Mega Man 9 on Wii -- semi old news

Is there even actual 8-bit equipment still available? Developers are simply emulating a game from that era and that’s fine, hopefully we’ll see more releases like this.

Now if someone were to build an Egyptian pyramid and claim it was better than the ancient ones, that would be wrong of course :smiley:

The development software from that time frame still exists, and one can get a working NES or Famicom off Ebay. Same with a server from the 1980’s. I’m not saying I disagree with retro gaming or the attempt to revive it. What I’m pointing out, is that CAPCOM is lying about remaking MM9 like the old days, because production wise they didn’t: they’re using modern technology to make an old era game. Thus they’re technically cheating: there wasn’t the Adobe or Macromedia suites back then. Nor were there sound suites as powerful and diverse as Reason or FruityLoops.

Don’t even get me started on their use of current game development timetables and techniques. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL… well I’m sure Egypt wouldn’t fund a multibillion dollar project to recreate the pyramids. Yet considering the ancient Egyptian lacked some of the finer points of modern engineering - like computer assisted geometry and sonar ground surveying - a new set of pyramids could be much larger and more resistant to weathering. Plus all those crazy Hollywood traps you see in mummy movies, could actually be real. :slight_smile:

No need for me to buy an NES off ebay, I still have one that I fire up every now and then and play on. (Some of my favorites to replay are Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Master Blaster, and Contra.) Almost all the cartridges still work as well. The only one that doesn’t work anymore (last time I checked) is the original Zelda. Heck, even the Game Genie still works. The same can’t be said for my friend’s Playstation. As they say, “they just don’t build them like they used to”.

Downloaded it for my Wii. What can I say? It’s Mega Man. Plays like MM2, with the lack of a megabuster and slide. People are praising the level design, but I noticed they were lifted from MMX and MMZ stages: just in 8-bit form. Still… the game is fun as hell and its retro at its best. One of the best “old school style” MM - development cheating or not. Worth the money, and clearly something no true MM fan should be without. 8)

There’s already going to be a download expansion featuring Protoman.

There’s an unfounded rumor that Iga of Konami, likes this 8-bit thing… could we be seeing an old school NES style Castlevania down the road? :mrgreen:

On a sidenote: I just saw a RM9 doujin where Rock Man used Splash Woman’s power against Concrete Man, and discovered that it turned him into a female version of himself. Mega Woman was then promptly raped. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fighting Splash Woman reminds me of Aquaman for some reason (the DC comic hero).

LOL! It took me awhile to notice, but all the robot masters in MM9 were created by Light. That means just like MM1, you’re killing family members again. :smiley:

Also if Wily ever wants to REALLY kill Mega Man, he needs to build a robot master made out of that invincible yellow material the Mets use (the hard hat looking guys), and machinegun fire out those spikey mines that kill Mega in one shot. :lol:

But it’s not practical to recreate actual 8-bit gaming production. Plus you are actually using a download service to get the gane and play it on a 128-bit console so the end result is not an actual 8-bit software or hardware.

It doesn’t matterif you use actual 8-bit equipment to develop the game what you are doing in the end is simply emulating the software and hardware, and isn’t that technically cheating as well? :slight_smile:

Conclusion: Mega Man 9 is built on an 8-bit foundation of lies and deceit. :stuck_out_tongue:

MM9 sales are going to push 2 million, which is a major issue when one considers it took way less than $100K to produce. That said, company investors are going crazy to finance new retro 8-bit games, and you can expect to see more of them in the near future. That’s the good news. The bad news however, is that you’re gonna see a flood of cashcow garbage in this. Since it takes so little capital to make a retro 8-bit game, and the potential profit return is so massive, everyone and their mom wants to ride this train.

oh mm9 is out already? i might go play it then on my wii…just curious how much (or how many wii pts) does it cost?

and is there a save file system, or do i have to get a friggin piece of paper and graph a password grid?

It costs 1000 Wii Points and has a save feature. :smiley:

Oh! And because I know you’re a fan like me, don’t forget that Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is out on October 21st. 8)

You’re right, which i have to give SE credit for. They haven’t said they’re making the games just like the old days, but truthfully admitted they were updates. I do not particularly care for the NA localization team ATM though.

