Lightning warrior Raidy 2

Ok so I was looking at my “rightstuf” catalog, and it lists raidy 2 as being released 2/28/09

Is this about as reliable as an amazon release date? Cause this is the first I’ve heard about it :stuck_out_tongue:

not even close
the next game is from peach princess/g-collection is either Cat Girl Alliance, Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku, or Cosplay Fetish Academy

never trust a rightstuf date, they CONSTANTLY make up random numbers to stick into their catalog.

According to Lamuness, there will be an announcement soon.
After playing PW, I need some good romance ( => Family Project <= )

The last romance VN released was Snow Sakura and it was more than one year ago. As a pure lightsider, I can’t wait to play Family Project 8)

While Peach Princess is generally fairly quiet about the release date of games, they do very reliably release some information.

In particular, when a game goes gold master, it’s announced here and on the front page. A game has to go gold master at least a few weeks before it can ship; and since PP is a small customer, with small print runs, they don’t get priority, so often it can be a month before the discs are done. After that happens, the discs have to be sent to the distributor.

Since it’s 2/9 right now, it’s essentially impossible for all of this to happen in time for the game to release end of the month.

Figured as much :smiley:
Never hurts to ask

Still, I have to say I’m looking forward to this game. :smiley:

I’m hoping it’s released soon ™, but from what I understand it’s not the highest priority title. :cry:

Weeellll… as for the first game, it’s a bit tongue-in-cheek really. The cast is nearly completely all-female, and with a noteably kinky bent. The unusual thing is it’s wrapped into an actual game.

In development as of May 10th… so it’s still in the works:
