Deedlit doesn’t have anything I haven’t seen before.
Besides… she’s got a good publicist. The REAL Deedlit just wants your magic sword. Was better for Parn to kill her first, since she would rig things to get it. Deedlit was no saint until the light novel came around.
Attempts to market WoW in Japan failed in the board room phase: never had a chance. WoW sucks to the general gaming population of Japan. Japan is one of the worst markets for MMO’s in general. Korea has been trying to crack the egg for over a decade, with various degrees of success. In fact, Korean MMO out perform native Japanese MMO to such an extent, most Japanese IP holders have Koreans develop them (see Dragonball Online for one example). The successful MMO titles, tend to be those many Westerners have never heard of: Astaria comes to mind.
My personal gut feeling, is that Lodoss War will fail, because the majority of MMO’s fail in Japan… big name or not.
Dragon Quest X is probably the closest thing to being a “WoW” success for the Japanese, since the introduction of MMO’s. Dragon Quest has a generational loyalty like Star Wars or Star Trek does in the West. They can reboot that shit any which way to Hell and back: the Japanese will lap it up. The ONLY RPG series that ever sold better than DQ, are Final Fantasy and Pokemon… and those titles get a huge cut of their numbers from Western sales. The native Japanese population alone, is what kept DQ in the top three bracket.
The worst selling DQ title in Japan was Swords for the Wii… and that got more than half a million sales. Not many series would consider 500,000 copies a failure, but DQ is one of them. For comparative purposes: Tales of the Abyss has sold as many copies as Dragon Quest Swords… and ToA is widely considered one of the best Tales of all time.