'Lightning Warrior Raidy III' Unofficial-ish Discussion Thread

I've got to the third boss now. I can say a few other things.

The gameplay is pretty much identical to 2 after all. The interface is pretty much a dead ringer. Learning more about stats, AP, DMG, DEF and PP go up a fixed amount every level no matter your partner (1, 4, 3 and 1). Partners affecting stats just seems like a simple + or - to each so Tis who starts out fairly bad might be the best option later when her accuracy cost isn't so bad.

The maps are interesting. They have differing shapes which might be for variety but I get the impression with some gaps (and no hidden walls) that there will be passageways and extra areas in a floor accessed from another floor. I like the sound of that, it's an addition 2 didn't make full use of.

There's more plot. I'm impressed. Potential spoiler, but I might be completely barking up the wrong tree: Fonfon says Fey's scent is very familiar, and she has an almost identical hairstyle to Knight Errant, the remaining boss girl from Cubust's tower who has since vanished. Is it too early to hope?

Downloading a new game is always an anus-clenching adventure.

Got my copy of Raidy (I like to say: laydee) III this past weekend.

I like to store my games on my laptop, but that doesn't always work. When I got Steins:Gate, I had to store it on my Wife's B110, which is not at all different from my laptop, so why it worked there, instead of the latter is beyond me. It was a little bit inconvenient for awhile, because the Wife uses that computer about fourteen hours a day and it's hard for me to get any time on it. But that problem was solved when Microsoft stopped supporting our version of Windows and we had to get the Wife a new computer. So now I can play Steins: Gate to my heart's content, because I inherited her old one.

So now on to Raidy. Here again, I tried loading the game onto my laptop first. I got the movie, but no dice on the set up, which seemed to work on the Steins: Gate computer--I mean the program went through all its rigamarole and even deposited an icon on the desktop, but it won't open. Reluctantly, I had to turn to the Wife's new computer, which loaded the game in no time flat and with a smile on its face. But I don't expect to get much time to play it until such time as Windows changes again. When that happens, I'll tell you what I think about the game.

This is the 3rd report of this game not working on Windows XP that I've seen. I suspect JAST is going to have to patch this.

Windows 7, and it "works".

However, if I alt-tab out, when I come back while the sound works, the game no longer renders, so I have to force close it. At which point I get a "Direct3D reset failed ErrorCode 00010201" message.

Note: This is the non-windowed exe. Installed via disk, didn't know there was a separate windowed exe until I read the other thread. The windowed exe doesn't seem to have the problem.

I’m not sure whether my game is bugged or not, but I’m able to use Thunder Slash and similar moves with a fusion now. I’ve hit the level cap (40, lower than the 50 it was in 2). Spoilers are necessary to explain where I am in the game now.

I’m in the Mysterious Forest and fused with Folles. I explored the whole place. It seems Raidy’s charge moves are now Charge, Thunder Slash, Thunder Blast (I think this was from 2) and Ecstasy Slash. I can use the last of these without any charges but it costs all Raidy’s MP.

I’m not sure if the game was meant to explain it to me at some point, but it didn’t and I was caught by surprise when the Charge button worked. I don’t think it’s got anything to do with the Erouge scenes because I loaded my save to rewind past the last one in case the upgrade is for something better later on.

Right now I’m really disheartened by this game. I’m only at the beginning, the second waterways dungeon, just beaten the second boss. I’ve hit level 10 just spamming attack, still no abilities, spells, talents or anything. Spam “attack”, get levels, see 2D tits, move on.

I was given a free license by JAST USA to review this game, but so far, it’s been seriously mediocre. I do affiliate marketing to J-List and Mangagamer by posting about their games on Tumblr. But Raidy 3, so far, has been mediocre in every conceivable aspect, excluding costume design and voice acting. I don’t feel good about this. I’m guessing this game was pushed out for hardcore Raidy fans. What disturbs me most is I haven’t even gotten off on the imagery, which is the least you’d expect from a nukige.

I don’t understand. Were Raidy 1 and 2 the same way? Does the combat get any deeper later on?

What I've seen of Raidy 3 is about the same as Raidy 2, with maybe a little more story to it. Raidy 1 is decidedly inferior to both 2 and 3. You're right to call the gameplay simplistic, because it is. If you're looking for a better gameplay-focused title with a focus on ero, you should look forward to Beat Blades Haruka.

Also, Raidy 3 was one of the last titles released by struggling developer Zyx. It's sort of surprising the game was released at all, as everyone had thought Zyx was dead. It's quite possible the game only got finished because the English market showed an interest in the previous two titles.

