MangaGamer Scam 15/6

I believe it’s been confirmed that they will announce their new titles at AX. will undergo a site renewal on 6/25, 12:00PM. In order to prepare for the renewal, the site will be temporarily unavailable between 6/23 5:00AM - 6/25 12:00PM. We apologize for the inconvinience. We look forward to continue serving you in our new website.”

I wonder what we can expect… one never knows with Mangagamer… :wink:

Isn’t PP gonna be there too? Does that mean we get to see some mud wrestling between PP and MG staff members? :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless PP is bringing an attractive female employee to wrestle with that gal who was in the video introducing Mangagamer last year, I wouldn’t be interested in seeing that. :lol: As much as I love all that Peter, Shingo, and Lamuness do for us, I really don’t care to see them wrestle in the mud. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Shingo, he’s been MIA for quite a while. I wonder if he’s going to be doing the Jast panel. His panels are always so great.

If the new regulation rules are true, it’s end of story. There will be no Mangagamer anymore.

I can guess what the site renewal will say once it is done…

MangaGamer to close shop :slight_smile:

Experiment over.

If it comes to pass, I guess it was good that they didnt release their games on disc… at least they wont be stuck with inventory. But sucks for folks who bought em.

Eh… well, they pulled out 3 problematic titles but Kira Kira and new announcements make up for it plenty so I think, at the moment, we can afford to be a little optimistic about a future…