Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

Would it be possible to move conversations about “SSL” to the off topic forum? I think it would just be better for the topic on this thread about “Mangagamers”.
please? :smiley:

I just wanted to say that using Wikipedia as your example wasn’t very good. While I applaud Wikipedia’s attempts at having a high standard for the information on their site, it is still somewhat lacking.

Actually, Wikipedia is considered a GREAT source of info, depending on the topic: … 97332.html

Well, I pass.
Uncensored graphics are nice, but the prices are high, I’ve (mostly) no interest in their games and I don’t care for limited activations either.
It’s time for me, Mangagamer guys :stuck_out_tongue: .

It’s already been discussed. They said they’re not making a packaged version because they can’t guarantee they’ll make a profit from it. They don’t want to sit on a lot of unsold product. They said they’ll look into making a physical product if there is enough demand for the games.

As for the activations, you only activate it to install it. You don’t need to complete the game as soon as you can. Just activate it and it’ll work fine until you change your hardware or reinstall your OS. It doesn’t authenticate each time you play it.

Don’t get me wrong, I consider Wikipedia to be a great source of information. I go there all the time, I link there all the time, hell I even contribute to it! However, any information I read there I always take with a dose of salt so to speak.

Does anyone know if these guys offer walkthroughs for their games if you provide some proof of purchase?

I finally got a reply from them for a long email I wrote to them complaining about their translation problems.

Only real new piece of info is them replying to how I said they shouldn’t swap names i.e. write the first name in the script even though the voices use the last name, and they said they’ll change that in the future, but that they already translated some of the games and it’s too hard to change. This probably means it’ll stay the same for Da Capo since it’s coming out next month. :frowning:

i emailed them about that they said no. i thought that was stupid. so for the games you are on your own unless you find a japanese walkthrough that makes sense after online translation.

I have for that

You know, most companies don’t give walkthroughs of their games. :roll: JAST is unique for giving them out. You have to depend on user created walkthroughs for pretty much every other company.

Not to worry, found what I needed at foolmaker, so never mind the walkthrough part.

Well, MangaGamer has my support now, although I won’t be buying their games at the moment (saving up for other things at this time, plus the weak dollar seriously blows). I emailed them if they were planning on translating any otome games, while not at this stage, that they plan on making it happen next year. Am I not happy with their DRM, the limited number of downloads, no physical copy of the game, the high price, and the typo-filled translations? Absolutely. But like someone’s said before, beggars can’t be choosers. If supporting MangaGamers means the introduction of more otome and eroge otome games to a western market, then I’m willing to pay whatever price for the game.

I respectfully disagree once more. As this quote puts so nice and bluntly:

It always starts like this. You give in, saying “I can accept it because of…”. Then they push it a little more. Then a little more, until you end up like Carl in this episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Mind you, I don’t place much, if any, of the blame on Mangagamer. I lay it upon the original publishers who insisted on such outrageous and ineffective measures. I will leave it at that, as I don’t want to beat a dead horse so to speak. (However, I couldn’t resist seizing the opportunity of linking to a video that illustrates how I and I’m guessing Nandemonai feel about it.)

Yeah, I know. It’s frustrating - while I would wish that MG would succeed, they’d turned me off because of the pricing and DRM thing. The thing is that I’m willing to do anything to for more translated otome games (since Ideas Factory is looking into localizing one of their games and Natsume is releasing the ultra-cute Princess Debut), but I feel like I’m backed in a corner.

I guess I’ll just wait and see; hopefully they’ll survive long enough and be able to implement their plans in bringing over translated otome games for me to make my final decision whether or not I’d be willing to buy their games. Maybe by that time there’ll be some changes for the better.

Just saw this article over at Encubed. Someone there has been in contact with Circus, and they are intrested in our opinions about the Manga Gamers tranlastions of their games. … /#more-176

Current discussion is about the use of honorifics in the game.

So they know the translations are shitty and they promise to fix 'em. Good. I’ll wait till they do that before going back. So the quicker they fix the scripts, the quicker I’ll buy something. If not… well… guess not. :stuck_out_tongue:

And its nice to see they’re reevaluating the DRM issue.

The almighty dollar always speaks for the customer. 8)

Actually, in this case, the almighty Euro speaks for the customer, but that’s just splitting hairs. It’s simple math really, even given the weak US dollar at a current conversion of ~1.6USD to 1EUR as of this post. Here’s a hypothetical for purposes of math. Let’s say that there are 500 potential customers, with light side tastes similar to myself, le nuage, and Setsuna. These 500 customers don’t like the DRM scheme. Let’s also say that there are another 300 customers with similar tastes who are put off by the quality of the translation. Lastly, let’s say there are 200 additional customers who fall in to both categories. Given the tastes of these people, from what I’ve seen (based on what looks interesting to me) they would be interested in Edelweiss, Which Girl Should I Choose, Da Capo, and Suika. Let’s assume that on average, these people would buy two of these games. If the issues that these hypothetical people have are addressed to all of their satisfaction, given the variables Mangagamer has the potential for ~72,500EUR in revenue, or using the ~1.6 figure I mentioned above, ~116,000USD. Granted, some of the variables in this hypothetical situation leave something to be desired, but I think you all get the idea.

Edit: Whoops, accidentally put half as much revenue as it should be (i.e. forgot the average of two games).

LOL. That was unexpected.

¬Ä > ¬• > $ - US is still the top dog though… even in the “recession” its in. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Worth more isn’t always better though. It just makes your stuff moar expensive… and generally speaking, US/Japan goods are no less inferior to European goods, and inevitably cost less to purchase outside of Europe. It will even get more competitive when China and India boost their quality standards. Fun times ahead for economic theorists. :lol:

But given average sales numbers of a couple thousand units – over an extended period of time – your estimates may be a bit high. It’s quite possible the direct impact to their bottom line is lesser. Regardless … it’s a lot of money. I know I at least am not buying anything they make while I’m not satisfied I’ll have arbitary replayability and the translations suck.

Furthermore, the damage to their reputation will be rather severe, if this continues unabated. And that has uncalculable future costs, in terms of the number of people who will simply never give them a second look.