Little my Maid's story *SPOILERS!*

I’ve finally gotten all the endings in Little my Maid now. :slight_smile: So, now I want to talk about the story behind the game. I haven’t seen any discussion about it.

I’ll start with trying to summarise the story.

So, the Urashima Taro story really happened. He and Hime had three children, which are the three maids. When Urashima left, Hime was heart-broken, and she tries to forget the pain through sex. She also got obsessed with the ‘now’, refusing to accept the past and the future. She said something about Urashima always looking to the future…

Aya loved Urashima too, but being that Hime, who is her sister, is the Empress, she gave him up for her. She hid her feelings, even when he left.

There are two things that leave me thinking. Aya said something about her turning into bubbles in the ocean, which Ohji related to the fairy tale that if a mermaid doesn’t find her prince, she turns into bubbles. Was this just poetry, or does this really happen to the mermaids? It would explain why they all want your attention.

I’m not sure I get this ‘rules’ business. Aya says that Hime made them, and Ohji guessed that it was because of something from the past. So I’m guessing that this is to make every day the same, and make everything fit a pattern. It seems convenient for Aya, though, because she can use them to hide behind.

That’s good. LMM really had a great story. I’m all into that.


Yeah, i thought that was sad too. I finished Hime’s scenario first, and i got the impression she really left all behind, her title as a princess, her family, the underwater palace, everything. She even abandoned the sea and made a castle above the sea, in dry land.


Yeah, another mermaid-girl heartbroken by Urashima. But that makes her aunt of the 3 maids, right?


I think it really happens, but for some reason the mermaid can choose between turn into bubbles or be banished or make something else, like kill the prince. Hime decided not turn into bubbles because she was left with 3 daughters to take care.

Do you remember the mermaid inside the well in the game NOCTURNAL ILLUSION? She too chose not to turn into bubbles because she was pregnant. For her baby, instead she chose to kill the prince who abandoned her and her baby for another woman.

Even worse is the fact Hime made her 3 daughters to give pleasure to any man bring to the mansion, as part of the training. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 04-16-2007, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]


There are two things that leave me thinking. Aya said something about her turning into bubbles in the ocean, which Ohji related to the fairy tale that if a mermaid doesn’t find her prince, she turns into bubbles. Was this just poetry, or does this really happen to the mermaids? It would explain why they all want your attention.

In the orginal story the Little Mermaid by H.C. Andersen he uses that theme too, that the mermaid when she cannot win the love of her prince and she cannot kill him, she becomes bubbles on the ocean.

[ 04-16-2007, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Johan ]

I have been thinking about this undersea and island castle business, and I think that it always was above the sea, and that the undersea palace is part of the story turning into a fairy tale. But then you have to wonder how they are mermaids if they always live on the land.

Yup. :slight_smile:

That would explain why the box that Urashima opens kills him, which he was advised not to open if he ever was going to come back. It never made sense to me that his old age would come out of that box, because time just flows differently in the mermaids’ world.

No, I’ve yet to play that game. :confused:

I guess it makes sense that it’s part of the training.


But in the case of Urashima, he was taken by a sea turtle to the castle INSIDE the water. In the case of Ohji, he was taken by Mari to the castle ABOVE the water, in a boat. That don’t mean there are two different locations to the castle?

And again, maybe the turtle just sink and went up later.


Yeah, basically she chose to kill him at that time because he was never come back to her and their children, or better saying, he killed himself.

And the bad thing is, apparently, she could wait for him back to her forever, because as a mermaid the time flows differently to her. But he made the bad choice.

That makes me wonder: how many years a mermaid can live? :frowning:


Uoooops! Sorry for the spoiler!! :eek:

Thinking well, it really makes sense. Absolutely no plain human will step in that castle anyway, except someone considerated worthy of being taken there.

Urashima was worthy, because he kindly helped the sea turtle, and Ohji is worthy too, because he helped Mari.

And if he is worthy of being there, he is a suitable candidate for any girl there, too. Probably he was the one being tested, not the maids.

[ 04-16-2007, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Well, maybe you’re right about this.

No, I’m afraid you’re wrong, Big Ben. Aya-san never called Mistress as “Hime-ne-sama”, “Hime-onee-sama” or whatever. She always called her as “Hime-sama”. I’ll post below a text transcription, adapted by me. If you read my post, you’ll see Aya-san isn’t not Hime-sama’s little sister (imouto).

Maybe you’re right, I guess…

My partial and adapted text transcription from “Little My Maid” (Little Mermaid) about Aya-san Happy Ending: Rebirth of Happiness.


Rebirth of Happiness

Aya: “I have been devoting myself to Mistress… Even when we loved the same man, I gave him up for her…”

Aya: “Even when I had to hear the happy laughs of the Mistress and the other man… I hid my own feelings somehow.”

Aya: “The Mistress was devastated when he left, and although I was also in pain I couldn’t even express my emotions when she was around me.”

It’s not possible… Aya has become a mermaid!?

Aya: “I want to fade away, and become bubbles in the ocean.”

You: “Bubbles in the ocean…? A mermaid…? Hime…? And, Ryugu Hall…?”

I finally understand everything that has been happening here.

This is a fairy tale world… in reality… This the one and only Sea Dragon Castle from the Legend of Urashima Taro!

After helping Mary, I was invited and entertained by Otohime and her maids of honor…

And everybody in the castle is a mermaid.

