisness. Its probabaly one of the smartest marketing moves you could do right now. Even if something doesn’t sell, you can advertise your banner on your auction, and most hentai related items get a ton of hits on ebay.

I have a friend who runs a hobby store in the seattle washingtno area. Since he started working ebay, his site traffic/orders had increased dramatically.

I’ve been wondernig why none of the companies translating the games have done this. Its one of the best ways to reach people, and its cheap. Enough said.

Exatcly smog, just the hits alone could bring in many more customers. The 4-5 english games I sold in June generated over 350 hits each. That was one week of auction time. Now you factor in people checking on different machines and myself I prolly had 75-125 different people look at that auction. That could easily add up, and when you consider it is around $1 to post a auction I definitely think Peach Princess should consider it. I think I heard once that J-list posts auctions but I am not 100% sure on that

Yeah, E-bay might be a good solution, if even a little strange such. But from what I’ve heard, I think it would be good, since a certain amount of pirated copies is being sold by e-bay as well (they don’t care if it is legal or not, remember), and if Peach Princess started to sell their games there, they might “even out” some of what they lose and generate more customers (both to PP and to this board, of course )

Still, a limited trial run may not be completely out of the question… just to test the waters.

Start the auctions at teh retail price and put a buy it now for that price, plaster a byunch of banners and put a little info about the company in the auction, and tell themt o come see your site. It cost a few bucks… Its not going to kill you.

I remember that someone here checked a few of the auctions at E-bay, and when he saw that the prices the games were sold for were actually much higher than here at Peach Princess, he mailed those who bidded on the games and told them that they could get the games cheaper here. He actually got a few answers, if I remember, and they weren very curious about Peach Princess… so trying to attract people here via E-bay might not be a bad suggestion, especially not if you think of the fact that e-bay seems to attract so many people who’re looking for “that kind of games”.

I still think an ebay dutch auction set at retail could sell alot of copies. I would suggest Critical Point first.