MegaTech, Otaku, Himeya, and now G-Collections

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
The Elf makes a good point. Generally speaking, the games being released for the mainstream N.A. market don't contain sex and nudity. And games that include such elements, like Leisure Suit Larry, are generally knocked in the gaming magazines as only appealing to perverts. So gaming mags are less inclined to allow demo cds of b-games to be included in the mags, and that's assuming the gaming company can afford the advertising fees required to insert the demo inside the mag.

An independent approach (i.e. printing up demo cds and distributing them at cons) would be more cost effective for this reason.

I remember when the US version of Final Fantasy X-2 came out they took out the scene where the female characters are at a hot spring, and they all compare their breast sizes in the Japanese version.

People in the US are just uptight about even the littlest things.

Many people are also pissed that some companies have censored manga as well

Originally posted by Sousuke:
I remember when the US version of Final Fantasy X-2 came out they took out the scene where the female characters are at a hot spring, and they all compare their breast sizes in the Japanese version.

People in the US are just uptight about even the littlest things.

Many people are also pissed that some companies have censored manga as well

* adds NTSC-J version of FFX-2 to his "to buy" list [img][/img]

Originally posted by Sousuke:
I remember when the US version of Final Fantasy X-2 came out they took out the scene where the female characters are at a hot spring, and they all compare their breast sizes in the Japanese version.

People in the US are just uptight about even the littlest things.

Many people are also pissed that some companies have censored manga as well

Whatwhat? you sure about that? I've never heard of the X-2 thingy.

Originally posted by Sousuke:
I remember when the US version of Final Fantasy X-2 came out they took out the scene where the female characters are at a hot spring, and they all compare their breast sizes in the Japanese version.

Are you sure that this isn't just a rumor?
Even in Japan, such a scene should be 16-kin and thus painfully limit the audience for FF X-2.

After all, there was a lot going around the web back then telling how to unlock the revival-route for Aerith in FF-VII...

... and of yourse, all those news were bogus. So, I wouldn't even believe it if you show me a (faked) screenshot, only an official statement from Square/Enix about apologizing for having to make that slight alteration. Because that was also what happened back then and stopped the rumors: Square officially announced that Aerith's death is unevitable and final!

Hirameki is awfully quiet though, and the lack of street buzz for Bishoujo games raises concern for the future of this genre…

How does one generate enthusiasm without pushing the graphic adult sexual content, hmmm…

we are hidden inn the shadows and we do not venture out, that is why we have none to little growth. i think we need to be more daring, let people you know inn other chatrooms learn about this from you, inn your own town.

tell them about the love simulation games, season of sakura, private nurse and so on.

these games can teach you alot about relationships, how to treat people, some can be challenging, they can teach you about love, kindness, understanding, respect.

they can let you control and make the ideal man as you seek to “get the girl”.

Please visit for a magical experience.

Originally posted by ellajane:

these games can teach you alot about relationships, how to treat people, some can be challenging, they can teach you about love, kindness, understanding, respect.

I'm not entirely sure whether to burst into laughter or consider this seriously. Okay, okay, I'll go with the latter. Don't look at me like that...

Let me begin by saying that b-games, at their BEST, depict a highly idealized relationship. They're certainly not about realism. As I see it, comparing b-game romance to real-life romance is setting yourself up for some major disillusionment, because let's face it: life sucks. Worthwhile romance doesn't just land on your doorstep. It's something you have to work tirelessly for, and you could search for years before finding the person meant for you, only to lose the person in an instant of bad judgment or just plain misfortune. The challenge of b-games is nothing like the challenge of an actual relationship. Or do relationships come multiple choice-style these days?

In the end, learning about relationships from b-games is about as fruitful as trying to learn military strategy by playing Command & Conquer, or learning how to pilot a fighter jet by watching Top Gun over and over. Don't get me wrong: certain b-games have a greatness that might make a lasting impression. But their contribution to finding the person of your dreams will be diddly squat. Or has someone here had a b-game influenced life-altering experience to the contrary? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-12-2005).]

