Metal Gear Solid 4 = ZOMG WINAGE!!!

First off, sleep is for the weak. With that out of the way: sweet Jesus… MGS4 is one of the greatest games I have ever played. PERIOD. As far as gameplay is concerned: I doubt it will be ever be matched in quite a looooooong time (more over that the MGS series is now retired). Boss fights are puzzles in of themselves. Plotwise, MGS4 is confusing as hell… REALLY confusing. However after a few quick replays of dialog you don’t catch the first time, everything makes sense (that said, save frequently - you’ll wanna go back to these historic points quickly, to decipher everything better). Moreover, all the seemingly “stupid” stuff from MGS2 (Liquid possessing Ocelot, the Patriots being immortal, LA-LI-LU-LE-LO, etc) are turned 500% awesome in the finale. It isn’t stupid at all… its pure genius! The events that happen are perfection, keep you on the edge of your seats, and totally unexpected…

Forgive me for doubting you Kojima-sama! You are a game making god.

Final Note: ZOMG Mei Ling is hawt!!!

  1. It’s what people were saying for MGS2… Then Spilnter Cell came only two years later (don’t get me wrong, i still prefere the MGS Gameplay)… And since the Wii came out, you never know when.
  2. The Metal Gear Serie is not retired… Only the Solid part is… Don’t forget that the Metal Gear began on NES and MSX.And Kojima himself said so.

Ugh… Splinter Cell never attracted me. I call it a clone, that still don’t do it right. :frowning:

MGS was still superior by far, and SC didn’t match it… just mimicked. There’s a difference. Like these recent Devil May Cry clones, don’t hold a candle to the real series (minus DMC2 of course, which sucks hardcore). But that’s just me. :stuck_out_tongue:

My understating is that Kojima is stepping down from the Metal Gear franchise. Konami is saying its not the end for Metal Gear, but Kojima indicated that its done for him. He only jumped aboard MGS4 because he got new inspiration and there were death threats. Last year Kojima made a press conference saying he’s ending “his story” with MGS4, and he’s admitted to running out of ideas and wants to work on his other opus, Zone of Enders. There’s also “Project S” - which seems to be another Snatchers - and Tokimeki Memorial too, since Koji Igarashi is still working for Konami and needs a break from Castlevania (his last six were all Castlevania). Everything in the game indicates this is the conclusion as well (don’t wanna spoil it - title was just released).

I’m wary of a Metal Gear without Kojima to be honest. It’s like Zelda without Shigeru. It can (and has) happen, but the end results tend to suck. Konami is gonna cash cow the heifer now.

You never played a SC so because it’s not a clone at all and it was far better than MGS and MGS 2 on many point… SC added a lof of thing that wasn’t even in the MGS serie.
It’s simple all the spy/infiltrate based game after SC was released was Clone of SC not MGS… And since SC is far from being a Clone of MGS…

Sayfin that SC is a MGS clone it’s like saying the Top Spin are VT clone… Like saying the SoulCalibur are DOA Clone etc…

But, in the end, i still prefere the MGS gameplay.

Actually you’d be very wrong on that point, because I’ve played several SC (can’t claim to hate something without first knowing a lot about it). I’ve also played Thief, which is what SC copies even more so than MGS. I also stand by what I said, as I have many articles in gaming magazines (EGM, Gamepro, etc) from the developer themselves, constantly referring to Metal Gear Solid as inspiration (read: cloning) along with Thief’s gameplay. I can even give issue numbers if you want.

Not a tennis fan, so I don’t know about the first two example you mentioned, but Soul Calibur is an evolution of the Samurai Spirits format. DOA was spawned (read: cloned) to compete against Virtual Fighter and Tekken (stated by Tomonobu at one point) - they even used the Model 2. Your comparisons aren’t valid IMHO. On the whole though, if you wanna argue about MGS vs SC, a one on one discourse would be more civil. PM me if you want. 8)

This is a thread about the greatness of MGS4 - not a SC argument. :smiley:

Actually Soul Calibur plays much closer to Gekka No Kenshi (Last Blade in English countries) then it does Samurai Spirits/Shodown. As for Metal Gear. Well I enjoy Metal Gear Solid, never touched MGS2, played but didn’t finish MGS3. 4 looks fun, but I’m not buying a PS3 for just one game.

I used to argue the same until someone pointed out that Soul Edge (changed to Blade and then Calibur due to Gillette) was released in '96 and Kenshi hit the streets in '97. Also in one of the Guilty Gear combo mags, Ishiwatari mentions the staff originally planned to make Kenshi a side story to Samurai Spirits but… wait a minute… you’re trying to make me go off topic!

Look… loli on the battlefield, courtesy of MGS4! :mrgreen:

My understating is that Kojima is stepping down from the Metal Gear franchise. Konami is saying its not the end for Metal Gear, but Kojima indicated that its done for him. He only jumped aboard MGS4 because he got new inspiration and there were death threats. Last year Kojima made a press conference saying he’s ending “his story” with MGS4, and he’s admitted to running out of ideas and wants to work on his other opus, Zone of Enders. There’s also “Project S” - which seems to be another Snatchers - and Tokimeki Memorial too, since Koji Igarashi is still working for Konami and needs a break from Castlevania (his last six were all Castlevania). Everything in the game indicates this is the conclusion as well (don’t wanna spoil it - title was just released).

I’m wary of a Metal Gear without Kojima to be honest. It’s like Zelda without Shigeru. It can (and has) happen, but the end results tend to suck. Konami is gonna cash cow the heifer now.

