Looking for a SLG Bishoujo Game

Well… As we all know, Brave Soul is considered as a RPG Bishoujo Game. However, I have been looking for a SLG Bishoujo game ever since I was born … well… I should say every since I played my first B-Game… and it has been quite a long time. I was only able to aquire one game that fits my criteria…a very old game I might add…ok…now let me explain what I am looking for in detail…
I love strategy games … You know…the kind of games where you can build your own empire and army by invading other kindoms or cities, where you have to care for your people and etc… Some mainstream games are like that BUT I am looking for a strategy game that has Bishoujo contents…For example, once you occupy a town…you can do some nasty stuff to the women in the town…or once you capture your enemy’s wife, you can do…err…you know…some pleasant stuff to her…

If anyone knows of this kind of games…PLEASE…be kind enough to tell me as I have been looking for one forever… thanks in advance… :slight_smile:

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 12-03-2003).]

Graduation is a good SLG, it doesn’t have adult content though.

Maid’s story is half an SLG, it can get a bit tedious because most of the training involves getting the girls to do even more daring sexual acts, or play with sex toys.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Graduation is a good SLG, it doesn't have adult content though.

Maid's story is half an SLG, it can get a bit tedious because most of the training involves getting the girls to do even more daring sexual acts, or play with sex toys.

Thank you for your suggestion! I already have graduation and Maid's Story in my possession but they are actually not the kind of SLG games that I am looking for. The kind of strategy games I am looking for is like "Age of Empire" but with adult contents where the players can be allowed to pillage a village or a kingdom and to capture the queens or some women in the village and be allowed to do some nasty stuff to them to err... pleasure or interrogate them... ~_~


[This message has been edited by Angry Gamer (edited 12-03-2003).]

ya I understand what he meant by SLG (more on the “war” game side)…I dunno but isn’t the game by hobibox europe a SLG?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
ya I understand what he meant by SLG (more on the "war" game side)....I dunno but isn't the game by hobibox europe a SLG?

You mean Gunshield Warrior Sakigake?
If yes: That's a mean suggestion if you take into account how Hobibox handles their release-dates and customer information...

Well, if our friend would like to take on a japanese game, I'd recomment Dai Akuji, but I fear that's not his plan.

Originally posted by Noirbo:
(...) The kind of strategy games I am looking for is like "Age of Empire" but with adult contents where the players can be allowed to pillage a village or a kingdom and to capture the queens or some women in the village and be allowed to do some nasty stuff to them to err... pleasure or interrogate them... ~_~

I don't think you will find that kind of bishojo SLG game translated in english by now. Maybe in the future...
If you want an original, japanese version, try for instance:
*SENGOKU IF (Rune-Soft)

Thank you for the various information given above.

I was very very excited when I first learend that Hobibox Europe is planning to release Gunshield Warrior Sakigake because this guy has been longing for a game like that to be translated for years. However, I have given up on them after all these anticipation. It’s quite sad, really.

And yes, I intended to find an English SLG game when posting my original message but now realizing it is impossible. I am goign to have to turn to Japanese games even though I prefer not to do so because of two reasons. First, those games are very expensive. Most Japanese games I purchased before cost around $80 and let’s not forget about shipping fee. Second, I can usually only understand half of the content in a game and have to guess the other half which is very inconvenient.

Guess no other choice eh ???

By the way, I have played RAPE GUERRILLA HUNTING before. That game is certainly interesting.

Any more title suggestion will be appreciated. :slight_smile:

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 12-04-2003).]

Rape guierlla hunting, LOL I love how japanese developers just throw words together to make a name for a game I hear Baldur force is pretty good. The only japanese games I get are either MJ games or simple RPGs.

Originally posted by Noirbo:
By the way, I have played RAPE GUERRILLA HUNTING before. That game is certainly interesting.

You have? And you admit this in public?


Does the game involve the rape and the hunting at the same time?


Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You have? And you admit this in public?

^_^ Well... Yes and I am proud of it ...
But... There sure are some titles I would never admit playing, ever ...^_^

More importantly. Why does it involve GUERRILLA? ^_^;;;

[This message has been edited by Logicgate (edited 12-04-2003).]

Originally posted by Noirbo:
^_^ Well... Yes and I am proud of it ...
But... There sure are some titles I would never admit playing, ever ...^_^

By saying so you admit having played real sick games (lol). Like Hano no himei? No, that's too sick...nobody would really want to play that game...
Originally posted by allamala:
By saying so you admit having played real sick games (lol). Like Hano no himei? No, that's too sick...nobody would really want to play that game...

errr... You think Hana no Himei is sick? I don't really think so... it's just a game full of raping sequence. In fact, I did enjoy playing the game. ^_^ ... I especially like err... doing one of the maids in that hotel...

Yeah...I played that game and I too am proud of it... ^_^

I applaude you, I only wish I could understand the import games I bought (dammit somone needs to put a translation out for tsukihime )


I’ll like to hear how you’ll comment about Akumu and Zetsubo now…

Originally posted by Orochi:

I'll like to hear how you'll comment about Akumu and Zetsubo now....

Don't think I have played either one before. It would be nice if you could post some links to those games here. ^_^