Last Exile on TechTV

Just a heads up for those who might be interested - TechTV will be airing Last Exile this week (March 8-13). They’re doing a Last Exile marathon on Sunday, March 14th, including ep 13 which is not yet available on DVD. [It’s a 26-ep series.]

I’ve heard a lot of good things about this action/adventure anime, but I’m kind of divided about watching it on commercial TV since I hate seeing it with all the breaks. Also, it may be a while before the second half of the series airs.

Well if you don’t know if you will like it or not, why not check it out on TV first. That’s what I’m going to do. If it seems interesting enough then I just buy the DVDs then I can enjoy it uncut and subtitled

I was going to watch it, but I blew it. The promo for LE read “10pm, 9pm CT” - which I thought meant it would be shown again at 10pm PT. That’s what they’ve done with other series. Instead they played reruns of Boogie Pop and Dual Parallel. Guess I’ll wait for the Sunday marathon. Trouble is, they say the second half won’t air until 2005. Maybe I’ll wait and get the box set after all.

I thought the marathon was on Friday 4-10? Yeah I thought they were gonna rerun it at 10 too so I watched the laker/jazz game instead. What a bad day yesterday was, stupid refs…

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I thought the marathon was on Friday 4-10?

According to the TechTV web page
"LE" Marathon Sunday, March 14 from 4 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Eastern.

I'd be willing to bet that's 1 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Pacific. [img][/img]

I watched tonight's episodes, and yes, I'm hooked. Beautiful artwork, character design and well-written story. Gotta love low those low-tech wingless fighters and steam-powered rifles! [img][/img]