Lunar: Silver Star Harmony

The new Lunar port is good. If you’re nostalgic about the series, then it can be called epic. :slight_smile:

First off: the dialog still has real world cultural references, although not as obnoxious as the Working Designs versions. It’s mostly quotes from famous movies (Star Wars, Army of Darkness, etc). The voice acting is solid, though campy at times. However the WD version (and Japanese) were the same ¬ñ play them again if you don’t remember it that way. They were campy at times. :stuck_out_tongue: However this time all the “game fluff” was kept in: so we actually learn more about the Lunar world… although not that much more… see more later.

The singing is very professional and polished ¬ñ although the WD lyrics were better. The XSEED version is closer to the original Japanese, which doesn’t transfer over too great. However XSEED obviously couldn’t use the WD lyrics, so it’s understandable.

The new stuff added into the game, is basically more references to the original Four Heroes of Althena (Dyne, Mel, Gal, Lem). Some of it was lifted from the Japanese manga and novels (not a bad thing mind you). For example at the very start of the game, you get to fight a mockup of their final battle (i.e. Lufia and the Sinistrals). While these new segments are awesome for the setting mythos, they create more questions than they answer. To be honest, it’s like the developers are setting us up for a prequel that’s all about Dyne and the gang. I mean we now know there was a super evil known as Eiphiel, who worked for the Five Dark Princes of the Black Star, and hid on the Leviathan Undersea Fortress… and that’s basically all we know. It seems the Five Dark Princes, are like Zophar’s version of Althena’s Four/Five Heroes, but that’s not actually confirmed.

Graphics are of course updated. As is the soundtrack. Unfortunately it’s not a real orchestra (which would have been total kick ass).

One thing that bothers me however is the huge amount of load time the game requires. EVERY time you enter a new room or map screen, it has to load. The loading is so intensive, it actually pauses the music between them. You get used to it after awhile, and it’s not so bad if you have the digital download version, but the original SAT and PS versions didn’t load this much. I guess the dev team still has a lot to learn about the PSP hardware.

It’s really a damn shame WD went out of business… I’d pay extra money to get the original PS version via the PSN, just so I could compare them¬Ö plus play Eternal Blue. :o

On the whole however: this is a solid RPG, as it always was. It’s the original Lunar with minor new additions, so of course it would be a winner.

While the loading issue is bothersome, I think it’s best to look past that. If this game succeeds, then we will undoubtedly get a Lunar Eternal Blue remake, which most likely have the loading thing fixed. There is also strong rumors, that the devs want to make a third Lunar. Lots of hints seem to indicate it would be Dragon Song (done right this time) or a Four Heroes prequel. Lunar has a lot of potential… even Dragon Song wasn’t a bad concept - just incredibly horrible game mechanics. Although it has a major continuity issue in that Luna was said to be the first mortal incarnation of Althena, but in Dragon Song we have Lucia being the first. That really cheapens both characters, because it makes the whole Luna-Alex and Lucia-Jian relationships less meaningful. This would indicate that Lucia didn’t love Jian enough to give up her divinity… and that Luna regaining her memories as Althena, would mean Alex isn’t her first true love.

Old school RPG’s need more respect. 8)

But then I’d rather replay Silver Star, Eternal Blue and Magic School! :wink:

This is true. However don’t go too far back. Lunar on SEGA CD was missing two of the fraternal triplets. If I were the Magic Emperor, I’d have given up on that silly world conquest nonsense, and been content with having three Magic Empresses. :wink:

I only have the (Japanese) PSX edition of Silver Star and Eternal Blue, and the SS edition of Magic School (is there any other anyway?) so that’s alright. That also saves me from the rumoured bad WD localization (and jokes).

I don’t know. I guess I can understand him wanting to own Luna’s more mature bod-- powers (and Alex finally wanting her back for himself alone after he saw her in such an attire-- I mean wanting to save the world and Luna).


I remember this old discussion from years back, where a group of us determined that Alex didn’t notice Luna until AFTER she was revealed to be Althena. Then he was all about saving her… but that’s because it was the job of a Dragonmaster. So therefore, Alex didn’t love Luna: he loved being the Dragonmaster who would save Luna, because she was the Goddess. Thus nothing really changed from the beginning. It wasn’t until Luna = Althena, because that meant Alex = Dragonmaster, that he started getting woodies for her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah well… at least Hiro knew Lucia was the one for him from the start… although being the first beautiful girl he ever saw (naked no less), probably cemented that deal. Either that or he has a kuudere fetish. :wink:

That’s not actually Lucia of course - ahoge and oppai - it’s Miura Azusa from iDOLM@STER cosplaying as Lucia. Of course Hiro can imagine that’s what a healthy Lucia will look like when she gets older. :o

I think he just never noticed her… “talents” until they got more… “revealing”.

Game Gear’s Lunar Magic School, I might be wrong. I just saw it at Ebay, long time ago.

