MangaGamer takes Suggestions!

Uuuuukay?! Unofficial forum O_O

A quick research on how professionals deal with this honorifics matter (feel free to click the spoiler if you’re not interested in the Super Robot Taisen saga) :stuck_out_tongue:

In the SRT The Animation OVAs, Excellen’s mecha - Weissritter was called Weiss-chan (to give it some cuteness) while in the game, you know how Atlus USA translated that? Weissie! You see, Atlus didn’t need to keep the honorifics to make Weissritter’s name sounds cute, they made up a cute name for it in the American way. I’m not saying that VNs should all be Americanized (in fact, they shouldn’t be) but that’s quite an experience to take, isn’t it? Considering it as a lesson from a veteran company that has been professional in translating Japanese games for a long time (Atlus USA, that is).

Actually, it’s pretty much their official forum since they asked for it to be set up and they read the threads there.

And as for Atlus, they’re treating honorifics differently now on some games. They’re actually keeping them in. Persona 3 kept all of them, and I can only assume Persona 4 is going to be the same. So even the professionals now are keeping honorifics in games they deem extremely Japanese and the honorifics are important.

Ah,Super Robot Taisen OG…Gotta love the Daizengar & Ausseinseiter combo :wink: … and also Royal Heart Breaker :wink:

Americanized Clannad:
Nagisa:Can i call you Tomoya-honey ?
Tomoya:Uh huh,and can i call you Nagisa-cake? :smiley:

Yep, that’s why localization should be done thoroughly but not overdone, the above is an example :stuck_out_tongue:

But hey, you know what? Septembet 10th is 2 more days to go, we’ll see how MG folks do the work with their re-done Edelweiss :slight_smile:

I doubt there’s a new translation. It was probably just to fix the programming bugs, but I hope they edited the script at least somewhat.

According to their email, there will be “some improvement of scripts,” so we’ll see… At least this time I purchased the game before the patch came out, so I can compare.

You know what i dislike about waiting like this? No pre-ordering! Shame :stuck_out_tongue:

Crap, Edelweiss has been delayed until the 20th…

Are you satisfied with the website design?

Oh?! It goes official now o.O

My opinion: not satisfied :P, but i won’t ask them to change it, it isn’t an eyesore or anything.

But the eroge fanatics hoped for more, and Baseson granted their wish… … s_id/11303

…with an improved, gargantuan remake scheduled for Christmas.
However, I’m sure that the chances for a Mangagamer version are the same as getting a discount on the new version for those (unlucky) buyers of the original, and now obsolete, version :roll: …

Alas you speak the truth. The version of Da Capo they’re doing, isn’t the new and improved rendition of it (has 50% more Yoriko). However something is better than nothing.

:shock: Must preorder this… must preorder…

Even outside Japan, Circus intends to sell Da Capo twice. The deal is that if the initial release does well, they’ll follow up with Plus Communication and D.C.II.

I guess buyers of the original are expected to view D.C.P.C. as a standalone, full-priced expansion.

Guess it goes to show how little Circus understands the Western PC market. Games that pull this trick are few and in between (most recently The Witcher: Enhanced Edition or The SIMS 2: Double Deluxe comes to mind) - even then they tend to be highly successful mainstream titles. I don’t see it working out for Circus, and if that’s really their greedy wallet doing that talking, they’re in for a surprising shock. There’s a lot of starving erogamers, but not so many that a rehash would go further than the previous… especially with the US economy slipping so badly. It would have done tons for their image and goodwill, had they released the improved version… but I know good and well that profit drives investors, NOT goodwill. :slight_smile:

This fact is probably what causes PP to not negotiate for the release for “renewals” of several titles they own (Tsuki: Possession DVD for example).

Except The Witcher re-release gave all the extras for free to people who already owned the old version. It’s one of the few re-releases done right. It pulls in new customers while not alienating the old customers.

This is far from the only thing they’ve done at MangaGamer that makes me thing their backers don’t understand the Western market. :slight_smile: (I’d say failing to ensure the first impression was a good impression was a worse mistake, honestly.) But it is a big one. People don’t pay full price for expansions. They look at the added content in the expansion versus the amont of content in the original, and say “why would you think these are worth the same amount of money?”

I’m actually rather surprised the Japanese gaming consumer doesn’t have the same reaction. A title that’s mostly the same as something you released already, with a small amount of new content, is a budget release; there isn’t nearly as high a level of initial expenditure, so since the risk (production costs) are lesser, so should the payoff (sale price).

Aside from that, though, I don’t know how the Japanese consumer looks at this, but I find such tactics – if I’m being honest, they’re insulting. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks like this.

Well of course there always are exceptions to the rule: Harvest Moon does the rehash thing in Japan and it does just as good in the West (European fans cry they don’t get as many or as fast as North Americans). Pokemon is another. Many EA Sport games like Madden ## or Tiger Woods ## are just rehashes as well.

I think the key is fan base loyalty. The Harvest Moon and EA Sports community is intensely loyal. In Japan the otaku community has a VERY loyal fan base, which is the main reason why they can make “rehashes” and make great sellers out of them (although its doubled edge; see Dies Irae). However this isn’t always the case for Westerners. Given the American craze for sports, its understandable to see how EA gets away with it. Harvest Moon fans are simply insane.

But ero? Western Erogers are REALLY nitpicky and vengeful. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, November 10th is a long way to go. But you know what? September 20th is 2 more days to go. Now here rises a question: How would you react if MG delay one more time?