'Lightning Warrior Raidy III' Unofficial-ish Discussion Thread

It should be out now for those with the digital download edition. I can download it at least, can’t wait to play after work!

Problem is that no-one, not even I, has gotten the download code that J-list said they would provide.

Many of J-List's staff are based in Japan, so their work day is out-of-sync with JAST's. Since the download codes from J-List have to be processed by hand, that adds some delay. Hopefully JAST will keep good on their word and have the download code distribution process automated by the time Shiny Days releases next month.

Just downloaded mine, extracting now.

I just got mine a little bit ago! Downloading it now! :smiley:

My copy shipped, and now I’m downloading too!

Ok, I’m having problems. If I try to watch the prologue with the intro video, I get a crash with “Command execution error, Error Code 010E0000”.

At the end of the first scene, I should have mentioned.

Ok, problem solved I think. Either LAV filters or ffdshow clash with the game. Removing them fixed the problem.

Damn, why doesn't this forum have a post edit function?

There's a different executable for the windowed version in the game directory.

Great, now I have a problem with a boss. The queen bee always beats me without a battle, but I have searched the hive from top to bottom with not solution.

I think you have to be in beast form in order to fight her.

First impressions, I have to laugh a bit at the intro video that seems to have got the names of all three of Raidy's party members different to how they're shown in the game (FonFon, Tiss and Foless rather than Fonfon, Tis and Folles). I also see Eruje which I'm expecting will be Erouge later on in the intro (for similar consistency with previous games) and Kuakku who I'm really going to struggle not to call Quack.

I too have the video problem. I'm very happy with my LAV Filters setup so I'm not going to mess about with that when I can just watch the video from the game directory.

On the first start for me, the BGM and Sound/Voice mix was strange. I had to lower the BGM slider a lot to really hear the others. Is that the same for anyone else?

Other than that, enjoying the intro so far. I like the recaps about previous games, including some uses of art (did they even draw new art with Gav?) and mentions of previous characters. I'm really hoping a couple of them cameo later on to help it all feel connected. But then I really hope the Knight Errant from 1 will return at some point, she just kind of vanished which was a huge shame since she was my favourite of the boss girls.

The default sound settings aren't good. I also adjusted them so that I could hear the voices, especially since I know some Japanese and I want to hear what they're saying.

I'm guessing the translation of character names in the OP was done separately from the translation and editing of the game. *shrug*


Just played through the prologue and the first floor of the initial dungeon. As promised, the prologue is pretty substantial--took me 1-2hrs on auto mode pausing for all the voices. Raidy 3 actually has a story. The setting gets some development, and characters other than Raidy and her trio of comrades have their own motives and place in the world. For a Raidy game, the development of the characters and setting was unexpected.

The gameplay is... as expected, barebones dungeon crawling. Not much different from Raidy 2 in that respect. Fusing with the 3 heroines buffs Raidy's stats in different ways. The wolf girl gives Raidy high hit rate and evasion, but penalizes her defense. The demon girl gives Raidy high attack power and defense, at the expense of hit rate. The elf girl is balanced with medium attack power. Unfused Raidy is pretty weak with very low attack power (at least with her starting weapon), and she won't be able to deal with threats unless she outlevels them significantly.

In the very first floor the demon girl is not very useful, as her hit rate is so low you'll have to attack 20 times or so to kill anything. There's no true "shop" in this game, at least at this point; instead you automatically trade random drops from enemies and are rewarded with various items. Until she hits level 3 Raidy is extremely weak, and she can be 1 or 2-hit by the strongest mob on the first floor, so you'll want to save often. Of note is that the H-scenes, both victory and defeat ones, vary significantly depending on who Raidy is fused with (they're not simple palette swaps with added lines or added characters). This adds some degree of replayability, as each boss encounter can lead to 8 unique H-scenes.

It's worth mentioning that there's absolutely zero explanation what the various stats do in-game. DMG and DEF are fairly self-explanatory, but AP and PP are not. My guess is that AP affects hit rate and PP affects evasion rate. While I don't see any issues with the dialogue translation, small issues like this do mar the experience (it's not good when I feel like I need to hunt down Japanese screenshots to figure out what's going on with the system).

AP and PP are present in the previous games, and the pdf manual that came with the first says that AP is indeed attack accuracy. PP is listed as attack speed. There's no guarantee these were translated or even provided correct though. Guides for previous games seem to say PP is evasion instead.

What I can find are that their increases, along with DMG and DEF, are constant for each level up. So if you level up, load, then level up again, they'll be the same. This is unlike HP and MP, which are randomly increase by between - if I remember - 8 and 21 from the first two games. I've done a few reloads now and it seems it's now between 8 and 15 instead.

This is all with Fonfon. I expect switching to other or no partners will change the DMG, DEF, AP and PP stats in various ways.

I'm unsure if the automatic loss to the first boss and the combat loss are any different. The text looked the same but Skip stopped working part-way through the latter. It might have been because of the animations though. I really hope it's not the case, because it took the receipt of seven critical hits to manage to lose. Just like previous games, the bosses can be so easy it' becomes quite a challenge to lose.

Speaking of which, other ease of life measures used in other games remain too. I'm so glad we can still use the arrow keys to move.

I'm quite intrigued by the Erouge auto-supply mechanic. At the moment I'm expecting the random items received after battle just count towards different supplies, because I can't see anywhere in my inventory listing them. It also obsoletes gold, but that does still accumulate as well if slower than previous games. I wonder if there'll actually be a debt mechanic or if it's just cosmetic. Or maybe the debt thing is a story device and gold will have a use later? I haven't seen any equipment upgrades yet...

I looked up a Japanese guide. In the Japanese version the stats are clearly labeled (it's ironic that I can read the Japanese menus in most games but the English menu here leaves me befuddled). I played the Japanese version of the first two games, so I never encountered the English menu translations--and besides, players should be able to pick up Raidy 3 without having played the previous games. The menu translation should be as follows:





RPG players will be able to figure out those abbreviations at least, and players of previous Raidy games won't be left confused either.

No. Mine still has preshipment as the only status update from the 22nd, although the email with the tracking code was received on the 20th (and the email from stamps.com on the 21st).


on the First Floor, play in Beast mode, or Demon mode and equip the appropriate weapon.

look through all the rooms before fighting the boss on Underground Waterway 1

Floor 2 Fight the boss as Raidy, as Thunder Slash is critical to damage her enough between paralysis turns to turn the fight in your favor.

Demon form works on floor 2 as your defense is so high you barely take damage. Miss rate is so high that the battle will drag on for a while, but I didn't have to use any potions.