(MangaGamer) The Queen and Princess as your rewards

This might come out in 5/6 days ( depends on where you are ) so heres a thread to discuss it.

Original Name: ???

Mangagamer Link
Getchu Link
Galge Link
Guide ( Haven’t found one yet )
Official Website

Story / Detail
Vincent is a talented warrior and has a strong ambition to be the best.
One day, he happened to have a chance to save the princess Sana of the Kingdom of Cartooshia.
The country has been battling against the Principality of Ecryps.
This incident is the starting point for him to be the ruler of two countries and their noble ladies.

Will get. I support the Darkside. Liquid is the Darkside. Liquid also has access to MUCH better offerings, and I’m hoping that a good selling of this title will convince MG to:

[list]#1: Get more Darkside.

#2: Get more Liquid.

#3: Get more from Liquid’s parent company.[/list]

Day 1 purchase here. Hopefully it comes out on time and isn’t delayed.

Well, I like the art, and if the PC is a hot long-haired guy that could make it appealing in a reversed way as well… but how dark is it exactly?

From looking at the sample pictures, what’s putting me off is the presence of other men. I would personally be happier playing a game as a male character with psychic domination powers exploiting everyone and getting my way than a game where rape seems to be the societal norm. Especially rape by ugly men. :stuck_out_tongue: One’s a power fantasy I can get off on, the other is unpleasant.

Well, my single previous experience with Liquid was quite negative, but the art in this one seems extremely appealing, so I doudt I’ll be missing this, either. Hopefully, Mangagamer will not treat this as a second-rate game and we will see the same quality in translation and editing as Da Capo. I definately am not expecting this to come out anytime soon. Still, I wouldn’t mind a pleasant surprise. :wink:

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … ?game=3783

DEFINITELY interested, but I’m waiting for the reviews first.
Let’s see if next week Mangagamer finally releases something catering to my tastes or if my current lady will drive me to further Light Sideness instead :lol: .

That title looks like an amusing change of pace Baldo. A side scrolling platform game featuring Miko isn’t something you see everyday.

And it’s pretty good too :smiley: , although you have to buy the main game if you also want the background info.
I would like to support Mangagamer, but the sad(?) truth is that I do not buy many erogames AND usually the Japanese market has better stuff for lower prices, it’s only because of an unrelated game order if my debit card still has the euros for additional stuff…

MangaGamer now says 25th of April for all of their games.
Hooray ?


If they don’t deliver, then it actually doesn’t matter what they don’t deliver - “nothing” has no color because it does neither reflect nor absorb lightwaves of the visible spectrum! :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a few girl on girl (forced of course), and much rape, but there’s a large amount of gangbangs too… more than I expected. I suppose it’s because of the whole army thing - in that there’s a lot of men who’d like a piece of the ass too - but I expected the male lead to be more possessive of his prizes.

Bringing this back up,
could be released in 9 days.

I’m pretty sure that those games will be released on time.
They had to cancel one of their active projects and can divert its attention to finishing the remaining two now :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone know if this game is a linear novel or if it has branching choices ?
Do you get seperate endings with the girl you choose or just a “I made everyone my bitch !” ending ?

That cancelling is going to hurt them. They spent a lot of time on that project.

If it was me, I’d be taking submissions for alternative names for “Suck my dick or die” and “My Sex Slave Is A Classmate”.

Well, it’s officially for sale as of now, so I bought it, but…

I get a “Download Failed” title and a “You cannot download this product at this time.” message when I try to, well, you know, get the game I just paid for.

Hopefully it’s because there server is just CRAZY busy with all the DLs going on. Figure I’ll give it a few hours before I start pitching a bitch.

I get the same error, so you aren’t the only one.

Sandwiched, worked though.

Oddly enough I couldn’t purchase both games together, I got an error whenever I did. But if I purchased them by themselves it was fine.

Once sandwiched is done, I’ll see if I can get into the files and report on what I find.

The not so good news is I can still dl previous games but not Queen and Princess. At least with CCs you can always challenge the purchase if things go wrong.

I saw the previous post, but I wanted to make sure I at least got an order placed if theres more strangeness going on with this title.

Anyone else think maby it wasn’t supposed to be released today?
As in they didn’t upload it to the server to download…

I was thinking about trying to buy Sandwiched, but figured if I’m already 40 euros in Q&P, I’ll wait a month or so before getting that one. I can download the other 7 games I’ve gotten from MG, but I think you’re right Lipp, someone probably screwed up and either 1) Somehow missed it when they pulled MSiaC & SMDoD for the rape game ban scare or 2) It’s release date got pushed back again, and they didn’t pull it.

Either way, at least I’ve paid for the game, which means I should get it eventually. At least I’d hope so, lol.

The Queen and Princess and Sandwiched by my wife and sister have been removed from the site without explanation, always worse :shock: