Looking for a commission artist...

I’m looking for an artist who draws in an anime style - since not everyone can or likes drawing in such a way - character designs for dojin projects. For the sake of being able to work with others in the project, individual must be able to communicate in English. :slight_smile:

I thought I’d ask if anyone knew of someone who offers reasonable priced commission services for artwork. Most of the people I ordinarily seek out for such things are already engaged. I cruised Google for a bit, but the individuals I located were either not skilled enough, had full schedules, or no email contact.

Anyways, if you know of such a person, just throw me a URL to their site in this thread or in a PM. Said individual having an interest in Mediawork’s Sister Princess or CAPCOM’s NES port of Gun.Smoke is a major plus.

Ooooh… I hope that didn’t give anything away. :stuck_out_tongue:

is there twincest? :stuck_out_tongue:

ok let me guess: sakura-taisen-style twincest loli little sister cowgirls :stuck_out_tongue:

anyhow, PM me

[ 06-12-2007, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

I would never be part of something that denied twincest. It’s in my resume contract. :wink:

If you’re hunting artists and have some money, hit up the forums at deviantart.com and conceptart.org, there’s a huge range of talent and price available.

I’ve gone through the deviantart site for about two weeks now - but I’m still shifting through the sands. :slight_smile:

Trying not to post on the forums there, since I kinda want to keep my intentions semi-low key for the moment. A bit of a two edge sword that place is. :wink:

for the most part I have had better results by making an official request on the forums and seeing who signs up than by approaching people individually - mostly because people hunting the jobs forums really WANT to work, where the others are more likely busy.

I’m still going nuts trying to find a CG artist for my current project… I have three on contract already and not one of them seems able things done at a reasonable speed… (To be fair one is waiting until after exams.) All of them are people I approached individually. My sprite artist I got off the jobs forum and is still going strong. :slight_smile: