Law HR 4472 Passed

I expect you ought to be able to find some place that would be willing to import them for you, but you’d probably have to pay extra. Let alone the fact that they just confiscated all that stuff …

This is true, however very sarcastic, but there is also non japanese artists… lots of which can draw very well, but the problem is things like this tend to prevent them from wanting to go public with their works.

Ouch, this is much worse than the Italian way (customs tariffs of 20-25% of the total value on erogames + shipping charges), and it also ignores a few basic civil rights, in my opinion (try voicing your “disappointment” with your government/community by regular mail, Internet, telephone, etc. etc.). And let’s just hope that this new law isn’t the German application of some obscure regulation from the EU euroburocrats, like the recent Italian law declaring “fictional” child pornography (Loli included, if you -or your packages from Japan- happen to encounter the wrong policeman/judge/etc.) a crime…
Your package was big? Me, I never ordered more than one or two games every 5-6 months, and, for my very rare but potentially DANGEROUS orders, I use EMS (i.e. very rapid) expeditions during “high-traffic” months (December -and Christmas- in particular).

Does it really work for gaijin? Because my ADSL connection sucks, I never attempted a contact, but I can reconsider if necessary…

Technically this is the case in the UK as well, but the law dates back some years and is not enforced. I suspect this is because the law itself would almost certainly be declared illegal if it was challenged.

Edit: A slight correction, the law is actually not that old but still isn’t enforced.

[ 08-02-2006, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: dco_chris ]

Sorry about the late post on this topic. Just went and looked at the actual text of the law. The law basically deals with registering sex predators.

What was left out by the original poster was the intent of the section. Basically, porn producers, as depicted above…

   shall create and maintain individually identifiable records pertaining to every performer portrayed in such a visual depiction.

So, if you make porn, you have to keep records of the performers involved. Anime and H-games will totally not be effected.

Well you never know when someone might try to enforce those unenforced laws. Doesn’t mean they’ll stand up in court…

[ 08-03-2006, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

UGH, I am so sick of the US Government seriously… For the last six years Dubya has turned this country into nothing more than savage beasts and by savage beasts I mean all the wars this jackass is starting… the begining of communism anyone?

Now we have Jack Thompson, Sen Frist and alot of other law makers trying to tell us what we can and can’t do what an artist can or can’t depict it’s retarded, I read a post by Peter that made alot of sense shouldn’t this Government be worried more with terrorism than sex and violence in video games? How much violent stuff do we watch on TV on a nightly basis? Yet video games are to blame?

It’s sad that the Japanese have to censor their works because of the US, but now they’re basically forcing this same law upon their own citizens I have never agreed with censorship laws if someone wants to draw a cat-girl having sex that is their freedom of expression as stated above this country is starting to turn into a communist state, How many amendments did passing this law just break?

I apologize for this rant, ya know it’s pretty bad when you start hating your own government, but they’ve basically forced it on us.


Ya see peapri pretty much does produce porn well not in the sense of human but there is still sex in most of these games, which I see nothing wrong with personally it seems that is what happens when you elect a conservative idiot to congress and to the white house.

They don’t see that, they’re really screwing everyone over because of their twisted ideals “Oh it’s immoral to have a cat girl drawn having sex with a drawn human” two more years, and the jackass will be out of office.

[ 08-03-2006, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: Kanodin ]

  • nods *
    4 games, so including shipment-fees that were about US$400,- that now went for waste.

Wholeheartedly agreed - because I think exactly that’s what happened in my case: the law already existed, but a new right-wing government was necessary for reminding customs to enforce it.

Still, I wonder HOW that law is going to be enforced for shipments within the EC, that aren’t controlled by customs at all.

What shipping method did you use? The quickest method rarely has this done because those paying generally are businesses who need it by the next day. So unless they’d have good reason to suspect the package, they’d not search it.

EMS - that’s why I was at least able to track it down!
The package first simply disappeared into custom’s care and I had to bug them for two weeks until they finally at least told me that it was confiscated.

Yea, the 1-2 day overnight shipping isn’t normally stopped by customs because of the reason stated above.

<<Now we have Jack Thompson, Sen Frist and alot of other law makers trying to tell us what we can and can’t do what an artist can or can’t depict it’s retarded >>

The law really has nothing to do with Anime. I think I made that point fairly well. The law mostly has to do with registering and tracking of sex offenders. And thats pretty much it.

While it may not be a popular thing to say, I’m in favor, generally speaking of the current US Government. Oh sure I disagree with a lot of their policies. But I find that looking at the 2 parties, my own views are much closer to the Republican position, then the Democrats. Republicans want to stick their nose in, but they tend to favor states rights. Democrats likewise think they know best for everyone, but in addition, they think the current bloated federal government should decide everything. I say everyone would be better off, if the government just stayed the hell out of my business.

All political parties are really worthless, and only during election years do republicans really start giving a damn about rights and stuff, I agree with you 150% that everything would be better if the governments would stay the hell out of our business.

The Republicans give lipservice to rights, but rarely ever deliver. The Democrats only care about your rights if you’re a protected minority, which h-gamers are not. As Kanodin said, they are both useless.

That’s not true.

They care for the rights of those who shell out lots of money to them too.

That is sad but true.

Yup. Your rights are protected… if you pay for them.

For killing time, I’ve searched that “obscure regulation” which directly inspired our law, not a easy task because the EU euroburocrats produce tons of pretty useless stuff at public expense.
Go HERE if you are curious, and remember that ALL EU Council Decisions are technically valid for each and every EU serf… err, citizen (on a side note, the fact that England and Germany share the same No-Porn-Via-Mail law strongly stinks of EU interference again. If someone is inclined to search for this, he/she’s welcome!).

Just wondering if anyone knows this, or maybe I’m wrong, but hasn’t the law been lifted lately ?

A couple days ago, while browsing for porn, I got an error page stating that the gallery I was trying to access had been removed because of this law or its proposal.