Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi

I’m sorry too…But,I heard that a 2nd season will be out.Only it’s still in the stages of development and might not make the cut because one of the artists is going to be replaced by a different one.

She is very cute girl…

Thread hijack for Nanoha greatness! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nagrakhan ! No…

You have incurred the wrath of Haruhiism. :frowning:

Sorry, but I already sold my soul to twincest.

This so called “Haruhiism” has no effect on me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
[b] Thread hijack for Nanoha greatness! :slight_smile:

I wonder where do you get so many cool images? :smiley: I guess my heart is weak…

I could never get into Haruhi. Well, no, that’s not quite right. I adore the first episode, it’s absolutely hysterical. And then … the rest of the show starts. Turns out I loathe Haruhi, which makes it quite difficult to … actually watch any of the show.

I differ, but on the groudns that I loather her arrogance and her impatience… but not her eccentricity. Ia dore her eccentricity, and consider it unique and important abiout ehr.

Plus, when it comes to the last three episodes, we realsie that Haruhi isn’t a cold-hearted invidividual, or attentiond eficit; rather, she is a deep ponderer, and does care. It’s just that she’s misguided.

Is wear; if I can produce twin Haruhis, you will regret that :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, then… let me utilize the power of…


Let it be that, from now on, I shall combat you with the forces of… OTOME GAMES.

May the girl’s love be with you.

Having seen the entire anime, and finish reading two books, I can say that I DO NOT LIKE the Haruism at all. Granted, the series has its moments and the other characters are great, but Haruhi practically embodies everything I hate.

Yes she learns a few lessons, but her overwhelming arrogance and tantamount ignorance to the obvious is like fingernails over a chalkboard to me. The Universe has to appease a brat or die? Sheesh… I’d be a villain in that setting, because I would do everything I could to find a means to permanently neutralize her powers - which given her origin means eradicating her existence or terminating her connection to the dimension.

I loathed Naru from Love Hina - so maybe this is just an extension of the meme for me.

Granted that without her, the base concept of the entire series would be nulled - but the more I know if her, the more I hate Haruhi. :frowning:

Well, to be truthful, I loathed the tsundered that NAru was, but Haruhi was slightly different in one aspect.

I hated everything about Haruhi that was tsundere… but I loved everythign about Haruhi that was eccentric. Otakun, genius, peculiar and unusual, that was what I loved about Haruhi.

As to the whole universe appeasement thing… it’s actually a very intriguing concept. We loathe it at first, until we realise that Haruhi does NOT know that she is in control of the Universe. All her actions and doings are the result of being unaware of this circumstance. If she did know, then we could decide whether she’d be a tyrant, or she actually be aware of the harm she’s causing. Let’s put it this way; what fi one of us, just oen person, had complete control of the universe, but, due to the nature of such an ability, could not be allowed to know it.

Essentialy, it’s a fantastic idea. It sounds insane on the outside, but when one probes deeper, it proves to be something far deeper.


That being said… here’s a few things to note. Ending Haruhi’s power may actually be easy; either you somehow convince and prove to her that she is a god.

And there are villains that are out to do that; as Asakura said; Yuki’s superior (the Data Integration Thought entity) may switch sides, and the series is still young. The factt hat Haruhi disappeared for a while, resulting in a plain, mundane and bring universe, for a short while, proves that it can be done.

Question is, should we let it be ? For me, terrible as Haruhi can be , it’s her eccentricity, and the scientific possibility of this fantasy, that I’d rather choose.

Then again, my favourite characters in anime were Ed from COwboy Bebop, Kaolla Su from Love Hina, and, of course, NieA_7 from NieA_7. I’dd add Excel from Excel Saga and Osaka from Azumanga Daioh… but unlike the top three, Excel is dumb and Osaka is unfit (she’s quite smart and eccentric… but she’s very, very stiff)

[ 05-12-2007, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Ah… it took me a looooong time to remember, but I finally recall where I think Haruism got it’s original concept from: i.e. a harmless looking girl that is really a being of unspeakable power, with a whimsical nature without thinking of repercussions, and unknowingly(?) causes suffering on others.

In a word: Guu

Yeah, but it’s all kiddie… says it like a kid

It didn’t have Mikuru boob-age, Nagato data inteference, and Itsuki Fumoffu. Oh, and Kyon BlackAdder.

And…after knowing that some humans loved this, some don’t, some hated it, some enjoyed, some liked this, some laughed, some were saddened(saying the word “cry” is a little bit…), and some find it disturbing and so on and so forth…
As for me… Well, I’ll remain neutral… I liked it, yet I hate it. I find it funny. But also touching at the same time…

Anyway… I will eagerly await the day that I can watch Haruhi’s 2nd season…

And a question…
“Where did this “IMAGE” came from?..”
Since, I do not recall seeing it on the anime…
And I haven’t read or even laid eyes at the manga…

I wouldn’t call it kiddy…

IIRC Hare (the lead boy) is the 10 year old child of a 24 year old woman, he subcontiously wants to have sex with his mother, becomes a very violent and dangerous drunk when really depressed, and has multiple neurosis.

Guu is a Great Old One (I believe the consensus is she’s Nyarlathotep), enjoys chaos simply because its chaos, and seeks to drive Hare into permanent insanity because “she” actually likes him. And being a Great Old One, insanity is the best gift she can give.

Weird all the way, difficult to piece together, and many of the gags are clearly not for children (especially Wanda).

I’m still trying to solve the question, if Hare is in the real world - or if he’s within Guu’s stomach (a world within a world so to speak). Afterall, in the first episode he was eaten… and we never did see her spit him back up from that.

She’s eaten him later in the story - and spit him up from that - but that would have just been being a world, in a world, in a world. Gah… mind… turning… to… jelly…

[ 07-31-2007, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Your kidding right?

She’s Nyarlathotep? The Creeping Chaos? The Soul Of The Old Ones? The Black One? Big, Dark 'N Evil?


Aye… Nyarlathotep…

Mostly because “it” is the only Great Old One who isn’t 100% devoted to obliterating all life in the Universe, and is more devoted to pure chaos and unraveling the laws of science and logic than anything else.

Guu’s outlook generally fits this theme. At least in her current incarnation… :stuck_out_tongue:

My goodness, I just saw the first three episodes and I must say that girl, Haruhi - is a monster! Did you guys see the way she blackmailed that guy for a new computer?! Man, I feel soo sorry for Mikuru. Shame on Haruhi for using her like that!

But I must admit, I LMFAO watching them!

[ 09-02-2007, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: CDP5280 ]

Yes, Haruhi is a fairly evil bitch. This is actually why I couldn’t really get past the first couple episodes.

The first episode is absolutely stupendously awesome though.

The key to enjoying TMoHS is… ignore the brunette girl, focus on the computer girl, the bouncy redhead, and the sarcastic average joe.