Mega Man 10 on Wii

Rawr. Capcom is gonna milk this cow dry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sheep Man! That’s right. Not Ram Man: [color=red]SHEEP MAN[/color]!!! With Thunder Wool.

So cuddly.

Wily really is insane. :stuck_out_tongue:

robotenza: the omen to the sigma virus for the X series?

Aye. Noticed that too. :slight_smile:

Also Mega Man 10 in Roman numerals is Mega Man X. I’m sure they’re going to play with that connection.

I think a “milkman” would be apropriate now.

One thing that really bothers me, is how this game isn’t also available for DSi. You’d think it be perfect, since DSi lacks anything decent and they can milk more downloads. Plus it fits perfectly with the DSi hardware, being a retro game. Konami is ignoring this too, with the Castlevania, Contra, and Gradius Rebirth titles. :frowning:

Official Mega Man 10 teaser trailer:

As Lamuness pointed out, the robot virus makes machines turn evil, and evidently Roll has been infected. Can you say yandere? I know you can. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, things are so serious that Protoman offers to join forces right at the start (awww… he cares about Roll too).

Seeing how Mega was really pissed at the ending of MM7 because he had enough of Wily, I’m wondering how he’ll react now that Wily has endangered Mega’s precious sister.

I’ve got a bet with someone, that the female robot master is either the ice stage boss (yuki onna) or the blade stage boss (stabby stabby woman).

Word of God says there will be no female robot master in MM10. So I lose my bet. :frowning:

In better news, another robot master revealed. Isn’t his name kinda redundant though? It’s like calling something Swordsman Man. Why not Combat Man or Tank Man?

Anyways, the character design caused me to actually lookup why military containers have that huge “X” on the side. Rather neat info:

There’s a sports stage. Boss is probably “Sports Man” or something like that.

Silhouettes of the Robot Masters.


Last one has to be a Knife/Blade Man deal. Then again it could be peanut butter jelly time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bosses have been revealed:

  • Blade Man
  • Commando Man
  • Chill Man
  • Nitro Man
  • Pump Man
  • Sheep Man
  • Solar Man
  • Strike Man

It would appear that Capcom has ran out of ideas. I mean come on… Pump Man? Who the hell fears a pump? Or what titanium plated robot, would fear an oversized baseball pitching machine? Seriously… what’s next? Bukkake Man and Toilet Woman? :stuck_out_tongue:

On a side note: very disappointed that there’s no female robot master this time around. Yes, I know it makes Splash Woman more special, but it would have been nice to have something like a Snow Woman instead of a Chill Man (Splash Woman = mermaid; Snow Woman = yuki onna). Or a Yandere Woman instead of Blade Man (“Why are you saving Roll? I love Mega Man. Mega Man loves me! I can’t have Mega Man saving another robot!”) :o

One of the older games featured Clown Man. Seriously … they already ran out of ideas.

Besides which, Bukkake Man would just be yet another Robot Master whose special weapon kills all enemies on the screen, and That One Boss. That’s hardly original. And I don’t even want to know what kind of special weapon Toilet Woman would give you.

Yea… I’m afraid I have to concur. They are seriously bottom feeding now. Although the Sheep Man thing should have kept my hopes down.

They should have called in Batman for this adventure. Get it? Bat Man? Ha! :stuck_out_tongue:

This one is for you Nandemonai:


Yeah. That was hilarious.

Knowing you, though, I was afraid for a minute there it would actually have something to do with Bukkake Man.

Ask and ye shall receive. :wink:

Ya know… if Robotenza really is the classic era term for the Maverick Virus, and Roll is infected, it seriously opens a new possibility of what robot caused the Apocalypse, and why Rock couldn’t stop the Destroyer. :twisted:


LOL… someone pointed out to me that it’s Rock who’s the yandere: he happily terminated all his brothers (Fireman, Cutsman, Bombman, etc) so he could have Roll all to himself. Suddenly the entire series makes sense. :wink:

Good boss battles. Great challenge if you don’t use Easy Mode. Creative level designs and fights (as far a Mega Man goes of course).

Ending sucks hardcore though. Really hardcore.

No uber Yandere Roll battle though. Virus only makes her sick, not go Maverick. Wasted potential. :frowning: