Light nukige should be short

I think the subject of this topic says everything.

Don’t you think light sex romps should be short (2-5H) ?
The main point of light nukige is definitively not the story… it’s the ero content.
So why should we spend 10-30H going trough stupid dialogues just to finaly go to te next H-scene ?

Why am I talking about that ? It’s just that I’m playing cosplay fetish academy and I’m already bored (after just 2H).
And I remember how long, boring and repetitive were Amorous professor cherry, secret wives club, …

I prefer VN like Princess Eris or Sono hanabira. Those are also sex romps but at least they’re short enough so you won’t have the time to get bored.

I did not think Cosplay Fetish Academy was boring, but I understand where you are coming from - sometimes these games can get boring, filled with huge stretches of slow and not particularly interesting dialog or narrative. And while I have problem with either, the writers really need to pay attention to what kind of game they’re making and the audience it is likely to appeal to.

I sort of agree with the overall idea (that nukige - not light nukige, but ALL nukige - why did you make this distinction?) should be short.

Note that nukige doesn’t just mean ‘lots of sex scenes’. I would be hesitant to classify a number of Atelier Kaguya’s games as nukige, for reference. It means the titles are entirely focused on the sex (Cosplay Fetish Academy is something I haven’t played so I couldn’t say if it’s nukige or not.) and as such generally do not have much of a plot. As such, a nukige typically doesn’t have much else other than H scenes and if it’s too long there’s a large risk of repetition. Softhouse Seal length (2-3 hours or so) would probably be appropriate, if the price also matches the length.

As Lancer-X pointed out, Nukige is a well defined genre. Cosplay Fetish Academy is not a nukige. Just the fact that you don’t get any H scene in the first few hours (well, except for the one of Akane and your brother, but you get the point) clearly points out this fact. There’s a fair amount of humour and character development in CFA, so definitely not a nukige. I’m not sure I would call Sono Hanabira a nukige, too. I’m not sure about the first episode, since I’ve only played the third, but I’d say the game dedicates quite some time to the relation between the characters (with flashbacks and all) and to talk about their daily lives. There’s lot of sex, sure, but that’s not the only focus.

The problem is that some games with a little story and huge ero content (like cfa) end up with a story so bad you start thinking the game is all about sex, even though that’s not exactly the case. Long nukiges are something more fearful than that. Pick Liquid’s Hentai Seiheki, for example. You get a sex scene each five minutes at max (right from the beginning), no character development, practically no story, characters that show the same reactions to the same abuses over and over again.

So yeah, Nukige should be short, but be careful that’s not exactly “lot of ero”=nukige :wink:

I think we’ve gotten so caught up with the prescene of story-heavy games that we’re failing to take into consideration the entire premise of nukige in and of itself. I mean, if we already know that a nukige is intended to be designed as a story-light title that puts its primary focus on sex scenes, shouldn’t they actually be judged on the sex scenes, rather than their plot or character development? Why bother complaining about the lack of plot/character development and using that to assert an opinion about the length of such games if the whole point of creating a nukige is to ditch such things in favor of having lots of H-scenes?

I mean, I can understand complaints about how writers sometimes lack variety when they create H-scenes, but if you already know that a title you’re getting is a nukige, shouldn’t you actually be, you know, playing for the H-scenes, and not the plot? With that in mind, why does nukige have to be short to be enjoyable to someone who plays it? I think a more fair opinion would be “non-nukige fans shouldn’t play nukige”, rather than “nukige should be short”. I mean, it’s perfectly obvious that you guys are fans that prefer to play for the plot and character development as opposed to sex scenes, so why bother playing nukige to begin with if you already know that it’s not even designed to cater to fans of story-heavy games?

Seriously, these games already expensive in Japan as it is–Most games cost around 10,000 yen (100 dollars) over there. Do you really think Japanese fans who play these types of games are going to appreciate it if the writers greatly shortened their lengths?

Because there is nothing else in english of course. :lol:

If I were japanese, I would hav a huge choice of VN and I would only have time to pick VN I’d like to try.
Unfortunately (or not), I have to stick to what’s available in english and then I can (need to) nag about VN I don’ like :wink:

True… but you can still consider it’s between a nukige and a moege then.

Are you sure it’s the length you’re complaining about and not the pacing (i.e., overabundance of filler)? By pacing, I mean plot and action–meaningful things happening. You don’t need a top-class story to have good pacing that captures the viewer’s attention. Or do you really just want wall-to-wall H-scenes with minimal dialogue? I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy paying $20-$30 for 2-3hrs of playtime–it’s kind of low on the value scale. At that point, why not just buy an H-anime and at least get it animated?

Like Softhouse Seal titles, the Sono Hanabira games are probably borderline nukiges. In eroges from both companies, you get an initial establishment before the sex starts, and although there’s certainly more than just ero after that, it’s still predominantly what drives the scenario along. When the SH characters are having sex in the classroom/infirmary/clothing stores/at the back of the school etc. (in fact, most places where there’s no-one else in the immediate vicinity), I think that definitely pushes the games into nukige territory. :stuck_out_tongue: (Edit: Well, perhaps it’s not so much sex that drives SH’s plotlines, but rather that few of their encounters don’t involve an ero-scene).

While I certainly think that nukiges work best as shorter, low budget works, having a full price game will generally ensure that things will be of a higher quality in terms of seiyuu, BGM, quality of art etc., and that the material will be unique to that eroge, rather than having recycled BGM and backgrounds. For example, I doubt Choukou Sennin Haruka would have been one of 2008’s best selling eroges if it was sold for 1/3rd the price, with 1/3rd of the content, although it perhaps would have been a better game if it was cut back, as after a while it gets extremely repetitive. Alice Soft does release a lot of 2940 yen nukigeish eroges, and they do sell well, but they’re nowhere near the popularity level of their full prices titles.

With regards to the price, H-animes are sold for far less outside of Japan, and a decent short low budget nukige will last 5-6 times longer than the average 30 minute OVA, while probably costing a lot less. Perhaps for that reason, animated scenes are rather common in low price nukiges, whereas they’re still relatively uncommon in full price eroges.

I agree, Pick Me Honey is not as good as I was hoping for, but I am enjoying Tottemo Phermome, despite being a nukige