Well, I’ve played both Metal Gear Acid games and to be honest I thought they were pretty good, though I liked the second Acid game better. I’ll admit I wouldn’t mind seeing the Acid series continue, since the second Acid game showed that the card system works pretty well (though that sniping stage with the cyphers was still annoying with having to wait for the sniper rifle or rocket launcher cards to show up).

someone give me 500 bucks to buy the console and i may consider playing it

…is there an easy mode for the action-retarded like myself? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually there is… and an ultra hard mode that makes things seem impossible to win.

And you have already beaten it on ultra hard and are already working on the hidden difficulty level of Masochistic Nightmare level, I suppose. :wink:

Heh… well I admit… I kinda beat it on easy mode. :oops:

I swear, the hardest more is insane. One hit kills, unavoidable attacks, and stuff like that. :shock:

Did anyone else get the Bosses to Pose? it was Really funny and great at the Same time.

This game was pure genius…

No… It’s an MGS… The only difference between MGS1 and MGS4 (except the scenario) is : The 3D, some Gameplay Feature… Almost all the Old good and bad point are still here 10 years later…

Well, it’s what the fan wanted, so they got it… But, seriously, 10 years of MGS and you still have the impression of playing the first… For me that’s not good, i wanted something else, not a totally uturn of course, but something else… So, in the end, this game i not anything new, it’s not pure genius, it’s ZOMG WINAGE … It’s just MGS with a 4… Something Old and new at the same time.

What someone defines as “genius” is a personal opinion, so you really can’t claim he’s wrong (and vice versa). I mean there are people who swear Leonardo’s paintings suck and Shakespeare was an unimaginative writer. :stuck_out_tongue: Still, for the other 93% to 95% of us who think its pure win, we’ll just call you crazy and get the straitjacket ready. Next you’ll be telling me that twincest is overrated. :wink:

Of course its not perfect… no game ever is… However the acclaim it’s getting (not just within gaming circles - Newsweek, Time, and even Tom Clancy gave it a nod of respect) is certainly worth it. There’s a 10% group who hate it or find total displeasure, but that can be said of ANYTHING. It is clearly Kojima’s magnum opus to date… and I can’t wait to see where he goes with Snatchers (and with somewhat less excitement ZOE). Metal Gear 4 is the new standard for its genre… and that’s a position it clearly earned with tons of gusto. 8)

Also MGS4 playing like MGS1 is the entire point of the mechanical development. It’s like saying Pokemon on the DS is totally unimaginative because its gameplay maintains the basics of the original GB Pokemon - well that’s what makes Pokemon a Pokemon game (and if you look under the hood, you’d see this assumption is wrong). Attempts to change the formula don’t always fail (i.e. the Gamecube titles), but its not the SAME Pokemon… its an entirely new beast only SET in the Pokemon setting: you’ll get a “meh” reaction from the 93% to 95% you’re targeting. Same goes for MGS as a whole - or Super Mario… or Zelda… or Starcraft… etc. MGS4 has a lot in common with MGS1, but as scenario driven game, it clearly redefines itself (which is what most reviews point out endlessly).

But I get a sense this will only derail the thread, so be warned that I have TONS of twincest ready for that result. Narg is just looking for an excuse. :wink:

I think ou took it Wrongly ^^

For me the first MGS is one of the top game of this last 10 years… But what i point out it’s the fact that’s almost all the flaw and what a lot of people complained about the first 3 opus are still here (still the same stupid and basic AI, too much cut scene etc…)… I had hope that Kojima would lesser the flaw… he didn’t.
That’s what disapoint me and why i can’t say that MGS 4 is “pure genius” (oar whatever you use to define it)… And all the review you can read, will point out those same flaw.

Still the game is awesome and deserve a damn lof of praise (the first is to have the courage too not make a X360 version and to stick to the PS3)

And i don’t agree with the fact that MGS 4 is the best game from Kojima… for a lot of old player his best game still is Snatcher (an old Game on PC-Engine, MSX and Megadrive (Genesis in US) )… And seriously i hope his next project will be, at last, a Snatcher 2 (but i don’t have a lot of hope about that. )

Kojima has dropped hints in various interviews, that Project S is his next main agenda with MGS4 out the way. He wanted to do another ZOE, but Konami isn’t keen on the idea for some reason or another. Right now he’s still waiting on Goichi Suda to wrap up his involvement with Fatal Frame 4. Once that’s done, the two will bring this upcoming masterpiece to life… and its pretty much an unofficial secret that “Project S” is the next Snatchers. So rejoice: your time is near. :slight_smile:

If you speak the truth (and i really hope you do)… Then Snatcher + a Kojima/Suda51 duet… I’m already in love ^^

plug his PC-Engine to the TV
Time to play Snatcher again :mrgreen:

I know its an old interview, but they had serious plans for it two/three years ago. The duo’s work schedule cause all sorts of chaos, and they couldn’t actually get anything started. Rumor has it the main reason why Kojima wanted hands off MGS4 at first, was to start on Project S. With Konami nixing ZOE for the forseeable future, the only thing Kojima has left is Snatchers… not a bad thing mind you (perhaps that’s what the Konami execs were hoping for on purpose). And with Fatal Frame 4 due out by July 31st (which by now means the game should be done), Suda and Kojima might even be working on Project S already. 8)

Well… there’s also Tokimeki Memorial, but with Iga so wrapped up with Castlevania these days, I don’t think that line is getting resurrected anytime soon. But I think they should. I’m hungering for a Tactical Espionage Metrovania ADV. :wink: