Mahou Tsukai no Landmine

Anyone here playing TYPE-MOON’s latest smash hit?

Disappointed yet?

It’s so bad?

Haven’t played it yet… though I’m probably not going to see twincest, despite there being twins, so I’m gearing for disappointment in that department. :stuck_out_tongue:

So the game is a bomb? Didn’t want to read Japanese reviews, for fear of spoilers. And here I thought Type-Moon was infallible… :expressionless:

I haven’t touched the thing, since I decided in advance to wait for the voiced console backport, because I have a problem with trusting eroge companies and their justification for their decisions about whether or not to voice things =P

but going by EGS reviews (it was still doing okay on Amazon last I checked, with far fewer reviews of course) it’s really not looking good.

Now, EGS sometimes gets it wrong, but I’ve never seen them give a really good game <70, so it’s probably a lot more likely that the game sucks.

More like people are pissed off about no voices and full price.

Japanese are a lot less anal retentive about that kind of thing, than Americans would be, by several orders of magnitude. There are multiple examples of full priced bgames with no VA’ing, that are considered first tier releases.

Not really nowadays. Abel Software’s modern titles (MQ and post-MQ) are full-priced and voiceless, but they’re about the only modern things I can think of and they are certainly not considered ‘first tier’. I guess there’s Rance Quest too- which attracted a decent share of criticism in its own right, although Magnum seems to have fixed most of the main problems and post-Magnum/1.6 patch reviews have been quite positive so I don’t think it was the lack of voice acting =P

It’s certainly very rare to have a voiceless full-priced eroge now and I can’t think of any that could be considered ‘first tier’.

That said, Liarsoft’s latest title is very partially voiced (it seems the majority of content in the game is not voiced) and has done extremely well on EGS.

I don’t think the no voicing is the main cause of disappointment- I mean, people knew that it was going to be unvoiced well in advance so it wouldn’t have surprised too many people- but, of course, the lack of voices is going to be a part of it. This sort of thing is basically expected from non-doujin releases now, especially full-priced ones.

The fact that TYPE-MOON spent 4 years creating something under 1/3 the length of Fate/stay Night probably didn’t help, although admittedly MQ took longer =P

It may be heresy to say, but if TM quality is going down, maybe it’s a good thing the Tsukihime remake is vaporware

That’s quite the opposite.

Then we’ll just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Started playing Mahou Tsukai. Lack of cest between the twins makes it hard to stay interesting though. Having twins and not using them is like winning the lotto and not cashing in. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember you didn’t quite liked Clannad either

You are correct sir… I did not like Clannad. Though not for lack of twincest. :stuck_out_tongue:

I acknowledge Clannad is loved by many, has a massive following, and considered by the same as one of the best titles ever made. I don’t argue against any of their evidence stating as such. I’m just not a fan of slice-of-life saccharine drama stories, which Clannad is an ultimate shining example of.

Yandere, meat dolls, twincest, violence, enslavement, and gothic settings: that’s the kind of stuff I want. :twisted: Clannad just happens to be so far, far, far, far away from that… but I will never argue that Clannad is bad, because it’s not. I just don’t like it.

Remember that Narg’s fav eroge was once Quartett! so it’s not like he inherently dislikes the sort of thing Clannad represents.
I’d say it’s not so much twincest as it is twins; and, in fact, it’s pretty understandable:

Someone who likes twins (even if not into twincest) would feel pretty put off in the best case and betrayed in the worst case by Clannad, which has an absolute abomination of a route for the twins. I feel it’s the worst route out of all of the main ones and this is a huge shame considering the enormous potential it had, since Kyou is a great character.

Anyway, I’m of a pretty mixed mind about Clannad myself- I love what it tries to do and I love some parts of what it actually does but many parts of the scenario suffer greatly from neglect.
I’d like to see Clannad, but written with the same sort of focus ONE had. It would probably be only 2/3 the length but I’m sure it would be more enjoyable.

Well according to Nasu, MTnY will have two sequels: … ture-plans

There is a brief mention of the Tsukihime remake, but just that it’s being worked on. I wonder which is bound to happen first, will Sacchin finally get her route or will Asagi finally get her own game*?

*Disgaea joke

Given how long the first game took (I was looking at my images directory on an old harddrive the other day and I found that I had saved a copy of the logo from the website on April 4 2008, so that’s 4 years just since the announcement) and the fact that it’s both relatively short and based on source material that was already written, I’m not holding my breath.

I am glad the Tsukihime remake isn’t dead in the water though.

Pity for the DDD fans, though

I fail to see why I should feel sorry for them. :wink:

I can’t argue with that

It seems the Tsukihime remake is real after all: … iconera%29

And oh my God, Ciel what happened to your hair?! :shock:

Now ciel isn’t hideous.