Law HR 4472 Passed

Seems this new US law applies to hentai works and or games.

Okay which of you guys made my geekfest so BLOODY unpleasant now as this will now possibly be one of the LAST where I can enjoy my hentai and fetish openly as h.r. 4472 readjusted into the Senate as S.AMDT.4686 got passed last night and is on the way to Bush for a DEFINITE formal signage next Tuesday?

damn. I hope the Transformer movie preview cheers me up as it is supposed to be lamer than Bush’s swagger. But the thing now is that THAT is the qwality I can look forward to if this stank if NOT overturned in the courts.

Oh wait I forgot some knucklehead want to get rid of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ability to hear adult cases… Damn where is the FCS and ACLU on this matter? And where is the grass roots from Wicked, Heatwave, Vivid, Huslter, Penthouse et al. AND the MPAA who have just had their legs cut from under them again.

Seems people still do NOT understand that “sticking the head in the sand only provides a NICE BIG target on the parts that still stick up out of the sand.”

Here is the text of the approved 4472


(a) In General.–Chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2257 the following:


"(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, picture,


"(1) contains 1 or more visual depictions of simulated sexually explicit conduct; and

Before ONLY the word “ACTUAL” was removed from the phrase “actual human bieng” thus LIMITING the need for producers who create sexual products that show off a definite “human looking creature” to have to reveal their identity and personal locale if they work out of their private hiomes and not a formal seperate art studio as does the sex film and photo producers.

It SEEMS that someone on Sen. Frist team who rewrote 4472 understood the concept of “furries” and “chibas” which does NOT show human looking creatures such as bears with four legs which are OBVIOUSLY not human though still showing sexual action with these characters. Thus the current restriction was changed from instead of merely removing the word “actual” and limiting the law to JUST human looking items, the new law will NOW require EVERYONE who produces ANY forms of sexual content to disclose their private information by adding the whole phrase of


which is inclusive of ANYTHING that “contains 1 or more visial DEPICTIONS OF SIMULATED sexually explicit conduct” which hentai does.

So if artists thought they would not have to disclose their private id under the idea "Well that only applies to porn makers as they found out today that THEY are NOW included in that same category

And of the few people I talked to here, I can tell you they are NOT happy that they have to disclose their home addresses and private information for basically a part-time hobby simply because they draw a robot or alien creature that has a sexual organ because the idea is all sex regardless of whether real or fictional such as hentai “or other matter” is to be restricted rather than focusing on real child abusers.

But the fall elections mandate the sacrifical target and we are it.

Well you will excuse me I have to go brush my teeth and get ready to raid the halls again. May be I should shield my children’s eyes from all the figures of Jabba the Hut holding the slavegirl attired Princess Leia on the floor today as that is NOW illegal under this mess…

I hope this new law does not stop our friends here. Let’s hope and pray

It time to learn Japanese boys and girls. :slight_smile:

Well, that should pretty much put a close on the American Bishoujo game market.

…errhm, please correct me if i am wrong since im too lazy to analyze all the legal wordings but i think this law applies to anybody who PRODUCES them, not possess them…

so that applies to people who draw/produce/sell them (peapri), not the general gamers/consumers themselves…and dont we have the contact information written on the back of the boxes everytime already?

well of course that still sucks nevertheless even though the consumers would not be affected

so i wonder what will happen to comic conventions in the future…and by that i mean the artist alley

[ 07-22-2006, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

Yea but not to sound dumb but why is any artist gunna want his product sold to the english market now that he has the extra hassle?

Wait, PeachPrincess can still translate and distro games from the office in Japan can’t they?

Since the game is allready produced, but heck I’m not sure. O.o

Me and legal mumbo jumbo don’t mix well, so do I have this correct:

Basically, this law makes it so that people who “produce” illustrated porn must provide contact information of some sort to Uncle Sam?

IMHO, if that’s the case, the US bishoujo market isn’t too badly hurt - at least in the commercial market sense. As pointed out already, most “store bought” stuff has contact info on it: be it Peach Princess, Playboy, etc. Granted, there are a lot of people who don’t want their identies known, but it doesn’t seem that the government wants these producers to be publically known - just “registered” or some such in a (I assume) private government database.

Regular porn movie studio have been doing something like this for awhile now, and it hasn’t slowed them down in the least - hell, isn’t the US the largest and highest budget producer?

