Lunar: Silver Star Harmony

I won’t lie, I really hate this game. It is mainly the battles as I wish they added a fast forward button to at least speed up the animations. The game also has one of my greatest game pet peeves too with the music stopping when you zone out during the loads. I don’t mind load times but when you don’t have anything else to do except look at the device loading it really makes me mad. It made the game feel fragmented as my attention would float elsewhere to see if I can do something else when there wasn’t music for those brief seconds every now and then.

To not be all negative I’ll say it is one of the classic RPGs I missed and if I played it during one of the earlier releases I may have loved it at one point. Threads like this with people excited about it and sequels being re-released make me motivated to try to grind through it and maybe I will one day.

It has not aged well. In fact I never beat the post-game in the Playstation re-release of Lunar 2 because going through a couple bonus dungeons wasn’t my idea of fun. (Now I don’t even have the game anymore … sold it awhile back.)

The writing was pretty good, but the mechanics are a product of their time … and not in a good way.

Edited out as it isn’t relevant to my current thoughts on the game.

Wow. You guys must want your games to pokemon (pre-B/W) level. Those dungeons I beat fairly quickly. You want long dungeons? Look at Dragon Quest 7 or Final Fantasy 1. Seriously, the post-game dungeons were a cakewalk.

Anyway this game has one of my favorite characters of all time, Mystere, aka Leo with a mask.

It wasn’t that they were particularly long. It’s that the battle system was just that weak.

Certainly it’s no megaten game. (I dropped Nocturne and Strange Journeys because they’re just … crushing grinds. It’s ridiculous. Digital Devil Saga 2 has a final dungeon that’s about as big as some entire RPGs start to finish.)

Time length required isn’t an influence on me and I shouldn’t have worded what I wrote that way. I strictly have a policy of not playing games that I don’t find fun. Usually my policy of seeing through a game because I spent money on it overrides that policy, but with games with slow battle mechanics it is hard to ignore. I just find it funny that I can wish for another release of the game to fix the things that bother me after all the releases I watched pass by.

Slow battle mechanics don’t really bother me. The load times between music tracks were my biggest pet peeve in that game and TBH most PS1 had load time issues. CT PS1 was notorious for this. Load times are annoying, but unless you’re sitting there 5 minutes it doesn’t really detract from the game.

In fact the game I had the biggest complaint about was DW7 because it was the only game that would occasionaly (but continously) stop working after a transition from a town/dungeon to world map or back, ie get stuck on the black screen. Even losing all that time and data didn’t piss me off enough not to keep playing it.

It may be I’m just more patient and laid back than the average gamer.

I tend to like JRPGs that have auto battle modes. I decided to play around with it in this Lunar and the game wasted MP items when there was one enemy left and characters nearly leveled. This game really knows how to piss me off. When the function is added in games the characters usually just attack - not waste items or burn your MP with one enemy left. Added so you can sit back and not scroll through the menus for attacks over and over and over.

I’ll stop with the negativity. I’ll just remember Lunar as the greatest game I should have played.

Very nice remix of Luna’s boat song. What so different about it? A MAN sings it.

Having just started playing Silver Star Harmony … I’m surprised how much it’s pulling me back in. It helps that the game’s been turned into a cakewalk with really short dungeons, so the archaic 20-year-old RPG design doesn’t bother me nearly as much as replaying SS Complete probably would have.

And I see a figure of 170K sales on VGChartz? For a remake of a 20-year-old game? How have we not gotten Eternal Blue?

Shigema is still trying to collect more money to finance another Lunar project. Last actual development thing I saw, was a port of Lunar: TSS for phones, to milk some extra $$$. Shigema really wanted to make a new Lunar Zero, more so than a Lunar: EB remake… given that Western fans wanted an EB remake more than a Zero, he’s probably trying to raise funds to do both at once. Especially since doing a remake would mean having Kubooka and Iwadare on the payroll again: two birds with one stone and all that.

I’d also like to think, he’s considering which portable to release an EB remake on. PSP is dead now. 3DS and Vita are the new inheritors. Should he wait until the Vita is out? Or maybe he should release it on 3DS? Vita has backwards compatibility with PSP games, but then that means going through Sony’s asshole approval process. He might make an EB remake, only to have SCEA reject it’s sale. :roll: Nintendo is far less likely to screw him over like that, but 3DS isn’t quite the industry seller everyone hoped it would be. On the other hand, Tales of the Abyss revealed there’s a massive RPG hunger in Japan for it (became a #1 seller there - US version is slated for release)… but how many PSP owners are 3DS owners?

He should release a remake of Magic School since this one is pretty much unknown overseas AFAIK.

That would be me… only reason I bought a 3DS was to get my Kasumi fix… yeah DoA: Dimensions made it a must buy for me.

Nintendo’s handheld systems have usually been slow starters. People were saying that about the DS when it came out. What happened? It continued to dominate the handheld market even with competition.