(Mangagamer) Tasty Shafts Review

So when Mangagamer was first starting they let us buy most of there games by accident, i managed to pick up ‘tasty Shafts’ when it was available so my review is based on that.
When it is properly released some things i speak of may be fixed.

Also, this is my first time reviewing something.

The basic storyline is as follows:

Your name is Mizuna, one day 2 twin brothers confess their love for you. But instead of fighting over you, they decide to share you between them.

Spoilers for the next part of the storyline:

As you keep having sex with them, you get pregnant with one of their children…which brother does it belong to and what will happen to the other brother?

Theirs only 3 main characters in the game
Mizuna - You, a shy girl who has a dislike for sexual actions, but likes things based on love ( dates ect ), she also doesn’t know very much of sex
Reiji - The more outgoing of the twin brothers, wants pleasure over trying new stuff
Kyouichi - The smarter twin, he has some odd fetish’s that he likes to try

Basicly gameplay consists of the same choice almost every in game day
Each day they ask you which brother will lead the activity and you choose, making the endings fairly easy to get.

It’s roughly So-so
You can tell whats being said and i didn’t find many sentences that sounded ‘odd’.
Didn’t find many spelling errors also.
My only complaint is that sometimes the story doesn’t match what is done in the CG’s.

This is what i consider the downfall,
both brothers look exactly the same apart from their hair colour.
So you’ll find that some CG’s just have the brothers hair colour swapped
All CG’s are also uncensored ( My sex slave is a classmate had 2 that were still censored )

Theres atleast 1 scene per day, sometimes 2 or more.
Most of these occur in the twins house while some extend out to other locations.
29 total in my recollection screen.


3 endings total
1 with Reiji
1 with Kyouichi
1 with them both

Honestly i liked this one,
The twins are quite nice and do reward Mizuna for her good work ( taking her to an amusement park, caring for her at school ect )
But it lacks alot of storyline.
If we get more twin style stories like this…i just might become a twin fan :slight_smile:

Here ya go Narg, another twincest 8)

Tasty Shafts - Oishii bou ga 2 hon - roughly translated to “Two tasty rods” :shock: And yes, the twin brothers looks pretty much the same…

Info site:
Official site

So yes, Oishii bou ga 2 hon is PSYCHO’s latest (and maybe last) game…

I must say though, no matter if the title is in English or Japanese, it really turns me off of wanting to ever get it, even if the game is decent…

cool to see a female lead character

and where did you get it
the game doesn’t come out for a month

Don’t ask me how it was actually done though :? .

About a week before Mangagamer officially opened you were able to purchase most of their games, some for odd prices. These were only test versions though, you’ll be able to find out information on the forums.
Some info can be found here:
Where users purchased ‘Which girl should I choose?’ and ‘Edelweiss’ before they were released.

I picked up ‘My sex slave is a classmate’ and ‘tasty shafts’ before they were officially released ( Check the dates in the following images ).

Heres a link to a bigger version of the above image ( forums only allow 600x600 )

You’ll also notice i got Shera, when it was out for about 12 hours before being pulled.
So after Princess Waltz i have to wait till December 25 for Da Capo to be released before another english eroge comes out.

my thoughts exactly.

Hell yes. There’s no reason why lady gamers should not know the joys of twincest too. :o

I know a few Harry Potter fan girls who might be interested in this…

I thought HP fangirls would love a slash fic between Potter & Weasley? :lol:

If you do an image search on Google for the keyword of “twincest” - the first image it gives you those two who played the twins in the Harry Potter movie… and I’m not talking about the hottie Indian sisters. :stuck_out_tongue:

And the blog entry containing it is epic! :lol:

Oh, and one more on the next page, just epic :lol:

This is really the only MG game that interests me, only because of playing as the female lead and have sex with two guys. Awesome!

Only one girl, pfft count me out.
The premise sounds interesting but I can’t imagine how it won’t be shallow as well. :?

how long is the game

5 hours? maby 6

1 week till we see if manga gamer pushes it back

got confused
the usa users will find out if the game drops on time some time today

Now available again:

10 days till Shera gets re-released
15 days till Da Capo gets released

suprised to see no date change for this at all
can you use an american credit card for manga gamer

Some work, others wont.

Updated release schedule!

December 20, 2008 Shera, My Witch

December 25, 2008 Da Capo

January 10, 2009 Sandwiched by my wife and her sister

January 25, 2009 Suika A.S+

February 10, 2009 Suck my dick or die!

March 25, 2009 The Queen and Princess as your rewards

‘The Queen and Princess as your rewards’
has had a title change.
It used to be called;
‘The Queen and Princess are your rewards’