learning japanese II

i have been using my japanese coach for about 10 hours now and I’m on lesson 16.
one thing i think I’ll never get use to or possibly learn is hiragana. i just have no patience when it comes to that. now romaji on the other hand is just to easy for me.
i can say just about any word with a perfect accent. so i guess learning the language as i had hoped to is not an option for me. I’ll half to be satisfied with learning romaji and have a translator with me when ever i visit japan.

i know in America its possible that a person from another country
could not be aware of the value in a dollar or ten dollars and give the wrong amount out and lose money easily. would it be possible for a American to give out more than the item cost in yen and get the wrong change back and not know it? this would mean that the salesperson kept money for himself (stolen the money in other words).

unless u go to some shady place i seriously doubt u will ever run to any problems; every place has cash registers so you would know the exact amount you would pay, and plus there would be price tags and i presume you will actually read the price before buying. finally 99% of places will offer you a receipt after your purchase no matter how small

or if u mean that the greenback is all literally green and can confuse one bill from another, then dont worry; most country’s currency bills are in different colors for different demonimations so unless you are color blind i doubt you can get mixed up

romaji? :x Ugh I hate it so much. Totally impossible to read in my opinion. Just make some flashcards, hiragana is really easy actually. Back in Japanese 101, we learned all the hiragana in lesson 1. Lesson 2 we practiced. Lesson 3 was the test. Week 2 was the same with katakana. It was a rough first 2 weeks, but it was worth it. Romaji is totally worthless here really, you really don’t want to become dependant on it…

There are no shortcuts. If you want to learn Japanese, or any other foreign language, you got to take classes, and the sooner the better, 'cos the older you become, the capacity to quickly assimilate new languages diminishes.