I don’t agree with the whole thing, but its not too bad… Granted, it would make something like the Japanese hentai dojin market impossible, but there’s nothing like that in the US… yet at least…

HR4472 This is an extension to the current 18 USC SECTION 2257 LAW

any website with visual despiction actual or simulated should have a 2257 statement.

I don’t see one on our friends sites and many other B. sites or hentai sites. I am simply a fan concerned.

Om my god …

thanks that i live in Germany …

thanks god … thank you very much

This does not apply to users but it applies to producers.

Very silly stuff. Essentially, Peach Princess it the producer of the games in question, so no artist in Japan would have any requirement (also, y’know, Japan is part of the 99% of the world that isn’t the USA). Our contact info is on all packages and our website clearly indicating “who” created this works (as far as the English version goes), so there should be no impact on us either.

the voice of reason has spoken thanks for clearing :slight_smile: (^.^)

Don’t be too happy about that anymore, because I live in Germany too - and last week a package of japanese b-games from Himeya for me was confiscated by customs!

Apparently, our new right-wing government makes customs look also more strictly at b-games that are imported. And if they seize games that still have genitals mosaiced, then I wonder why they should spare games in which those delicate parts have been brought into clear view… :eek:

The official statement that I got contains the followig legal info that is based on apparently currently effective german laws:

It is ILLEGAL to send porn via mail to private persons - regardless if this shipment was international or from within Germany. This law is meant as a protection for minors who could use this means and their paren’ts credit-card for getting their hands on material that isn’t meant for their age. The one who commits a criminal offence against this law is the sender of the package. (Thus, my package from himeya serves as evidence for an investigation against Himeya! And NO: regardless what the result of those investigations will be, the package wil NEVER be passed on to me!)

I am not sure if that law is new, or was already for quite some time in effect and just customs regarding b-games as “porn” is new, though. After all, I already got plenty of shipments before that were opened by customs and a few times I even had to pick them up at the custom’s office and open them there myself. But then, we still had the previous government and nobody at customs could hope to earn a promotion for seizing as much “porn” as possible…

So, if you are going to order anything erotic, be prepared that it could happen to your packages too! At least, I am NOT ANYMORE happy that I live in Germany, particulary regarding my b-gaming-hobby!

As an alternative, you may find a shop that imports and sells the games, because shipments to sellers who have a registered business and an official license to deal with pornographic material are still LEGAL. Also, possessing the games is also still LEGAL for private people, there is just no LEGAL means anymore to get them directly on your own…

[ 07-24-2006, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Now that about germany is interesting.

I live in austria and had no troubles os far.
The last two games from Peach Princess (XChange 3, Doushin) got unopend through customes.
Had a few times bring a declaration before, but mainly because Peach Prei didnt declare the contents right in the packages.

As our goverment allways copies the stupid ideas from germany that might happen here as well.

That sounds like a law that the current US government would pass. Did they stop to think that parents should do their job in the first place and make sure that those minors COULDN’T order porn over the 'net? Imbeciles.

Thank God for Larry Flynt, because he stopped this from happening in the good 'ole US: hence why you can still mail order Playboy and Hustler to your home. :smiley:

He sums up this entire thing best: “You take a picture of a murder, which is illegal, and you can win Picture of the Year for TIME Magazine. You take a picture of two people having sex, which is not illegal, and you can get thrown in jail.”

[ 07-24-2006, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

That really sucks, Unicorn. I imagine that will complicate things for you quite a bit.

  • nods *
    Indeed, it at least delays most of my planned purchases.

Most games that are localized to english show up sooner or later at my favourite comic-shop, so I don’t have to worry about the newer releases from PeaPri, just wait a little bit longer: Doushin hasn’t arrived there yet, but Enzai is already available.

But regarding the japanese games that I really want to have, they have thrown a 10-ton-spanner into my gears… My best alternative here is of course dlsite, but most of my favourite companies/brands (Eushully, Selen Advance, Softhouse Chara) didn’t release so far even one of their older games there.
Well, at least Black Cyc made their Yami no Koe available there, so maybe in five years I will finally get my hands on Gore Screaming Show:frowning:

It’s times like this, that make me appreciate my impressive backlog… :wink:

[ 07-25-2006, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

infingments on consumer rights, thats all i gotta say, its easier to buy a gun online than porn, completely ridiculous