Mangagamer Megathread

Alright, I’ve noticed a lot of threads about MG clogging up the forum. So I have a suggestion, I hope the moderators also take notice of this. Rather than spreading out with tons of MG threads all over the forums, why not direct all mangagamer questions, discussions and comments here. I’ll edit this OP with an FAQ with content you guys suggest and then we’d have a more organized source of information rather than cross posting between 10 different threads. How about it?

They’re not really clogging up the forum. The forum’s pretty quiet other than MG, actually.

Besides, I don’t think it would work very well. There are several different MangaGamer threads because there are several different lines of conversation about them going on. Having six different conversations all going on in one thread would, I think, be more confusing. Not less.

I agree with Nande… Huge massive threads aren’t all that good really. For an example, take a look at the Twincest is Best thread. There are titles mentioned three or four times by different people, because they didn’t see it previously in the buried mass of endless goodness in there.

Not that another twincest thread should be made… too late for that. Plus twincest should always be together. 8)

There has to be irony in creating a new MG thread, to stop the creation of additional MG threads. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I disagree, you clearly haven’t posted on They do it all the time about subjects as broad as entire video games to entire companies and even entire countries. I don’t think it’s that unusual at all. It’s just more convenient to have a long repository of information about MG rather than search a lot of other crap over the forums. Makes the forums less crappy. That forum is heavily moderated to ensure crap posters are weeded out, the megathread format worked well considering people pay a 10 dollar charge just to register to post there and no one complained.

Most threads here are usually resolved in about 7 posts or less and all the major questions can be addressed in the OP so they don’t have to be repeated. I think it’s a good idea to discuss all mangagamer related material in a single thread and considering how low the traffic is It’s probably just going to be a 3-4 way conversation between myself, Narg, Nande and Olf with a few newbies coming in to ask a question that can easily be answered in 3 posts or less. This thus reduces the clutter so people who have more important things to post about will get the attention they need.

Conversely on the Warseer forum (Warhammer board), they do it like they do here. No loss of quality there. Different forums have different ways of handing things. The MG thing is only a passing thing: especially if they turn out to be a failure. As Nande pointed out: the board would be quiet without them. PP really hasn’t made any big announcements to comment on, since the Expo.

This is a bgame board, that specifically talks about ero titles. is more universal than this place. I don’t see it as broke… I see it as more of how runs things, being enforced on how runs things. Apples and Oranges.

No attack on you… please don’t take it that way.

Yes well, I’m sticking to my idea, a one click MG source in the thread so the discussion isn’t spread out between 6 topics. We end up talking about the same shit anyway about DRM, how they’re going to fail or not fail etc. I really prefer we just keep it to one thread instead and I think it would work just fine. Maybe I’m just too used to the way SA does things. But just wait, 2 weeks later someone is going to ask another question about MG’s DRM and other crap. I frankly find it irritating and it would be better to just refer them to the megathread and concentrate everything here. I want this thread to be the one click source for MG related information on this forum. Unfortunately it appears my ambitious project is being met by resistance from the old guard.

Also SA is like 10 forums strung together. They got a games forum, an anime forum, a car forum, a movies forum etc etc. All of these have posters that specifically hang out in these forums with specific tastes but that doesn’t change the fact that people form megathreads about specific subjects. Each topic on SA is like its own universe almost. So if you really think about it, the large 30,000 membership is divided up evenly between various forums with minimal cross posting.

Dude. Cool down. Your idea isn’t bad. It works even. But at the same time, you’re not seeing how the systems as it is, also works. Massive threads have their own issues and confusion, mainly that the same thing keeps getting repeated every 50 posts later, because no one is going to read 300 posts in sequential order. They read the first few dozen maybe, then skip to the last dozen and make their own comment.

How things work here, have been working fine in my opinion. You call it refusing to accept change. True. That’s one way of looking at it: another is reinventing the wheel.

Only two people have given their opinion, and you’re already defensive… just wait and see what others think first. Not like me or Nande run the place. We just gave our two cents.

Which is why you update the OP With the more frequent questions, while the discussion proper continues in real time. Anyway I’m not angry or anything. That’s just my unique writing style. Besides If I don’t at least defend my idea, I’ll come out as an idiot and contribute to the problem I was trying to fix anyway. In fact it’s already happening, because rather than discussing mangagamer and setting up an FAQ, we’re arguing about the merits of a such a thread in the first place. I’ve probably overstepped my bounds on this matter. I’ve gotten used to a system where posting a topic usually requires a great deal of thought and simpler shorter questions are generally not appreciated.

