Looking for a translator or two.

Currently, me and another individual are looking for someone willing to translate a few files of Japanese text for a translation project.
There is not that much material to be translated, as we are continuing work on an abandoned project.

If you’d like to help out, or want more details on the project, please PM me.

Two questions:

  1. Is this project illegal?
    and 2) If so, how illegal is it?

As far as I know, under the Berne convention, an unauthorized translation is illegal. So probably this is illegal in some way. Of course, that doesn’t really matter, practically speaking.

Well, that’s why I asked ‘how much’. And, if it’s an authorised translation, I’d want to know that too.

The ‘how much’ is to make sure that it’s not e.g. going to be some project that would piss Peter Payne off. Of course, nobody would seriously ask for help on a project like that on the JAST USA forums, right?

If you are aware of other sites that might be able to help more, I’d be all for hearing about them.

The translation still requires a legal copy of the game to be owned.

Maybe the Visual Novel Database and Visual Novels? I know a number of Japanese speakers/readers who hang out there… and if it’s an abandoned project, they might have some supporters.

We are actually working on two projects.

One is May Club DX, which is easy to work with, but has a lot to translate.

The other has a lot less material to translate, but is being kept on a need-to-know basis.


It wasn’t until I decided to look up the Japanese name for May Club that I realized that it was a pun on “make love” ><;

I’m surprised this thread hasn’t been locked already. Especially since the other game is need-to-know, it seems a bit suspicious if it may be a game JAST has or may possibly announce. No offense intended.

well, knowing umarekawari’s infamous track record i can guess what he is up to but i wont do anything…just yet

The other project was a flash-based series that, due to content, I did not feel like naming publically. It did not contain anything illegal, but I would not want it associated with me in general.

I merely took it on because it was mostly done and there were a few people requesting it be finished. I have secured the needed people for that project.

The May Club DX, that’s a touchy one. It would only work if you own the original CD. I had one translator, but he got scared off due to fears of reprisal from Jast USA, somehow. Not sure where that falls with them.

Taking a shot in the dark here… Demonophobia? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, if I remember correctly, that’s actually Korean text. Another team is working on that, actually.

It is somewhat similar, though. I find myself having to step away from it for a while due to the content involved.

I’ll likely be credited as “anon”.

Problem… translations are done but our coder seems to have vanished, and the only e-mail I have for them is an outdated g-mail account.

Not sure if it would be proper to ask if Lamuness or someone could reach them by their sign-up mail.

Really don’t want to have to switch to a whole new person since we already had a patch in the works about 75% coded.