I have Lunar for DS. I forgot what name of it. ^.^’’

Both Lunar on DS are pretty bad, unfortunately. :frowning:

Dragon Song is only Lunar in name and basic setting setup. The battle engine is totally inferior to the original series, and it sucker punches the continuity with the stunt it pulls with Lucia.

Silver Star on the DS is like a poor man’s version of Lunar. It’s not horrid like Dragon Song… but like flying third class coach instead of first class executive premium.

I know it sounds elitist, but IMHO the Lunar series should only be done on the PSP if it’s going to be portable. DS just doesn’t have the storage space for the voices/animation that’s expected for a Lunar entry. The Silver Star entry proves that. They also shouldn’t try to tamper with the core mechanics. Dragon Song vindicated that part. Lunar is like Dragon Quest - it should stick with the traditional stuff, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with each new entry: leave that kind of stuff for Grandia and Final Fantasy. :expressionless:


RPGamer gives the remake 3.5 out of 5

They mention it being too easy. Working Designs doubled and sometimes tripled the HP and monster damage output. That’s why the older ones are harder.


I also saw a creditable online source leak that the PSP Eternal Blue remake, started as soon as the Silver Star Story remake was complete… in some cases it was done side-by-side. He claims things like the character sprites and attack animation for EB are already done… so we might be looking at a late 2010 or early 2011 release in Japan. Said source could not confirm what the third Lunar is going to be… however he mentioned that Dragon Song might be “removed” from canon and ignored from existing. So if it’s not Magic School, it will be a totally new Lunar (as the interview indicated).

I think the EB remake should have a harem option.

On second thought… Hiro couldn’t afford Lemina and Jean is probably too much of a “party girl” for him. The kuudere it is then! :stuck_out_tongue:

Give it a bit and someone will mod the game to give the monsters back their WD HP.

LOL… sold more copies on the first week in the US, than it did it’s entire lifetime in Japan. … region=All

Japan doesn’t know what’s good for 'em. :stuck_out_tongue:

I read somewhere that the EU might get their own release, given how promising western sales are.

IIRC, chartz does not include the sale numbers from the PSN. Lunar has been hovering between 3rd and 4th place there.

Looks like we’ll be seeing that Lunar 2 remake after all, despite the failure of the Japanese fans. :wink:

Now if only someone could secure the license to release the PS1 versions on the PSN retro downloads…

I bought this Lunar remake (with special edition extras), and found it acceptable. Neither stunningly good nor horrible. I’m glad that there’s a quality portable version of this game in English. But at the same time, I think I could live without another version of Lunar 1.

Shigema’s Twitter feed:

Mentioning it, because this is where all the rumors about the PSP Lunar 2 remake come from… straight from the source. :slight_smile:

He claims to seek doing his best, in having the Eternal Blue remake made. However it appears he REALLY wants to make a Lunar Zero before doing a Lunar 3 (or perhaps a remake of EB).

Oops… double post…

In the aftermath I don’t think anyone but Ramus could afford her prices.

Care to give the appropriate quote since the link seems to be an rss feed?

You’re too lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

So forth and so on. :slight_smile:

Also check out his blog:

And here’s the blog of an influential artist involved with Lunar, about various future ideas:*[LUNAR]]

Off the wall info:

Lunar SSH did much better in the West than it did in Japan. The game is a failure there… out here it’s a success. The problem these devs are having, is convincing Japanese investors to pay for a game they know will bomb in Japan, but earn profit back in the West.

Not enough of the devs are proficient in English or working overseas, to viably have them come to the West and make the game here. Also the devs don’t want to “outsource” development of an EB remake to Western company.

So someone in Japan has to front the $$$… which no one is willing to. I believe Shigema is seeing how much he can budget out of pocket, without having everything look like it was out of pocket.

So the situation at the moment, is a bit of a stalemate… :expressionless:

On the bright side: supposedly a lot of sprites were already made… and much of the music from Lunar SSH can be used in an EB remake (the Althena theme song… the Dragon theme song… etc). Also the FMV movies are obviously finished. So a large chunk of what’s needed is, available… it’s just putting it all back together, and finding a way to make the new stuff that’s not already made.

Surprised he doesn’t try to look for western backers if he can show it will have a good profit. I realize the devs might not be proficient in English, but someone there must be. I am certain they could find someone showing Lunar 1 made profits, its a remake and not an entirely new game (less development cost) and its a sequal, not an original so it has existing fanbase.

Now, whether they could find someone willing to leave their hands off or mostly off the game may be a bit harder. I would hope they would realize since its a remake radical changes would probably cost more and might not go over well.

Given how much popular the Lunar remake was on PSP in the West, GameArts has put a lot of effort on maintaining a Western website. Engrish out the ying-yang, but they get an A+ for effort.

Incidently, they’re looking for western investors. Now I wonder what RPG that would be for. :wink:

Old news is old, but I’m really bored: … etal-max-3

Still waiting…