Mega Man 9 on Wii -- semi old news

Mega Man 9 – a new classic Mega Man game done in 8-bit is coming to WiiWare. I for one am pleased that they didn’t try to stupid it up with waggle controls and it appears the truly be a classic mega man game (super nifty music and everything). I don’t think they’ve announced an official release date for it yet.

It’s old school at it’s best. Not only is the game going to be in NES style graphics and gameplay, but Keiji Inafune himself is involved. The story is slated to be 100% canon, and might give hints as to what exactly happened between the original Megaman series and the X timeline. It will also feature the first female Robot Master: Splash Woman. I sense mermaid inspiration. :smiley:

Will be released in Japan this September. Inafune indicated he’d like to make more “8-bit Megamen” if it catches on. He misses the old days, when games were made on a shoestring budget and took less than a dozen people. Kick ass. 8)

Me and the other Mega Man fans i know have been waiting for this Game for a Very Very long time. you can Look up the what Capcom Said happened on there site i believe or you used to be able to. and that Gave a General but not Overly in deepth explanation and left me needing more

i thought rockman9 is actually rockman and forte :stuck_out_tongue:

Sinner! Thou shalt keep thine lies away from me! :wink:

Also it seems the game is coming out on XBOX and PS3 as well. Nintendo lost the exclusive. Lastly, a screen shot of Splash Woman has been leaked on the Intarwebs. I can’t wait to see how the hentai doujin portray their epik battlez. :lol:

She reminds me of Leviathan from the Zero series. Perhaps that’s where X got his inspiration from.

i know this is off-topic and should be in the wtf thread, but its 8bit megaman so :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways i was watching this last night and laughed really hard at it

Narg is a sad, sad person. He spent an hour on the Intarwebs looking for development pictures of Splash Woman. Search turned up dry though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Some really backwards gamers are crying over the fact, that CAPCOM put a “woman” Robot Master in the game. They claim the company sold out. I guess these jokers forgot about Roll being a robot, who in theory could be a deadly combat machine, given that she shares the same design features as Rock and Proto (Marvel VS Capcom and Powered Up played with that idea too). Of course her personality isn’t aggressive - but then neither was Rock until his conversion by Doctor Light.

Roll IS pretty deadly. Try playing as her in Marvel V Capcom… or was it Capcom v SNK… anyway, you’ll see that she’s a force to be reckoned with when she’s equipped with her Roll Buster.

lol… I just realized that Roll might be the cause of the “Megalopolis Apocalypse” that wiped out the world before the X series.

Roll will become the terrifying Robot Master known as Yandere Woman. :lol:

LOL. Indeed. I’m pretty sure Zero causes the Megalopolis Apocalypse, though.

This is my theory of events that I’ve pieced together from clues in the X series. It’s well established that Dr. Wily built Zero and designed the Maverick virus (See Bass’s ending in Mega Man Power Battles 2). What I don’t think he meant to happen was for Zero to catch the virus himself. Zero goes nuts, wipes out Dr. Wily and his lab, and Mega Man stops him – sealing him in the remains of the lab at the cost of his own life. Light, realizing that if Zero were ever released he would be unchallenged, builds X and seals him away to be released if Zero ever escapes. There is not, however, a cure for the virus which wipes out most of the city, scattering humanity and setting back technology for a long time. Similar to what happens in Mega Man X5 Dr. Lights lab is lost in the ensuing chaos only to be found later by Dr. Cain some time in the future. Zero is eventually unsealed some time AFTER X is released and Cain has created reploids. Sigma, then a maverick hunter, defeats the still weak and utterly loony Zero and wipes his memory clean. The only piece that still doesn’t fit is why the maverick virus emerged before Zero was unsealed…

I came to the conclusion that for a long time, the Mega Man story was basically irrelevant. Then, the creator of the series decided that story was important, so he tried to build one. But he suffered an EPIC FAIL. There are I think only 4 games where the story works:

MM1, because it was actually a slightly better than average backstory.
MM2, just because of the ending sequence
MMX, which had a very elaborate change in backstory
MMX5, which was supposed to be the end, and had a bunch of cool crap going on and actually tried to like explain crap.

The story in basically every other Mega Man game is garbage, IMO. Yes, including Mega Man Zero and whatever the hell they’re doing now, that I haven’t even played. But I’m too tired to do THAT rant properly.

