Mangagamer update

[nope, it doesn’t even look like one in my opinion.


well maybe not but its funny :mrgreen: it even has some type of hair style and arms .

awsome cant wait to get my own credit card and a job

At the end of March they should’ve released all of their initial catalog, they need to start creating some hype on future games, starting with their next title.

But hey I’m sure MG has an awesome strategy planned :slight_smile:

Yeah, I heard about the new advertisement campaign they have planned for all their games. It involves writing the game’s name on a post it note, then sticking it to the side of a cat and turning it lose in the city streets.

Ya, but unless that post-it note glue is like the best in the world, that plan is doomed to failure after like 10 seconds when said cat rips said note from its fur.

they would have a better chance if they posted small ads in anime insider
or stuck their postits inside copies of anime insider

Just what we need, people getting the wrong idea about the games we play because of the awful names of a majority of their titles. Especially with titles like “Suck My Dick Or Die!” and “Tasty Shafts”. That’s not to say that PP/GC/JAST isn’t somewhat guilty of this as well with some titles of games, but at least they don’t have anything as crass as “Suck My Dick Or Die!”.

Finally! The website should get better.

But suck my dick or die got delayed. Dammit :frowning:

But we might get 3 games on the same day XD ( prolly wont happen…but you never know… )

And because the website is getting updated we may get an announcement of the 4 other titles they have licensed:
Kira Kira
Kira Kira Curtain Call
Edelweiss Eiden fantasia

i figured manga gamer would find a reason to delay the release of suika