As for famicom/NES games, you may have to replace the batteries on some if they have them about 1/2 of NES games have dead batteries now. Fortunatly, you can go down to Wal-Mart or the like and get replacements.

cool, once i finish my backlog of ps2 games i will trade it in at EB for some wii points :stuck_out_tongue:

oh! and because i know you’re a fan like me, dont forget to try this too narg :stuck_out_tongue:

letsee how far you can get in one try :stuck_out_tongue:

Without going insane? :lol:

I saw it on YouTube once.

More than meets the eye indeed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never understood why the Japanese liked Ultra Magnus so much. I always saw him as a jerk. He gets top billing in this game – and of course there’s his death and funeral in the Japanese version (killed by ninja master Sixshot no less). :expressionless:

i had that game when i was little, and ithink i still have the famicom cartridge somewhere :stuck_out_tongue:

speaking of ultramagnus…i preordered the fansproject classics armor for him :stuck_out_tongue:

but anyhow back to topic, you said there are no charged shots or sliding right? did the annoying teleporting (or disappearing/reappearing) blocks come back in the game? and how many energy tanks can you carry max?

For Mega Man at least. In the upcoming “Proto Man” add-on download, Proto Man can charge shot and slide.

However as MM9 is right now, its like playing MM2… no power slide and no charge shots.

Oh yes. They did with a vengeance. Go to Plug Man’s stage to see em… Mwa, ha, ha, ha!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Magma Man’s stage even has those “instant death lasers that shoot out the walls” – although they aren’t as insane as the Quick Man beams from MM2.

9 is the max.

Since Splash Woman was built by Dr. Light, that makes her Mega Man’s sister. So unless the Blue Bomber is yaoi, his only options are incest. Can robots even have incest? :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL! I explained my Mega Man Incest theory to a hardcore MM fan, and he explained to me that Roll DOES love her brother a bit too much, which is canonized in Mega Man: Powered Up, as Copy Roll threatens the real Roll about her too close relationship. He also told me that Protoman was partly a failure, because he didn’t have another robot to experience the pains of growing up (i.e. Protoman is just emo) in a human world. When starting the slate from scratch, Light created sibling robots (Rock and Roll), so that they could relate to each other and share troubles that Light (being human) couldn’t help find answers too. Thus the incest, was intentional.

Dr. Light is a dirty old man! :twisted:

Although Dr. Wily isn’t too far behind: twincest Gemini Man. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally, Mega Man Legends was NOT supposed to be related to the others in a timeline. It was intended to be an alternate universe. Much like how Mega Man X was supposed to stop at #5, and Copy X was going to be the real X in Mega Man Zero. Interesting how executives can totally screw up a game developer’s dream…

In any case, as it stands now, Legends is the future of Mega Man ZX. For what it’s worth, as of a few weeks ago, Capcom made the decision that Mega Man EXE is the future of Mega Man Legends… don’t ask me how the hell that works. :stuck_out_tongue:

How are they all connected? A cataclysm of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

Classic MM –(Cataclysm)–> MM X –(Cataclysm; aka Elf Wars)–> MM Zero –(Cataclysm; aka Operation: Ragnarok)–> MM ZX –(probably some Cataclysm with Model W)–> MM Legends –(yet another unannounced Cataclysm… my bet is a yandere Tron after Rock marries Roll)–> MM EXE –(200 years later)–> MM Star Force

It makes no sense to anyone. Originally, in Rockman Perfect Memories , they said (well… they didn’t say exactly - kinda hinted) the EXE universe was different from the rest… but I guess someone in CAPCOM got the idea, that they could make a new spinoff if everything was related. :roll:

Megaman is the CAPCOM cash cow when Street Fighter is in a lull.

Yuna + Sera = Twincest? Damn it Rock, dump the tomboys and go for the loli! :wink:

Aye… Inafune (MM series mastermind) said that he wanted to do another chapter to Legends. However money (and thus finding investors), was a stumbling block. In 2007 he gave an interview with the following answer:

Considering the money that MM9 made for CAPCOM (somewhere in the region of 2 or 3 million - all of it pure profit), I’m sure Inafune won’t have trouble finding himself investors for his next project. :slight_smile:

MM Legends were under Capcom Production Studio 2. Resident Evils were under Capcom Production Studio 4. It was probably an Easter Egg of sorts.