I agree with Dark_Shiki. Actually, one of the reasons that I like anime style entertainment in general is because it’s entertainment without a “lesson.” American animation loves “lessons.” (Remember “Sailor Says” in the Sailormoon dub?) B-games are supposed to be enjoyable fantasies. If we want more people to play them, then we have to convince them that they will enjoy the games. The easiest targets are anime fanboys. They are already attracted to anime girls and they can become b-gamers easily. Non anime fans are harder to convince.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Don't get me wrong: certain b-games have a greatness that might make a lasting impression. But their contribution to finding the person of your dreams will be diddly squat. Or has someone here had a b-game influenced life-altering experience to the contrary? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-12-2005).]

Maybe as a guide of what NOT to do, with the Dark Games?

[img][/img] [img][/img]

Originally posted by ellajane:
we are hidden inn the shadows and we do not venture out, that is why we have none to little growth. i think we need to be more daring, let people you know inn other chatrooms learn about this from you, inn your own town.

tell them about the love simulation games, season of sakura, private nurse and so on.

these games can teach you alot about relationships, how to treat people, some can be challenging, they can teach you about love, kindness, understanding, respect.

they can let you control and make the ideal man as you seek to "get the girl".

I definitely don't write off a marketing campaign such as that proposed by ellajane. The whole schtick of marketing is to appeal to basic instincts that bring us pleasure. Idealized relationships in Bishoujo games can elicit feelings of satisfaction even if one is consciously aware of the absurdity in setup, character development, and outcome.

I think it's a feasible marketing idea.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Idealized relationships in Bishoujo games can elicit feelings of satisfaction even if one is consciously aware of the absurdity in setup, character development, and outcome.

Oh I'm not disagreeing with that. But putting in the terms ellajane did just seems completely over-the-top to me.

I personally just wanna have sex. I hope there’s nothing wrong with that…

That’s why I do it digitally!

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well overpopulation is a problem with too much sex.

Ever heard about condoms and pills? [img][/img]
Originally posted by woodelf:
Well overpopulation is a problem with too much sex.

More like, too much sex without birth control is a cause of overpopulation.

I thought this article was incredibly pertinent to the barriers that frustrate Bishoujo games’ attempts to penetrate the Western market. It’s a good read.

Sex: whoa! Violence: who cares?
Atom Egoyan film gets curious reaction at Cannes

Saturday, May 14, 2005 Posted: 5:57 AM EDT (0957 GMT)

CANNES, France (AP) – Atom Egoyan has learned from his latest film that audiences will play the puritan on sex scenes, not ugly moments of violence.

“Where the Truth Lies,” Egoyan’s convoluted exploration of a musical-comedy duo’s demise, premiered Friday at the Cannes Film Festival and provoked plenty of commentary about its explicit sex.

Yet Egoyan wondered why viewers were so complacent about a scene in which a performer (Colin Firth) viciously pounds an audience member’s head on the floor for heckling his partner (Kevin Bacon).

“It really is interesting to me how people respond to the sexuality but not to the violence,” Egoyan said at a news conference, responding to reporters’ questions about why he went as far as he did in sex scenes involving Bacon, Firth, Alison Lohman and other co-stars.

"No one says that it goes too far when he’s bashing his head against the floor. No one ever talks about that. That’s the most gory scene I’ve ever done, and people don’t have a problem with that. It’s weird. We’re still really kind of obsessed about sex."

Adapted from Rupert Holmes’ novel, “Where the Truth Lies” stars Bacon and Firth as a duo living it up with all the drugs, sex, booze and adoration of the public they can handle.

Bacon plays Lanny Morris, the unruly American schoolboy of the act, opposite Firth’s Vince Collins, a button-down Brit who’s the duo’s authority figure. At the height of their popularity in the late 1950s, they split amid a scandal and cover-up involving a woman found dead in their hotel suite.

