Mangagamer update

As novelnews pointed out, MangaGamer has answered some questions:


I bet on KIra Kira :slight_smile:

The 4 titles announced but not listed on the website are

Kira Kira
Kira Kira Curtain Call
Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia

So it could be any of them or another unannounced title.

Black Lilith has already hinted that it could have connections to them also.
Nephrinn mentioned this in a thread on Novelnews:
Important part is in bold

A year ago is about the time Mangagamer started… ( if i recall the website opened in June/July, and they would have been working with the original companies months before opening the website, so the time fits )

Well, time fits, but I don’t think the Mangagamer guy was talking about a Lilith game. The question he answered was about big, story-centered titles. Now, I can’t say I know Lilith games, but from what I’ve seen they look more like sexfests, so I would rule them out. This doesn’t mean that they won’t be translated by Mangagamer, only that this forthcoming announcement of a big title is about something else. (On a personal note, I really hope Mangagamer won’t translate Lilith games. They rully sucks, imho :frowning: ).

Since we got D.C. just a few weeks ago, I would rule out D.C.P.C., too. This leaves us with Kira Kira and Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia. Out of these two titles, I’d definitely pick Kira Kira, mostly because we already have Edelweiss. So, that’s why I bet on Kira Kira :mrgreen:

Yea Kira kira does seems to be the most sensible choice but if it was Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia it would still be good I mean one cenario envolves a TALKING DICK :mrgreen: with a personality ists the most funny thing ever :smiley: .

And about Lilith games I too hate them even the art style is in my view horrible but theres seems to be a interest in “dark” sexfests so unfortunaly :frowning: they will release them .

i am glad they are finally saying something even if it isn’t much

Thank you internet ! Thank you…

btw, is Eiden Fantasia a sequel or just the same game with a new path ? Because I guess that’s the case for DCPC.

It’s a fan disk that contains Rin and Sakura’s routes. DCPC actually has around 6 or 7 new routes as well as all the old ones, though it could be more as I never bothered to finish them all back when I played it

Then I hope they won’t sell it at full price.
Or else what would be the point now to buy edelweiss and DC…

While it is true there have not been many such rereleases in the English market, they are not totally unheard of. Historically, such tweaks and rereleases have been sold at full price. The one example I know positively is Kango: the voice version was released, it cost the same as the original unvoiced game – then the original was discontinued. The other examples I know of were sold somewhat discounted – JList’s collections. Rather than try to sell a $10 disc, they bundled several old titles that then sold for $25 or so.

It kind of sucks, but it is what it is. Especially since old-school GC was heavily Japanese-driven, and the conclusion they came to appeared to be “well, of course we’re going to sell it for full price!” Mangagamer appears to be similarly Japanese-driven. Therefore it’s likely the new version of Da Capo will follow suit.

Eiden Fantasia is just a fandisc and doesn’t include Edelweiss.
While Plus Communication includes Da Capo, it also has 5 new routes, making it probably almost 1.5-2x as long as the original. That’s a LOT of extra stuff to translate, so I don’t think it’s really realistic to expect them to drop the price on that, except for maybe as a marketing gimmick or something.

Support the company, I’d say. If they go bankrupt (and they’re sayinig that sales aren’t going too well), you’ll never get those titles translated.

well hopefully they will at least release kira kira before they go under

I have bought from them. I’ll probably buy from them again— if they stay in business. I don’t want them to go out of business, but considering how poorly their first offerings were translated to English, and how flaky they made themselves seem with these “released/no longer released” events, well— it isn’t that surprising that they aren’t doing as well as they would like. Better quality translations, better behavior about releases (delaying is ok, just don’t do the yo-yo release), and, of course, advertising. Advertising would help.

yup this would be really nice and Gore Screaming Show is what I am praying for. I have a question do they and how do they accept US orders

They accept US orders, and you pay via credit card the same way you pay for anything online. The dollar amount on your credit card is adjusted depending on the exchange rate.

i noticed suika and the other title are releasing on the same day
my guess is one of them will be delayed

I’m guessing they BOTH will be delayed. That’s MangaGamer’s record so far.

Just curious…but did they censor the talking dick? lol

nope, it doesn’t even look like one in my opinion.

Images of…him? Were posted by Takajun in his review of the game.
I’d post a link to it…but since the website has English patches for games i wont post it just in case.
Here’s a copy of it: