MangaGamer Scam 15/6

Contact them.
If you have paid for this, you deserve at least your money back OR a copy of those titles.
I am sure they will agree - they have no choice.

‘Sandwiched by my wife and her sister’ was released. I can confirm it myself and can provide picture proof if you want.

I have sent them an email about ‘The Queen and Princess as your rewards’, and will report back on what they say in regards to the issue of people who purchased it.

I’ve also sent an email concerning Q&P, so hopefully one of us that has bought it gets a reply. It’s still in my account available for DL as well. Just have to wait and see what they do.

There was just a technical problem. I’m sure it will be OK soon.

MangaGamer has a lot of issues and problems, but they’re not thieves. Incompetent? Most certainly… but not crooks.

If you write them, I’m sure they’ll refund your money or fix whatever issue is screwing over your ability to download.

MangaGamer is putting a lot of effort into trying, so they get my respect for that. Question is: how much patience people can have for constant bumbling.

It’s cute at first, but there comes a time when angry disappointment is the only reaction. :expressionless:

With regards to myself, I was trying to get the game before they pulled it for being a Rape title. Unfortunately, MG outsmarted me and I couldn’t DL it. Sure, it’s their fault for pulling the title without taking down the purchase option, but honestly, it’s MY fault as well considering that I knew that rape games were getting scrutinized for, well, being rape games. I was hoping that a company based in Amsterdam wouldn’t mind too much about their Japanese parent, and would release the games under the “already developed, so the new rules don’t apply yet” flag.

It’s a shitty situation, but it’s not like anyone forced me to buy it. I’m actually hoping it is a technical issue and they keep my money as a pre-order payment. Although from reading the MG forums, I doubt that’s going to happen. Looks like EvoSpace is saying refunds for all, and has no idea if they’re actually going to release the title at this point.

Before saying they stole your money, maybe you should check if they even charged your card. They didn’t charge any of their early customers, so it’s probably they haven’t charged you for a non-working game.

Yes. They may have put a hold on an amount of money, but a hold is not the same as a charge.

You could preorder?

You can’t preorder from Mangagamer.

EvoSpace said the Japanese company yanked the titles in an effort to appraise what the new guidelines will mean.

I wonder if MangaGamer has anything in the pipeline at this point. All their new releases were all yanked. And the only thing out of MangaGamer is that they hope some “non-questionable” titles will eventually get licensed, which makes me think MangaGamer has nothing now, and for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, I’m completely wrong. We will just have to wait and see.

Kira Kira
Kira Kira Curtain Call
Edelweiss Eiden Phantasia
Da Capo Plus Communication

Are all confirmed already.

Is it a question or a statement? I’m afraid nothing’s confirmed yet.
Here’s the confirmation for the first 3.

it has been hinted at that work is/has started on them also, Overdrive was looking for people to convert the games technical side. … scripters/

Their was a mention somewhere that they have the license to D.C.P.C., this is the only one we don’t know if any work has started on.

so I’m pretty sure that at AX, MG will mentioned the first 3 titles.

I still take it as nothing’s certain yet, especially in these wild times. Anyway, is there any more info about these game somewhere? seems to be painfully incomplete…

Given the current situation, we won’t find out anything until they make an official announcement. Remember, the last time they talked about it was almost a year ago. Furthermore, “licenses” aren’t going to work like they typically do with say an American anime localization company, due to how MangaGamer is structured. What MangaGamer decides to localize or not localize will be mostly dependent on what the Japanese side wants to do.

Furthermore, the fact that OVERDRIVE was looking for people to help adapt their game engines to English probably doesn’t mean much now, since both Da Capo and Suika A.S+ got ported from their original game engines to the one OVERDRIVE uses, Ethornell/BGI.

Well, I know they were looking for an editor for Kira Kira in the beginning of this year. I don’t know what happened with that though.

From the mangagamer site:

The topic title should be renamed (imo by a moderator if necessary).

This announcement represents yet another boneheaded business decision on MG’s part. I’m sure most customers would’ve been satisfied with a discount. Give the discount by default, then refund the people who persist in demanding their money back. That makes the customer happy because they get a cheaper game, and it keeps your sales from taking a hit. By refunding every customer, you’ve likely lost a number of sales from people who will forget about the game and go play something else, or just give up in exasperation. Is this kind of customer relations policy customary in Japan? Because I’m pretty sure no American company in their right mind would do this.

How so? I’m fairly sure offering a “discount” is more than likely to annoy more customers than a full refund. If i didn’t get the product i wanted i’m not going to settle for some sort of credit/compensation (which is just as bad as EB’s we only do store credit policies), I would want my money/pre-order back period Attempting to “offer” discounts to replace the game is actually worse off because they would be seen as trying to actually “scam” customers that way by not returning money for products never given.

It’s unfortunate the whole stupid mess means its now even harder to get an eroge licensed/translated. But at least kudos to MG for the quick damage control for a stupid situation that was completely out of their control.

I think it depends on how soon the “everything working” version comes out.

If it’s out Monday, then ok… give some of the money back to those who had to wait a week or so sorta makes sense. If it’s gonna be a couple weeks or longer? Yeah. Full refund.

Seeing as it appears to have been pulled from even their coming soon list? Yeah, full refund it is. I actually sort suspect their done. Don’t see any new titles coming soon.