Fifteen years later, journalist Karen O’Connor (Lohman) hooks up with the two after persuading Vince to do a series of interviews for a tell-all book. The film weaves through a labyrinth of half-truths and lies as Karen gradually peels away the public faces of Lanny and Vince to learn who they really are and discovers what actually happened to the dead woman.

Lanny and Vince’s sexual conquests, including a threesome with the woman who ends up dead, are presented with steamy explicitness, sometimes as comical commentary on their lifestyle of debauchery.

Karen also is lured into Lanny and Vince’s carnal activities, including a lesbian encounter with a woman in an “Alice in Wonderland” getup.

Bacon figures it may not be the movie’s sex that disturbs people so much as the naturalness of it.

“Sex is often times all right to see as long as the participants are clothed, or some sort of piece of furniture is put in the way of the nudity,” Bacon said. "One of the things about the movie is that when we have sex, we’re naked.

“That’s what kind of flips people out, which I don’t understand. Sometimes, personally, I leave some of my clothes on, but usually … I don’t know about the rest of you. It is unfortunate that people find that so disturbing. To me, I think that the sex in the movie is incredibly appropriate.”

“Where the Truth Lies”, huh? Funny ambiguity with that title, I wonder which “lie” it’s referring to. Maybe it’s meant to be ambigous?

It certainly fits the topic though. The example from Cannes is really the truth of the main obstacle for adult bishoujo games here. Nice one

it seemed over the top? true they are idealized and like bokmeow says it can give you a certain satisfaction but that is only one reason.

you say they are not about realism, the kind of games i suggested, and you are sort of right. love at it’s finest point and true, much of physical realm romance disappoints from the almost perfect idealism. but that learning lessons about relationships from bishoujo games is useless, do not be so naive.

multiple choice, you do not ever have two or more options on what to do or say?

love, friendship, compassion, kindness(even how to be truly kind), gentleness, caring. you can find you can learn alot if you open yourself, even some good date ideas are inn a bishoujo game. just because you may not find yourself inn the exact situation does not mean that you cannot use what you have learned inn these games inn your relationships, present and future.

Please visit for a magical experience.

Originally posted by ellajane:
multiple choice, you do not ever have two or more options on what to do or say?

If you've seen Genshiken, there's a scenario in a later episode involving Madarame and Kohsaka's girlfriend that illustrates my point perfectly. If you haven't seen it...well then, you should! [img][/img]

love, friendship, compassion, kindness(even how to be truly kind), gentleness, caring. you can find you can learn alot if you open yourself, even some good date ideas are inn a bishoujo game. just because you may not find yourself inn the exact situation does not mean that you cannot use what you have learned inn these games inn your relationships, present and future.

Like I said, only in as much as I can sharpen my military strategy skills by playing Command & Conquer. Sure, some of the situations in b-games might inspire you to think about things you might not have considered before. By the same token, you might learn something about sex by watching a porn video. [img][/img] I don't consider either particularly valuable, or comparable, to real-life experience.

It's all a matter of scale. Perhaps it's not useless, but the learning one might glean from playing bishoujo games is not at all comparable to, much less a substitute for, the experience gained from actual dating. The way romance is so idealized in bishoujo games might even do more harm than good, if one actually started trying to use them as a "learning tool." I'm certainly "not so naive" to think I know anything about real relationships just because I play bishoujo games.

Heathen!! You presume to tell me that God doesn’t drop beautiful women in your lap if you just sit in your room!? HAH! I scoff at your feeble attempts to stray me from the true path which bishoujo games have shown me. [/thisguyreallyneedshelp]

While I’d say that SOME games can certainly give you insight into emotional states, interaction, reaction and other aspects of being in a relationship, the rest of the games mostly either idealise certain parts of it or simplify them a lot. Which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I mean, if a game focuses on realism at the expense of fun, the game loses much of its value. There’s a difference between using realism to entertain and using realism because “it should be realistic regardless of what it does to the gameplay”.

I’m going to make a game that can last for over 20 real-life years without you getting a girl! Woohooo! Long live realism!
I’d like to see Ecchifan make a walktrough for that game!

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-15-2005).]