Lolicon might just have got dangerous

Victory for common sense: … overturned

CNN did an article on pedophile research and prevention: … ?hpt=hp_t3

There’s a really long video and various medical proposals by a Ph.D guy here:

He proposes that pedophilia prone people might be detectable with brain scans and other tools. If that is true, he hopes work can be done towards helping them. The research in of itself - while a noble one in idea - kinda bothers me in certain principals. I mean, why stop with pedophiles? Why not detect and help people who like excessive violence? Could stop serial murderers (or anyone who likes FPS games). What if this technology could be used to detect and evaluate homosexuals? What if an ultra-conservative and execution happy society like Saudi Arabia got the tech to use on their own people? I think one can see the immoral and slippery slope we’ve got here. However the doctor in the video makes a strong distinction that someone who has sexual desire for children, is not a criminal until they actually commit the crime. However we’re getting into literal thought crime. What if someone is diagnosed as a pedophile, but really isn’t? How do they prove the indicators and detection tests are wrong?

There’s also one person (waltonsimons) who made an intelligent comment in the reader section. Just in case it gets lost in the troll spam:

I think it’s just that people everywhere are obsessed with labeling an “Other” in order to look away from their own flaws and fallacies. In a world, where homosexuality and racial equality are slowly being accepted, people are desperately trying to “hunt demons”.

Tell them to go hunt real demons as in demons from hell. Then they can spend time forever by themselves without bothering us with their nonsense at last.

or they could just label cat girls from outer space as demons and attempt to chase them away from earth and us.

It’s a dangerous messiah complex people have. They want to prevent sin from happening, before the sin happens. Not even an almighty God could or would do that (the entire Bible would have gone differently if He stopped the Snake from screwing with Eve). Then you’ve got arrogant mortals who think they can do better than their all powerful God. :roll:

Are you really telling me that everything’s all hunky-dory? Cause it seems to me that he’s doing a terrible job. Death! Taxes! Pirates versus ninjas! And what do we get in exchange? Not one jetpack! And what the hell is up with the appendix, anyway? Was it supposed to do something useful? Is it leftover design work from an unused feature? I don’t think He’s even looking at the damn bug reports … That’s why I’m putting together a Kickstarter to see if we can bring about some regime change, or at least maybe a new constitution.

I’m all for deific management change, but really, what other options do we have?

Lucifer is schizo: he’s either loves God more than humans, humans more than God, himself more than everyone else, or just wants to see all of Creation burn down. The Greeks gods are rapists and hedonists, which isn’t cool when you’re the mortals being screwed over. Nordic are waiting to die. Japanese gods are way too conceited and michevous. Hindu have Shiva and Kali doing the death and destruction tango every other rebirth cycle.

All the New World gods clearly failed their native population, so no point in thinking they’d give us hope. :wink:

There’s always the Flying Spaghetti Monster… but I swear that’s just Cthulhu in disguise, waiting to devour our sanity… or trying to get in Hastur’s pants… which Nyarlathotep would support, since she wants Mahiro for herself. :stuck_out_tongue:

You left out Zoroastrianism, btw :lol:

Not sure whether Scientology’s worth mentioning since the Great Old Ones are aliens :mrgreen:

Here’s a bit more interesting an analysis of him (1:05-1:59 of this video): … ure=relmfu

This is the correct answer, can’t remember the specific book where I’ve read it, unfortunately (I have a few books written by Gabriele Amorth and the single one from Alfredo Pallotta).

Topic has been derailed. Nice moves out there.

It happens a lot. We’re masters of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Keeps things interesting at least. :slight_smile:

I like the quote from The Devil’s Advocate. So going to Hell. :twisted:

I love that speech as well. Not to mention how hot Connie Nielsen looks in that movie.

Here we go again :roll: :

First, they came for the lolicons and shotacons. I did not speak up. I did not find small bodies arousing.
Next, they came for the guro/necro lovers. I did not speak up. I did not find the dead and undead arousing.
Then, they came for the furry lovers. I did not speak up. I did not approve of humans mingling with non-humans.
After that, they came for the yaoi/yuri fans. I did not speak up. I did not approve of same sex relationships.
Finally, they came for me. And there were none left to speak for me.

None of the above groups have or will be exterminated. The threat is legal precedent–if the government is allowed to ban any of the above, then they’re easily able to ban all of the above. Overturning laws is much harder than preventing them from being passed. That’s the danger. If the virtual pornography provisions of the Protect Act ever actually get challenged, and they’re not struck down, then enforcement may increase greatly, and those in the US will likely have to live with the reality of censored ero for the rest of our lives. Even now, the mere shadow of a threat of enforcement prevents us from getting games like the 18+ version of Aselia the Eternal, which is very sad.

About that game, did Jast originally plan to have the 18+ version over and it was changed halfway through, or was the original plan just to have the all-ages version? Though admittedly, there are unofficial mods and patches…

For Eternal Aselia, I believe the plan was to localize the all-ages version from the start. The PR person made a statement on the forums that the loli issue was a deciding factor in this. That they go so far as to censor lolis in titles like Family Project shows that they consider this a legal issue, not just a matter of what they think will sell better.

As soon as I get Skyrim (in other words, after the GotY version comes out), I’m going to mod it in a way that spites this, if you know what I mean…

Note to self, when going to New Zealand to check out all the sites from the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, make sure not to hide the icons for the Kyonyuu Fantasy games… … -pixie-sex