Let's make the ultimate woman!

It’s like Serpentor only sexier! :slight_smile:

Oops… forgot to mention my entry. :slight_smile:

Mana & Mayu from MinDeaD BlooD. Why? Because they are a prime example of twincest that doesn’t need an outside influence for twincest. Those sisters were doing each other waaaaaaaaay before they found a mutual boyfriend. And once they did, the first thing they did was share him at the same time. :slight_smile:

This “creation” is getting cloned at least twice. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Mmm… too bad you can’t get an artist to try and draw each mish-mash as they get added…)

My taste may go a bit against some people’s though. :slight_smile:

Arisugawa Juri, from Utena. (The anime or movie version, NOT the manga version… I don’t think anyone likes the manga version.)

She’s elegant, strong, and clever, and will whip you mercilessly with a sword. Appears aloof in order to hide her INNER ANGST (the weakness that can be exploited…). And, of course, is a lesbian.

Combined with your input, this produces:

Supernatural warrior clones who are TOTALLY into each other and yet refuse to admit it, until you come along and provide a convenient excuse for them to all pile into bed together.

[ 07-06-2007, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: papillon ]

Me ?

Let me put it this way, I have five females that I love, each unique and eccentric in their own right, but individuals who are one of a kind. The last two, however, are stereotypical as stereotypical can be, but I find her a necessary balance.


Pay no attention to the girl with the black hair. She’s your typical female/male sane protagonist who is eneded for story dierection. But she is irrelevant.

Because the focus here is NieA_7. Imagine Kaolla Su, or Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the IV, as the protagonist. SOunds impossible ? But it was done. NieA_7 is the title character here, the chief focus, the character that drives this one show. Boisterous, exuberant and effervescent, and yet, greedy, wild, uncotrollable and very, very selfish. A free spirit, eccentric in her quirks and likes. Never mind the fact that she is an alien.

The seocnd is Excel, from Excel Saga. Wait… what ? EXCEL ?!!

Yes. I want my significant to not only be eccentric, but also nigh-invincible, continuously loyal, and self-sacrificng. Which contradicts a lot of the NieA_7 elements, but hell.

And then, there’s Haruhi Suzumiya

Yes, Suzumiya-san. I like her proactiveness. I like her willpower, her controlled mix of patience and impatience, her determination and drive, and her indomnitable nature. That I also love is her ability to control everything in the universe,a s a Godly love…w ithout even knowing about it. Some woudl say its subservience. I’d say it’s the closest thing we have to Tolkein’s mythopoeia, where Tolkien once said that "myths are real’, where a human does the work ofc reation by weaving a tale. Haruhi takes the step further by making he dreams metaphorically, and literally, real.


Now… for the other side.

The more, pragmatic side.

You know, even though Ryo looks uncomfortable in this picture, he has to admit it, his elder adoptive sister, Ayame, IS hot. And, even if she is not as hot as many other people… I just her like character. Responisble, caring and decisive, amrred only by her infatuation for her younger, handsome brother.

And then, there’s Fujioka Haruhi. The female Kyon, from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. The stereotypical androgynous female lead.


To be truthful, I’m not one for boob sizes, big or small, what I care for is character.

So, what we have here are two entirely different twins.

One is completely quirky and crazy who can come up with the wierdest inventions, ahs great psycho-kinetic energy, and is as out of thsi world as you can possibly imagine

The other is a bisexual elder sister type who just likes to dote on anyone below her, be it brother or sister (adoptive or related), and can handle any situation, though ahs her own shortocmings despite her pragtamism and responsibility.

And whiel the game would seem yarugee, it would turn out to have an added chocie where you can play ita s either light side or dark side, depending on the sister you want.