Little My Maid

Phew, for a second there I thought God hated me…

It seems that my Lite-on LDW-401s DVD burner refuses to read the Little My Maid disc, it doesn’t even spin up when I insert it. Thankfully my regular DVD drive read it without problems.

For a moment, I was afraid I’d have to remove one of the DVD drives and plug in my old CD burner instead (not enough molex cables in my PC for all of them), or in the event that even this would not work, steal the CD drive from my Dad’s computer. And maybe find out afterwards that the disc was defective (heaven forbid!).

Anyway, the morale of the story is: Always have more than one optical disc drive in your computer (and different brands/types).

The installation finished while I was typing this, so excuse me if I go AWOL for a few weeks (MWA HAHAHAHA!). Ah yes, it feels good not being the absolutely last person to get a game for once…

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 12-29-2004).]

It seems most of the Preorders that have been mailed out so far are going to Europe first, and then they will probably get to us the domestic Pre-orders next.

Hopefully they will get it out to us soon, maybe before New Years???

This is one the reasons why I used to like G-C. It ususally took three to four days for me to recieve shipment from them, not the ten to twelve days it takes Jlist or PP. Why Europe first?

Originally posted by Jason4:
*prepares to fire a Stinger Ground-to-Air missile at AG3*

That helmet won't save you, son. [img][/img]

Well, at least I'll die with a smile on my face [img][/img]

I've played it for a few hours, got endings 3 and 8 with Mayu. There are a number of spelling errors and minor flaws here and there, and while they are pretty obvious, they don't really ruin the dialogue or anything.

I have one question to anyone else who might have played through it: Is there supposed to be no music in the credits video? The video (Ending.Dat) can be played on a normal media player too, but I can't hear any music at all. Either it's a codec problem or they simply left it out, though I'm leaning towards the codec problem myself. The file is about 40MB big for just 2 minutes, and additionally it's very unusual to have no music at all during credits.

Could be a codec problem, if so since I deal with just about every type of audio/video codec in existance, I have a good chance of having it work… If/when I ever do recieve my copy…

Btw a real sniper would kill you with or without the helmet… In fact most real modern sniper rifles go by the term AMR (Anti-Material Rifle) because they can kill tanks at a couple miles let alone people…

i thought mpeg-1 files are pretty universal but i guess i learn something everyday

it’s 99% a codec issue. try installing this codec and see if it works

I received a mail from J-List stating that my order should be shipped within 24 hours.

Huh? o_O

So those of you who have the game, how 'bout some previews/reviews?

I too got the message last week that it was ready to ship and notification that my CC billed on the 21st. Yet, today I am getting the same memo of 24 hrs.

I am hopeful given that some posted that they recieved LMM b4 they got this memo. But, even with Xmas, I’m finding it surprising that overseas customers got packages I certainly should have seen in the same time period.

My understanding is CC billings (not the holds) should not go through unless the product has indeed shipped. I’ll still by furture titles, but thats just a little disapppointing if I was indeed charged for a product that wasnt shipping for over a week later.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
i thought mpeg-1 files are pretty universal but i guess i learn something everyday

it's 99% a codec issue. try installing this codec and see if it works

It didn't. It seems I had the same filter, except it was a dirt-old version of it, but updating it didn't work. I fiddled around with the ffdshow audio filter configuration, since it wouldn't be the first time ffdshow prevented something from working. After disabling it entirely, I got the music to appear... Sigh, stupid ffdshow.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 12-30-2004).]

I just got my first ending, ending 11. I should have played just a little longer yesterday, then I would already have gotten it. Hehe.

I heard the Game Credits song. No problems.

The game is… strange. There is undoubtably a twist and a story behind it, but I found it hard to reach. It offers you sex at almost every turn, and most of the time there’s no option to prevent it.
After the first day, trying to prevent your personal stamina bar to deplete is almost impossible. o_O

So, mixed feelings this far.

Woohoo! Little My Maid arrived this morning and I have been enjoying it for a while now. I have already gotten endings 1,2 & 8, sigh, I keep getting ending 2 and don’t seem to be making much more progress at the moment but this is just my first day so better luck finding the endings tomorrow. I was hoping for the cards with the game but I got the keyrings instead, still happy though.

EDIT: It wasn’t actually #2 it was just listed at second place on the endings list for some reason, I now have endings 1,5,8,9&11.

[This message has been edited by MadMooch (edited 12-31-2004).]


still waiting to hear from PP, confirming that my order is process.

I’m still waiting. But I know the story because I have Japanese Version for LMM. Anyway, I have my walkthrough already so I can gather the all of the CGs and ED’s in one day…

Originally posted by MadMooch:
I have already gotten endings 1,2 & 8, sigh, I keep getting ending 2 and don't seem to be making much more progress at the moment but this is just my first day so better luck finding the endings tomorrow.

Wow, you've gotten endings 1 and 2. I haven't gotten those yet even though I think I've gotten around 6 of the endings already. Ending #11 is just way too common.

I've read some grumblings about the problems w/ JAST and Peach Princess, but I've never really had any problems with them. I've also been on the Pre-order list for Little My Maid for YEARS, and I think that I actually moved two times from when my original pre-order was placed. However, I think after I got the emails that my order was shipping and my CC charged, I got my package within a week. It probably helps that I live in California now. I remember having another problem from a previous order of my own making. I basically ordered a game that I already had since for some reason it was still hanging around on my pre-order list. Anyway, Peter Payne himself helped me clear the issue up. [img][/img]

The game itself is pretty straightforward. I had the same problem as another person here. The CD would not play from my NEC DVD player, but was fine from my Plextor CD player. I was sweating bullets for a while there thinking I would need to get a replacement copy. When I played the game, I liked the menu system since it looked sleek, but I have a couple of pet peeves. First there's no skip over messages you've already seen option, just a skip all like there are in some other games. I liked that so I could just read the ones I hadn't seen yet. The other pet peeve is that the Quick Load button is too close to the Skip button. I've accidentally hit that a couple of times.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I received a mail from J-List stating that my order should be shipped within 24 hours.

Huh? o_O

Well i got one of those to [img][/img]
Dont know whats going on here???

What the hell? I got ending #11 again. I took a completely different path, and my main character did something very bad too, that I couldn’t prevent.

sigh Oh well. I’ll try again tomorrow.

I just received LMM and Installation is finished. Let’s start. wait about 4-5hours to complete the game… I know the story line so I just gather the CGs…

Hehe, I said I would play again tomorrow, but since I’m a bit addicted and had nothing better to do, I played again.

Yaay, I got ending 1! :slight_smile:
It was beautiful…
It took me three tries on getting well with Mari, though. The choices can be misleading at times.

I think that if you don’t focus hard on one thing, you automatically get ending #11.

…I just finish the LMM. I gather the all of the endings and work-through are mostly done but, I couldon’t gather the all of the CGs it. I think it is hard to gather the all og the CGs. Anyway, my work-through are done and from this work through you will have all of the END…