Metroid Other M

lol… the M is for mainstream! :stuck_out_tongue:

So has anyone else been hearing the “hardcore fans” crying about how Nintendo raped them and changed everything that made Metroid cool?

Though seriously: Nintendo always sells out to the mainstream. Why are they surprised? The game sells like crack, so you can bet what Nintendo thinks. :wink:

Personally, I lost interest in Metroid, after they went 3D… especially since Castlevania took over the gaming style.

I think the other issue - at least for Western gamers - is that Samus acts more inline with the Japanese fanboy’s ideal woman: more Emotional and Submissive, rather than a “queen macho bitch” who tears off every male sex organ she encounters.

It’s funny my best friend has a Wii and he’s a Metroid fan so I got this for him for his Birthday.

-Saw a bit of the intro and a few of the Custscenes after. I kind of looked at it this way. Samus has finally been reunited with the closest person she has to a father figure in her life. She might have felt she let him down when she left the service to become a bounty hunter. So she’d want to show him that she can still follow orders like a “real” soldier. You could say that she’s still under the influence of the baby metroid that “saved” her in the intro. While slightly out of character as she’s been portrayed so far. I don’t see the reason for the nerdrage.

Actually, I do. While I don’t play Metroid, I can understand the frustration and nerd anger that comes from someone changing a beloved character - especially when changing them for the worse. Consider what happened with Darth Vader/Anakin - the guy was the ultimate villain for a lot of people, for a long time. He was dark, unwavering, dangerous and powerful - a man you did not want to mess with. Then the prequels came out and we find Anakin is actually a whiny, petulant, little brat who fell to the dark side because of a bad dream and a need to be loved. People were outraged, and for good reason - a piece of their nerd history, their very geek identity, had been raped in a way even tentacles couldn’t make flattering. People had invested time and money in an image which was suddenly torn to shreds, and with it everything they had based a lifetime of nerd fantasies to.

While Samus is arguably no Darth Vader (but then, neither is dark vader anymore), she is still an icon which attracted and kept a base of fans worldwide, for decades. And now it has been turned into a parody of everything it stood for and a finger puppet of everything it once stood against. Yeah, I’d be pissed too.

Indeed. Can you imagine if an eroge with classic characters received a ridiculously terrible sequel not even written by the same person, that pretty much makes open mockery of everything that made the original great using the good will of fans in order to gain sales the new game does not deserve? I think fans have every right to ‘nerdrage’ over this.

Sorry, like Metroid but never been a huge fan.

I like the “still under the influence of the baby metroid” excuse as to why she’s acting semi out of character.

I can relate to the nerdrage since there’s been a few times in some of my favorite comic book series where you get the WTF! moments.

Main reason why I don’t read / collect X-Men anymore.

HAhahaha! Remember the issue where Wolverine had like, wooden claws? They had to create a whole new level of stupid for that.

how is the game i have seen some favorable reviews and some negative review