Loli game query

Yeah : Aya, your “younger” sister who is “20” when you’re 17 year old.
But there is no path for her.

And nekoko has the body of a loli.

Hum… I think i will avoid this topic for now :smiley:

You obviously didn’t hear the news from Australia…wheat areas around the world are becoming deserts…especially those areas devoted to wheat for beer production.


This is incorrect; the characters are never given ages in the original Japanese game, and all characters depicted in sexual situations in any game we release (not just Yume Miru Kusuri) can be assumed to be of the age of legal majority (18 or older), regardless of documentation to the contrary that may exist for the Japanese release.

It’s my job to make sure the official company line is perfectly clear on these things. ^^;;

so they’re age actually increases in Nebraska (19), Mississippi (21), D.C. (21) & Alabama (19)?


Don’t worry i know you’re just doing your job.

Don’t the Japanese producers themselves always claim, or expect the audience to assume, that all their characters are of age anyways?

This is generally the case (especially in the recent era with the vast majority of games falling under EOCS jurisdiction). Some older titles may refer to characters as younger, however, with varying degrees of “canon” authority (usually less than a full official declaration on the game’s website or in the manual).

It’s our position that for all games we release, the “official canon” represents characters in adult situations as being of legal age, regardless of Japanese fan conjecture or other sources to the contrary.

Well, regardless of what position is officially declared, I just hope mistakes such as with X-Change 3 don’t get repeated in your future titles.

I wasn’t with the company when X-Change 3 was produced, marketed, or released, so I can’t comment on the specific issues involved. I can however make a personal commitment to describing our products fully and accurately prior to release; there’s no advantage that I can see in misrepresenting game content and I’ll do my best to avoid accidentally misconstruing any element of future titles in our lineup.

The passage le nuage is refering to is as follows (and is a self-referencing joke that breaks the fourth wall):

Kouhei: You’re already 20 years old, aren’t you?!
Aya: What, I am!? …no, anyway you think about it, that’s impossible.
Kouhei: Shut up and listen.
Kouhei: You and me, and Shiraki and Kiramiya and that weirdo from yesterday are all over 20.
Kouhei: The state has decided we are. The Diet has approved it, and it’s now an established fact.
Kouhei: We’d be in trouble otherwise.
Aya just stares blankly at me.
Kouhei: So what are you doing? I’m trying like hell to act like I’m over 20, but YOU!
Kouhei: What’s with that body of yours?
… (Skipping through Kouhei going on insulting her about how flat and hairless she is here.)
Kouhei: You should apologize. You’re an insult to all the other people over 20 years old.
… (Skipping ahead a little more while Aya bawls and complains to Mom and Dad.)
Dad: No, not that. You should wear something. You’re going to catch a cold.
Mom: That’s right. You might even become incontinent from the cold. That wouldn’t be right for a 20-year old.
… (A little more happens, then the scene ends.)

On a side note to le nuage: Damn you! Since I was curious about your sig, I saw the trailer for ??? ???. I’ve been watching it repeatedly because the game looks so good. Now I too am hoping this game gets translated…

That’s one of my favorite parts of the game, I laughed out loud the first time I proofread the translation.

I don’t see where in the passage it lists the protagonist’s age as 17, though, which is the element of le nuage’s statement that I was taking issue with.

Good. That’s what I like to see.

Just take a good look at the game’s content before you decide whether you want to localize or not, stick to keeping everything intact after you give the go, and we’ll be happy to empty our wallets for you guys.

Agreed, I absolutely love when the games make self-referencing jokes. Snow Sakura had quite a lot of them, and that, in part, is why I love it so much.
As for le nuage putting the protagonist’s age at 17, I think that comes from the fact that you are a Junior in high school.

This is going to sound really stupid (because it is), but the protagonist is actually a junior in a fictional category of educational institution (usually called a “gakuen” in Japanese) where ages are scrupulously never mentioned, but are obviously legal (because the Diet said they had to be!).

Any reference to Kouhei being in “high school” is a translation mistake, as he was never referred to in the original Japanese version as such - it’s a hard EOCS regulation. You’ll never see a school category mentioned in a modern eroge that could conceivably be attended by an underage student; thus it’s all gakuen and gakuin (both loosely translated as “academy”) and daigaku (“college”).

The passage you quoted isn’t just there to be funny - it’s a literal statement of fact, which makes it doubly ironic. Characters depicted sexually aren’t allowed to be under legal age, regardless of what they look like.

This is usually addressed by simply omitting character ages from game descriptions and letting the players draw their own conclusions.

Now that you mention it, from what I can remember from all the games I’ve played, I have never heard the common word for high school (Kanji: ?? Hiragana: ??? Romaji: koukou). I’m not sure if high school is ever mentioned in the translation or not (and I’m not obsessive enough to find out right now), but anyone who isn’t watching for such a subtlety would automatically assume that the school in the story is a high school. It’s a beautiful thing. :smiley:
As for that passage, I understand about the irony of the statement. I had a long conversation with my friend from Japanese class who is in to Yaoi about legal ages in Japan (i.e. age of majority, age of consent, legal drinking age, etc.).

Which isn’t bad. Although I know PP stays with the line all characters are age of majority or older, I doubt most of the people playing the games think that’s the case for every character, reguardless. It’s a similar setup to people ignoring inconsitancies like the cops eventually giving up on you in GTA and forgetting about any murders or violence you may have fogotten, even if you terrorized the countryside…just by doing stuff like having a paint job.

EDIT: And the only time a specific school level i remember ever being mentioned otherwise was for university/college in the games. If it’s not, it’s usually something generic like “school”.

Rule 0 : nobody talks about characters age. :lol:

Let’s just say every eroge occur in a paralel world where you’re still at school at 20.

People are still in school in this world at 20. (At least, people of my socio-economic status.)

It’s just that they don’t usually wear uniforms and still live with their parents, and they’re usually a bit more interested in going to football games and fraternity parties.

I personally just tell myself that all of them are old enough to have sex. That’s usually good enough to make my mind up about the issue.

Whatever floats your boat. They also are just as vague on the older women as they are with the younger. And yea people are still in school where i am at 20…just not the same kind…though a lot do still live with their parents…for economic reasons.

Oh and yea, nobody talks about age, until someone else talks about it who doesn’t know rule 0. Then all bets are off.