Little My Snow Drop?

Saw the update on the peachprincess homepage and noticed this new title. It sounds really good. Even though I am not a big fan of Snow Drop, that game did entertain me for a period of time. I am certainly looking forward to this new title. However, just out of my curiosity and wanted to make sure one thing. Littl My Snow Drop is going to come out AFTER Gibo and Little My Maid right?

Heh guess I needed someone to post something here for me to read PP’s front page Wow looks interesting, I’m all for more games to be put out by PP

Hehehe! Thanks for pointing that out, I suspect I’d have missed it otherwise. Looks like it would be quite a laugh!

I hope it’s not an april fools joke. Granted, it’s been April 1 only for 25 minutes where I live, but… You never know. I’m not believing anything anyone tells me today.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 03-31-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
I hope it's not an april fools joke. Granted, it's been April 1 only for 25 minutes where I live, but... You never know.

If this were to be an April fool's joke, I would...I would... I would run home and cry to my mommy and daddy. ^_^

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 03-31-2004).]

That’s right it is April first in Japan already isn’t it?

And the Newsletter is dated April 1. Sorry, but announcing a new game at this very day (and one that combines characters from two games) just makes me VERY suspicious.

Hmm… After reading AG3’s comment, I started searching on the web for Little My Snow Drop. I even went to Will Japan’s official website and various Japanese Bishoujo Game websites to search for the title. Unfortunately, I am only able to find “Little My Maid” AND “Snow Drop” with no sign of “Little My Snow Drop”…
(Looking at Peachprincess’ staffs)… Could it be? Nah… I don’t think so…but…(Looking at Peachprincess’ staffs again)

Anyway, if this title really exist, any related infor would be appreciated.

Even the title sounds a little strange, sure you want to link it if it is a parody but something that close? It would be nice if it was true, but not found on various web sites . . .?

Also, judging by the posted screenshots, you’d think the translation work was already underway, since the text is in English. But with them being so busy with Little My Maid and Gibo, when did they get the time to work on another translation, and one they’ve never even mentioned before?

And 30 endings!? Now that one IS too good to be true.

… I gotta stop thinking about this, I’m just getting more disappointed and depressed by the minute… And I didn’t even like Snow Drop (I seem to be the only one who didn’t).

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 03-31-2004).]

Yeah I liked Snow Drop, and 30 endings is a lot but remember X-Change 2 had 23 or so counting all the best, good, bad endings that were possible, all the various combinations. So 30 is not out of the realm of possibility, it is on the edge but it is still within that realm, so the endings number is not what makes me quesiton.

Guys, given our benevolent dictator’s (ie. Lamuness) penchant for April Fool’s Day jokes, I think we can all take this with a grain of salt. It’s pretty obvious that the “description” was pretty tongue-in-cheek.

Still though, as a game it does sound interesting…

Ugg you guys should be ashamed for not seeing it as a April Fools joke. Too bad it is one though, would be a cool game


That’s April’s Fool Day.

I have photoshop. I can make images.

Note: Both images are my works. :slight_smile:

Call me a fool…

BUT… I still have a great hope for the news of this parody game to be real…

(crossing fingers but ready to be the biggest fool of all time)

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 03-31-2004).]

(|||¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬∞¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP¬ÅP ¬±¬≥¬Ø¬Å@I got the snow drop on past but, I’m still waiting for the Little My Maid. I got the Japanese version and, I like to play the English version.¬Å@Most of people are waiting for the Little My maid. I wonder when is the real release date T-T


Some of you are in denial, poor souls. Wake up and smell the April fool!

Originally posted by Interzone:
Some of you are in denial, poor souls. Wake up and smell the April fool!

Huh? I'm not sure what Interzone is talking about, but I know Little My Snow Drop exists because I actually played the original Canadian version [though I don't speak fluent Cannuck, eh].

LMSD was the only bishoujo game ever hosted on the BeOS platform. As I recall, it was a combination maid training/ski resort sim, and yes, there were a total of 30 endings (counting those with the weasels and gerbils). The graphics and music were first rate, but one of the seiyuu had the unfortunate habit of breaking into a Marie Osmond accent. Oh well, bring on the skiing maids!

Originally posted by perigee:
Huh? I'm not sure what [b]Interzone is talking about, but I know Little My Snow Drop exists because I actually played the original Canadian version [though I don't speak fluent Cannuck, eh].

LMSD was the only bishoujo game ever hosted on the BeOS platform. As I recall, it was a combination maid training/ski resort sim, and yes, there were a total of 30 endings (counting those with the weasels and gerbils). The graphics and music were first rate, but one of the seiyuu had the unfortunate habit of breaking into a Marie Osmond accent. Oh well, bring on the skiing maids![/b]

As Lamuness pointed out in another thread, "Little My Snow Drop" does exist and it appears that PeachPrincess is planning on releasing it.

The reason why we couldn't find any related infor. of that game on the web is because it was an abandoned project which never got to finish.

perigee, you've played this game before right? Is it possible for you to provide a link to the website of the place where you might see/purchase/playe this particular game? or any site with the infor of this particular game. That would be much appreciated. ^_^