(MangaGamer) The Queen and Princess as your rewards

Crafty MG and their ninja like removal of games. I am glad I didn’t get my hopes to high set on this game but it still sucks.

Yeah, now we’ll get to see what they do with purchases made on games that aren’t available. I’m expecting a rather hilariously inadequate reply telling me I’m at fault for buying something for sale on their own site, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Most likely they won’t charge the CC for those that purchased it like they did when the first came out and released some games with error’s. Although I could imagine them giving some half ass reply. I truly feel bad for those who bought the game and MG has to seriously not screw you guys over on this.

I sent them an email earlier asking why I couldn’t download it, so hopefully they will say something.

I think at least all of us here made the purchase with eyes wide open. (Not that I’m gonna accept a charge for no product). But in the case of this one especially it screamed if you don’t grab it immediately, something just might happen…

From MG

Mysterious problems and another apology. I can see it now during AX when they have their booth they will have a sign that says “We sincerely apologize for not showing up.”

oddly enough they still have images from ‘The Queen and Princess as your rewards’ and ‘Sandwiched by my wife and her sister’ on the main page.

I can understand this: people who follow the rape game issue know that the situation is getting worse and worse. Considering everything started because of an outcry from overseas about such a game, I can understand the Japanese suddenly removing all games even remotely similar from the overseas market.

That’s a quote in response to the previous two titles that were pulled immediately following the EOCS debacle. This is the response to the new removal of titles:

I wonder if this has been a wholesale pullout by NEXTON…

I’m actually hoping the email I get tells me that they’re going to wait for this to blow over, then let me DL the game on the sly a few weeks from now.

But it’ll probably just be a refund, and I’ll miss out on some swords and sorcery action.

Just as an aside, I’m not mad about this at all, like a poster above said, speaking for myself, I went into this purchase with eyes opened. I knew they had pulled SMDoD & MSiaC on June 4th, knew that Rape games got a lot of unwanted media attention and new policies were being formed, so its not like I’m surprised that the game is unavailable for download. I just figured that it’d be my best/only chance to purchase it on the day it released, so I took my chance and failed. Sure, I’d rather be playing the game right now, but I can’t say that I didn’t see this coming.

While I’m not a fan of these types of games, I can’t help but wonder why sandwitched was pulled as well… Was it even a rape game? Or was it simply by the same company and decided to pull everything?

If it’s due to the company as a whole pulling everything this leads me to concerns for future titles seeing there way outside of Japan.(Even the non-rape ones)

What I’ve read over there is that all the Nexton connected titles were pulled. The gossip is that Nexton is being extra since the current head of the EOAC was in the past in charge at Nexton. (Pardon any misspellings. Quick post on a quick visit.)

Why do people keep saying he’s the former head of NEXTON? Did he resign recently or something?

That I will take full blame for. I apologize for any confusion and will go back and edit that.

A update from MG

This doesn’t look good. I’d say chances that this game will be released anytime soon are rather slim but we can still hope…

Yeah, I agree we may not be looking at it in a year but in a few years if the storm passes and MG survives we could see it. Better some hope then no hope.

Well, I got my email telling me I’m getting a refund. Which is cool with me, they handled this about as well as I could hope honestly. Well, outside actually releasing the game, but the fact is that they handled the situation right, so they’ve still got my business. Well, if they survive long enough to release another game. :lol:

I was just wondering, was this just another example of MG being incompetent like usual?