Suffice to say, I’m interested in Mega Man 9, but not expecting much (since I discovered the games are MUCH easier than I remember, playing them now that I’m older and don’t suck so much)

That’s because all the various Rockman series were never intended to be connected. The “X Saga” was supposed to be a “dark universe” reboot. However this was at a time when game companies didn’t let their developers get interviewed a lot, so Inafune couldn’t let his vision get heard. Because of that, when the first Rockman X was released, fans all over the world began to create their own theories on how it connected with the original Rockman. In no time flat, the fan ideas took root, and Inafune no longer had the heart, balls, or influence to counteract this misunderstanding and say Rockman X was a reboot (essentially CAPCOM overruled him).

Same goes for Legends. It’s supposed to be an alternate reality - and obviously EXE too. Rockman Zero is a continuation of the X series, but CAPCOM made more games than Inafune wanted. Rockman X was supposed to end at #5 (Zero makes more sense when you end it there) but the company made more of the games without his blessings… thus screwing his storyline ideas for Rockman Zero. Inafune had to tailor his notes accordingly. Some believe X Copy was originally supposed to be the real X in the original drafts, having gone insane after being abandoned/betrayed by Zero (his last and only friend), and the Doctor Light hologram would have been the role “Cyberelf X” ended up taking. Would have made a REALLY awesome setting, don’cha think – the whole Fallen Hero (X) and Redemption (Zero) bit.

Side note: Technically speaking, X Copy was right. As the official guidebook explains: He made a Utopia for humanity where Reploids served mankind. Reploids had no rights but to serve, because they were CREATED to serve, just as Man was created to serve God. Hence X Copy saw himself as the “Archangel Michael” of the Reploids. He obeyed God (humanity) and punished the Mavericks (fallen angels). Of course there’s the whole “energy crisis” thing, and how X Copy was REALLY draconian… but it should be noted that he never intended to kill Ciel - he wanted to capture her (because she was human). It was only the Reploids he saw as expendable. He also cared about the troops loyal to humans, like when he stopped the Four Guardians from throwing their lives away in the first RMZ, and fought Zero himself… hence their devotion to him. Had X Copy gotten to Zero first, things might have been different (i.e. Ciel would have been captured, and Zero might have stood at X Copy’s side).

The Rockman ZX series only came about, because of the massive cash flow CAPCOM made from the Zero titles. They pretty much told Inafune that if he didn’t want to continue the Zero series (as noted, Zero dies after RMZ4) ¬ñ they’d do it without him. Fearing they’d destroy his legacy with a Rockman Zero 5, Inafune went ahead to lead the ZX chapter.

And there you have it. The reason why Rockman is so screwed up. A combination of hot selling titles, greed, a developer who has to answer to his bosses, and fans trying their best to make sense of it all.

Yeah, it was pretty obvious the X series was supposed to end at 5 – which would make it tie nicely into the Zero series and after the abomination that was X4, I can understand why he’d want to kill it. I haven’t got very far in the zero series… it’s… hard.

Change the default control scheme. There’s one that lets you fire both main and sub weapons independently. This lets you charge both of them. It is invaluable that you do this, because it means you can juggle bosses with charged hits. You can’t recharge in the time it takes the boss to recover from one attack, but you can in the time it takes the boss to recover from two.

So you alternate Main - Sub - Main - Sub continually recharging, and the game is MUCH easier this way.

I mean ergonomically, it’s hard. My hands hurt after holding my DS and hitting crazy buttons like that for hours on end. I have more screw-ups in gameplay from achy hands than poor reflexes.The DS and PSP need more comfortable controller attachments… or the ability to use the Wii or PS3 to play the games.

Kinda off topic, but I was really surprised they kept the love-love stuff. Don’t they edit out “suggestive themes” like that? :stuck_out_tongue:

These mega man cartoons make me sad on the inside.

Narg has found a fan reconstructed image of Splash Woman:

You knwo there’s gonna be some ero doujin of this poor Robot Master. :stuck_out_tongue:

As some of you might know, the MM9 soundtrack was released a few days ago.

After hearing it, one of my old friends - who was a sound engineer from the 8-bit days - commented how the instruments sound like an 8-bit game, but the techniques used in the songs were unheard of for an 8-bit NES, because sound engineers didn’t know it was possible to do that kind of stuff with the hardware and software they had… not until more powerful versions were created long after the death of the NES and Famicom (which allowed greater experimentation).

Something that came up from the conversation, was if MM9 should be considered a TRUE 8-bit title… because the devs are clearly cheating with modernized knowledge - not knowledge and equipment from the 'ole days. In his own words: Like building the Egyptian Pyramids with modern construction machines. It can get the same results - in fact, even better results - but its not the same as when the ancient Egyptians did it.

In other news, Splash Woman isn’t hawt like Leviathan. :frowning:

It was more or less the same with the game “Zelda four swords +” on Gamecube.