If that’s true…

A mermaid who fails to be chosen by a prince has to become bubbles in the ocean, just like in the story…

Aya: “But I’m not human…”

You: “So what if you’re a mermaid? I’m not going to let you go! We can be happy together.”

Fable 05: Rebirth of Happiness. Fin


My partial and adapted text transcription from “Little My Maid” (Little Mermaid) about Hime-sama Happy Ending: Dream’s Ending, Future’s Beginning.


Dream’s Ending, Future’s Beginning

I state my love fo Hime in no uncertain terms.

About Hime’s past…

The man who loved her… I can’t forget him. It’s impossible for me to forget him.

So I ask Aya to help put my mind at ease.

You: “Please tell me about what happened here before.”

“I want to make her happy! I want to be happy with her!”

Aya starts to speak.

Aya: “Her loving husband lived here for three years, but one day he suddenly went back to his home and passed way there…”

Aya: “Mistress’ salvation was her three children.”

I’m completely shocked by this news.

You: “H- Husband…? Children…? She was married before, and had children?”

Aya: “Yes… Mari, Hina and Mayu are Mistress’ daughters.”

You: “Wait! They’re just maids, aren’t they?”

Aya: “It’s a traditional in this family that children have to devote themselves as a maid for 7 years as soon as they turn thirteen years old.”

Aya: “When they turn 20 years old, they are examined to see if they are fit to become Empress.”

You: “Empress… meaning princess, queen, that kind of thing!?”

Aya: “That’s right. Mistress is the Empress.”

You: “You’re kidding, right? Anyway, which country is she Empress of?”

Aya: “Listen. You must pay careful attention to what I’m going to tell you because I, as a servant to the Empress, will surely to be punished for telling you this.”

Aya: “Mistress is the Empress of the Ryugu Empire which unified the entire Mermaid World. Therefore, her children are princesses.”

You: “M- Mermaid!?”

But… but, I made love to Hime. I saw her body.

As far as I could tell, she was a human.

Just as Aya in front of me is human.

… She is human, isn’t she!?

You: “But… What about you, Aya…?”

Aya: “As you might have guessed, I’m a mermaid, too.”

You: “So, was Hime’s husband also a mermaid!?”

Aya: “No… His name is Urashima, from the human world.”

Urashima…!? Urashima Taro!? The Japanese fairy tale…?

Aya: “You make your own decisions from here.”

Aya stops talking and doesn’t say anything more…

Hime: “I’m a widow with children… There are lots of nice girls out there. Are you sure you won’t be sorry later?”

A widow…? With children? That doesn’t matter!?

Mermaid…? Empress…? Otohime…? I don’t care!?

Anyway, the Urashima Taro Hime loved must have been a nice person.

Engaged to the mermaid Otohime, I profess my eternal love for her and live in this fairyland forever.

Fable 04: Dream’s Ending, Future’s Beginning. Fin



That don’t mean she was not really Hime’s sister. Remember at that time she was acting as just another servant like the others, and Hime was the mistress. Someone so strict as her surely will act accordinly her role as a servant and forget all her family ties.

Not just her, all the other 3 maids were actually Hime’s daughters, but we never saw them call her “mother”. They were calling her “mistress”, like real servants. And Aya never treat them as princesses ,too.

That’s not the first time we saw a servant-character calling other members of her family by respectful tittles. Remember the maid Sicile from the game GLORIA [CS’Ware].

Yet, maybe you’re right and she was not acting. She was a real servant of the Mistress. That’s so confusing… :frowning:

By the way, thanks for your hard work writing some of the endings! :smiley:

[ 04-30-2007, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

No, you’re wrong because in each Happy Ending, Mari-chan, Hina-chan and Mayu-chan always called Hime-sama as Oka-sama (Mother) in the ending. But they (girls) never called Urashima as Oto-sama (Father)…

Then, I’m almost sure Aya-san is a closer servant, but not little sister.

Ugh… I like only some B-games from “C’s ware” as “Divi-Dead”, “EVE burst error”, “ADAM THE DOUBLE FACTOR”, “Desire”… But I dislike “GLORIA” and “Amy’s Fantasies” (‘Don’t Call Me Eimmy’ or ‘Eimi to Yobanai de!’).

Well, I think “DIVI-DEAD” is more confusing and contradictory…

Thanks, felow. And hey, you write English very well. Maybe I take some lessons of “English grammar” with you, Sensei. Just kidding.

[ 04-30-2007, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Hime mentions herself that Aya is her sister, and that they used to do everything together.

Well, I guess I have to reload LMM and listen very carefully (the word “imouto”) to confirm it.

But that’s odd because when Hime-sama said that, “the guy” (I don’t remember his name) doesn’t seem be surprised. If she (Hime-sama) really said Aya-san is her imouto, I guess he would be very surprised, OK?

And remember Konoka Konoe and Setsuna Sakurazaki (Set-chan) from “Mahou Sensei Negima”. They almost are sisters or “lovers”…

[ 04-30-2007, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

I think his name is Ohji or Ouji. If i remember well, his name sounds like “prince” in japanese.

Maybe he’s not surprised because, after all those incredible things he already saw at that mansion, nothing surprises him anymore. :slight_smile:

[ 04-30-2007, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

That’s strange or funny… When you pronounce “Prince”, the sound is very similar to “Uncle” and “Grandpa”.

And when you pronounce “Aunt”, the sound is very similar to “Grandma”.

Well, I guess we always could consider the context of the words to avoid confusion…

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]