As I wrote in my blog post:

Background and my perspective

Raidy 3 is actually the first new entry in the series; the others are remakes of older games from the mid 1990s. As such the story and gameplay in Raidy 3 may be more up to date. Raidy 2 is significantly longer and more content-filled than Raidy 1 (with about 3x the content of Raidy 1), and I'm hoping Raidy 3 continues this trend. Raidy 1 is very short and not worth the asking price of $25, in my opinion. While there's some small degree of continuity in characters and setting, this is a series I would recommend jumping in wherever you feel comfortable; don't get hung up on missing previous entries, especially Raidy 1. Above all, keep in mind that these are gameplay nukige with very primitive gameplay and storytelling; don't get your hopes up too much. If you're looking for meatier H-RPGs, check out Brave Soul, Aselia the Eternal, Yumina the Ethereal, JAST's upcoming Seinarukana (~November 2015), and Mangagamer's recently announced Beat Blades Haruka. Fans of the Raidy series should also check out Demon Master Chris, a doujin yuri-focused dungeon crawler from Mangagamer.

So I discovered a rather irritating system issue. There's only 50 save slots, and I don't see a way in-game to delete old save slots to make room (other than simply overwriting). Furthermore, as far as I can tell the save data for the entire game is kept in a single file (RAIDY3R.SAV), which means I can't get rid of unnecessary save slots outside of the game either. This is a problem since I need a permanent save before each boss fight if I want to go back later and unlock H-scenes (8 variations per boss), and I need a way of organizing the saves so I can actually find them later.

That's kind of a silly oversight in system design. -_-;

I kind of sympathize with OtakuApologist's views on Raidy 3. The fusion system seems like a good idea but I wonder if it may have been to the games detriment. It doesn't add a lot in terms of gameplay as the core system is so simplistic, and it now means that there are huge numbers of alternate H-scenes but (IMHO) individually they're not very long or satisfying. It makes unlocking them all a chore too.

I like the game but I just don't enjoy it as much as I remember enjoying Raidy 2. I'll have to go back and play that one to see if it's just nostalgia talking.

Oh, I agree that the gameplay in Raidy 3 is way too simplistic. But Raidy 1 and 2 weren't really any better in that regard. I'm pretty sure this (along with Raidy 2) is currently still the best gameplay nukige officially released in English, considering their only competition is Softhouse-Seal's titles.

Finished the main story. which I thought was decent.

If ever there is a Raidy 4, this is what I would want.

1. Keep Fusion, but throw a bit more gameplay elements into it.
-MP was useless unless you were Raidy, that needs to change. For example when merged with Folles have access to Spells that improve either attack or defense, with Fonfon have access to special wolf attacks or weapon skills that do extra damage but use mp to use. With Tis, she could have spells that take hp away from enemies to restore yours, and have access to Demon Fire attacks…

2. I absolutely hated the weapon upgrade system in the game, due to the fact that Erouge would pop out something you already had or wouldn’t upgrade items in the correct order. I got the chainmail after I had got the plate armor. got an extra tier 1 shield that I already had. I’d like to see a combo of Raidy 1 & 2 for weapon upgrades, have a shop for basic weapons and then be able to find weapons / armor throughout the game which are better than the shop stuff, or be able to craft better weapons / armor at the blacksmith with enough Gold / materials.

3. Story was fine and was the best part of 3, so something about a sorceress trying to steal all the spirit powers and only Raidy, Leeah and Wynn are left…Something like that.
Final Boss Fight would be Raidy merged with all 3 of the monster girls able to manifest whichever form she wants with a recharge timer on when she can switch forms.

@sanahtlig - Technically there are those really really old RPGs from the very dawn of localization like Cobra Mission and Knights of Xentar, but those would not hold up at all for modern audiences.

I'm sort of doubtful Knights of Xentar would even work on modern PCs. Also, I don't know about Cobra Mission, but Knights of Xentar wasn't really a nukige. I mean it had a lot of ecchi scenes, but the porn element was pretty superficial--and that's actually what made it good.

I'm thoroughly confused. Can't seem to get past Anthill 2 as the two doors there are locked, and I've smacked my head against every single wall on the floor without finding anything more than the secret room in the middle with a few potions inside of it. Been stuck here for a week now, is there a key somewhere that I should have found by any chance? <.<;

You have to go to the next floor. There are spots which make you fall down to the first floor.

Well the thing is I can't get past the second floor to Anthill 3, like I mentioned the doors are locked, so I can only really be in floor 1, the bottom one, and the limited area of Anthill 2 that I can be in. Where ish on the map might the spot be?

Floor 1

You need to get the key at point B(19,10).
Then go to point C. This should activate the fall spots.

Floor 2

I need some help! I finished the game. As far as I know I won and lost against all the bosses with all the potential combinations. So I should be done. But when I go to the CG collection in Scenes I am missing the last three boxes on the bottom row of page 2, and the first two boxes on the top row of page 3. This makes me think there must have been a scene I missed. Can anyone tell me what these scenes are?


any sources where i can download the opening theme song?