Marvel - Getting Better?

Heh… not much of a US comic collector, but this issue kinda makes Narg all tingly inside.

Had it been Japanese, I’m sure the monsters would have won. :twisted:

Heh heh heh…tentacles! I’d like to see some dumb western supergirls get tentacle raped. That’d be good fun.

well Narg proved that the power rangers lose in his review. But I seen some incredible stuff such as Maus and Blackhole, also Batman is win.

Lovely picture, isn’t it? I wonder if this issue is still available?

I noticed something, tho. This picture was posted on this bbs once before and I saved it on my thumb drive. (I have a file called Tentacles). But on comparing the previous picture with this one, I noticed that in the previous picture the girl in the forefront in the red suit has part of her pants ripped up and is showing a bit of thigh. In the picture above, as you can see, her pants are firmly belted in place. Varient cover?

Aside from Japanese porn, there is a long tradition of girls in skimpy clothes being menaced by octopuses (octopi?) in American comic books as well. I have about 25 examples in my Tentacles file, mostly from Silver Age comics. As you might have guessed I have more than a passing interest in tentacle porm.

Spiderman done the right way. LOL WUT!?