Lost games

Buy them again.

Two suggestions:

  1. Prayer

  2. They’re old games and you’ve probably played them all already, right? It’s time to move forward and play new eroge! Just let them live on in your memories.

Send them through ups and have tracking and get it insured.

This advice’s little bit too late but, good to remember for next time.

Insurance = they pay up if they “lose” it.

if it is a large package it should have been insured by default, wasn’t it?

that being said… you shipped it to yourself, right? so I am guessing you didn’t put any value on the package. In which case, I’ll have to agree with Lancer-X, pray and move on.

i lost cherry and drug that make you dream or what ever it is called to a friend i let borrow it

Ouch. I don’t know how large your collection was, but I’d be pissed if half of my own were lost since mine’s worth at least a few grand, and that’s without factoring in the rarity of some of the titles like Ever 17.

Do you have a list of the titles you lost? If they’re all JAST titles, you might want to try emailing pr@jastusa.com and explaining the situation to them. Shane and Nicholas are pretty cool about things like that, so you might be in luck. If your purchases were recent enough or if the staff sympathizes, they might be willing to hook you up with free download access specifically to the ones you lost (provided there are DDL versions of said titles available - Jewel Knights Crusaders is not one of them). If you lost any off-the-market titles like either of the Memorial Collections or any of the Hirameki or Himeya catalogs (ie: Eve Burst Error, Divi-Dead, Phantom of Inferno, Hourglass of Summer), your only option is to look to the aftermarket like eBay or Amazon. If you lost a copy of Ever 17, you have my sincere condolences. Doubly so if any of the lost titles were imports.

I wish you luck; I know you’re going to need it.

the thread is six months old; he’s probably gotten over it by now.

or not