That kind of comment is called poisoning the well. It infers that the people of this board don’t take a great deal of thought or appreciate long questions. Which we do.

You’ll find that topics regularly go off topic around here… its the “personality” of the board.

Again: this isn’t - I think expecting it to be, will only setup for disappointment. I don’t think they do it better there; just as you believe we haven’t been doing it efficiently enough here.

Insert logical fallacy, therefore you are wrong.”

But joking aside, I thought it would’ve been a good idea to make a repository of MG related info in one place so other people coming in to post won’t have to wait for responses to questions already answered. But I guess since only the same 10 people ever actually visit this forum regularly anyway, it’s probably a waste of time.

I didn’t say the posters here don’t make thought out questions or appreciate short questions in the form of a new thread. That’s you thinking too much. What I said was that I got too used to a forum where short questions aren’t made in thread format and posting requires a lot of thought. That doesn’t imply people here don’t put thought into their posts, but it does suggest rather that the moderators here are lenient and thus the forum has a greater potential to have 10 threads about the same thing.

Well the most users ever online was 38 - five of whom were probably search engine bots - so I’d say we have more than ten. :stuck_out_tongue:

The L-man would probably know the answer…

We’d get more visitors if there was moar twincest being offered. hint hint

Haha, Narg you are clearly the forum superstar. If it wasn’t for you, this place would totally be dead and we’d never get answers to our questions. Come to think of it, I wonder if the amount of people on this forum is a decent enough sample to indicate VERY few people actually buy these games.

I don’t think that’s the case, unless online extroverts have a massive overlap with people who buy adult games online…

I completely agree with what zalas has said. Rare is the person who is comfortable enough with how they are to openly talk online about their inner perversions (well, at least that’s how much of the world sees them) such as the taboo subject of incest. Just look at how many people are registered for this board (probably mostly for support with orders, V-Mate, game errors, and walkthroughs) and compare it to how many of us are regulars here.
As for the originally stated purpose of this thread, I think all hope of it being what Absurdist wanted is gone given how many posts long this thread is already, without a shred of what he wanted in this thread. Hell, given what most of the discussion of this thread has been, this thread is more in line with something to be discussed in the BBS Junkyard. Therefore, the argument, in my opinion, is now moot.

It’s somewhat insensitive to say this because I’m one of the two people involved, but the idea is dead because two of the biggest posters don’t agree with it. Sorry, dude, nothing personal, but I just don’t thinkit will work unless the moderators agree this is a brilliant idea.

Also, the more-than-a-dozen off-topic replies show just how well it will work anyway …

Heh you actually have me to partially blame for the number of MangaGamer topics. I’ve counted three so far and three topics devoted to one subject on this forum is large, considering it’s a small forum community, rofl. I’m being careful not to overdo it:

I’ve been taught in forum environments polar opposite from your own that several topics promote better activity. I’ve come from a number of small forum communities, most notably PC clan forums where n00b leaders make their own clan thinking they’re the shit but end up killing the clan off a month later :lol:. One of my forums I was the admin for I kid you not when a new piece of news would pop up, I’d make a whole thread for it! I found new threads caught people’s attention, focused the discussions, and in my opinion, made things organized:

To each his own though. I understand where you’re coming from. Sometimes having huge pinned FAQs, like for Metal Gear Solid, is necessary =). … tag=forums

alright, here’s my say (and shingo is also kinda on the same line as well)…

i personally do not think making one megathread will help because it will make things very confusing to follow like nandemonai said. also, from a logical and competitive sense, and i have nothing against mangagamer either (like peter said, we welcome anything that will make the bgame market grow), but why would i want to facilitate special accommodations for products from another company? :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways, we obviously do allow discussions of games by other companies, but i dont think i will reorganize the threads other than posts that relate to a specific title like what we do with our recent releases. and since they are a starting company there arent much specific MG game threads to speak of (at least worth merging), so for now i am staying put…

absurdist might have a point about a faq thread, but like i said a couple of lines up, that’s MG’s job not ours (we dont want to be liable for any misinformation either :stuck_out_tongue: ) however, you are more than welcome to make one on your own (as in starting a new one as a recap so to speak but you will have to maintain it yourself)

so in short, for now i personally dont see a need for changes. if it aint broke i aint fixin it :stuck_out_tongue:

and that said, given how this thread is getting out of hand, i have to lock it sorry.
dont worry though, i wont ban anyone this time but please try to calm down and not make any “flammable” comments.