Lolicon might just have got dangerous

And in Japan, the government shuts down a hentai mangazine: … estigation

Crime really must be low in Japan if this is supposed be a priority :roll:

Eh, that guy had already done time for actually molesting somebody. I’m sure a) they were paying much closer attention to him than to the average person, and b) his probation probably specifically included something saying ‘don’t look at stuff like that’.

It’s a troubling precedent, but being convicted of a crime already results in the loss of certain rights a person normally enjoys anyway.

It’s a bit of a shame, though; I’d much rather a pedophile immersed themselves in material like this, abhorrent or not, instead of molesting kids.
Just because he’s been through rehabilitation programs doesn’t mean he suddenly doesn’t like what he likes and if anything it sounds like a healthy release. But it’s also true that the general population isn’t at the same level of legal risk.

I’m much more inclined to believe the “it encourages real abuse” line when we’re talking about someone specifically convicted of similar behavior in the past. I’m still not very inclined to believe it (it is very unclear whether the “cathartic release” effect would win out over the “encourages dwelling on the unhealthy impulse” effect, for example), but it is a much more complicated question.

As far as I know, it’s more or less settled that people who don’t have such urges are very unlikely to get turned toward them by porn. Its a lot less clear what the effects on someone who already gave in to such urges are.

Why would we restrict the freedoms even of criminals without reasonable evidence that doing so is beneficial?

Because they’re being punished. There’s a lot of precedent for doing things like this to criminals, and the courts have basically said “sure, go right ahead”.

This is one of the reasons groups like CBLD (Comic Book Legal Defense) were formed. It’s both a waste of tax government money as well as biased and religious convictions within the law systems that readers are endangered of punishment based upon what fictional entertainment like comic books and novels they choose to read.

First they went after the publishers, now their going after readers themselves. Until comic books and fictional cartoons are indeed proven with scientific fact, solid proof, and evidence that they are not harmful nor contribute to any real-world harm to anyone nor any or actual evidence that real-life people were used in their making, the systems will continue the bias towards lolicon. In some countries comic-books are still viewed only for a certain age-group, so the term “18+” or “adult comics” doesn’t exist there.

The laws in their true essence are there to protect real individuals from harm. For right now the laws are being mis-use and taken out of portion to go after visual novel readers and fans of fictional japanese entertainment. If anyone wants to read up on another case try Ryan Matheson who almost had his life ruined permantely due to Canada’s law that mistaken his material as illegal and treated Ryan as a criminal as well while violating several of his civil rights in the process. This is very much a current issue that is going on right now and needs to come to the attention of every JP reader, International Fan, and fans involved in Otaku culture.

I’m all for protecting and preserving the life of real people, but when our systems are punishing others based on fictional characters like cartoons and optional comics is when there is a faulty problem, and that problem needs to be looked at properly. Unfortunately as a user has mentioned there is a lot of unfounded bias attached to lolicon, so often times unlike other subjects that do get a through look-over, lolicon gets ignored and thrown automatically in the “guilty” section. Throwing people in jail over comic books is just plain ridiculous and until these bias laws are challenged more readers will potentially fall victims to a system that is not serving it’s purpose but punishing readers based on the fictional material of their choice.

And another one of these laws is being considered in Japan :roll: : … ime-manga/

Cameron has decided to force all UK ISPs to install “family friendly” filters and make “rape porn” illegal. I have no idea what exactly constitutes rape porn. Neither do they.

I await the inevitable V for Vendetta reference :lol:

I would like to point out a funny comment posted:

Excellent news. It’s one small step towards ridding society of the evil of pornography.

Sex should be for the bedroom, not for magazines and computer screens.

But yeah that sucks, calling up your ISP and telling them to unblock the porn 8)

Porn Pride!

People die. Nations fall. Religions fade into myths. Knowledge can be forgotten.
But Porn? That is truly Eternal.

You know that makes me thnk of something, in almost every RPG where there’s some lost super advanced civilization of the past of all the writings, artifacts, etc. of theirs that have survived the ages, there isn’t a single stash of porn to be found.

Not even in hentai games? And while not a lost civilization, Skyrim Dragonborn has masturbating goblins: Also, if you can access exhentai, here is some light political satire in regards to the matter: Obviously NSFW.

A good thing the Vita’s region free: … l-Monsters

Are PS Vita games modifiable? For example, you don’t hear about these issues with PC games because people can just splice in the original images, should they choose to.

sadly, there will always be idiots that have hard drive upon hard drive full of real child porn
Game localizers like JastUSA absolutely make sure all ingame text refer to all characters being 18 or older
same with anime publishers

Checks the dates

Really, dude? Is there any particular reason why you decided to bring up something that was posted over 5 years ago?

EDIT: Checks his date Whoops. Looks like he posted a month ago. A little bit late there… :oops:

Does this mean I can’t import anymore 18+ VNs? For instance, an 18+ ver. of Fate Stay Night.