Lewdness: Vita Sexualis English Translation

Hey guys! Just wondering if there is any chance Lewdness from Empress gets translated. I’ve played through it in Japanese and thought it was really good. Wouldn’t mind paying for an English play through though…

Moved to “Your Suggestions To Us”

Pretty sure this has been mentioned a number of times. Thanks for the recommendation.

Alright, thanks. Hopefully, we can get Lewdness in English one day. Would be a day one buy…

Considering how many people want more Empress, I am surprised JAST still didn’t announce any more Empress titles.

Just on more comment on day-one purchase on any sei shoujo/impress title. Please make it happen :)
(Ho, and you work on Starless was stellar)

bird said:
Just on more comment on day-one purchase on any sei shoujo/impress title. Please make it happen :)
(Ho, and you work on Starless was stellar)

Same! I would buy any of them is they were translated tbh!