MG removes two games from order list

What a crock. Those were the two and ONLY two games I wanted to play from them. I can understand removing “Suck my Dick or Die” because it was never released, but removing “My Sex Slave is a Classmate?” So basically if you purchased that game before they took it off the site, you’re in luck, but if you’re like me who was planning on ordering it but never did, you’re screwed.

All the work they put into “My Sex Slave is a Classmate” and they just trash it? So now we have a fully translated game (with typo’s mind you, but translated nonetheless) that, due to DRM protection, is lost to the world of cyber space, never to see the light of day again to those who want it. This is why I hate DRM. I’m not a fan of piracy, but at least without DRM, people could still enjoy the game. It’s like waking up one day and realizing you can no longer purchase (insert your favorite game title here).

Seriously, if MG collaborates with a licensed company on a game, they need to ensure they have a right to market the game. I also wonder if this has anything to do with that unofficial rape law Japan put into practice. It just seems like a strange coincidence two games centered around rape/bondage were pulled from the site.

you are a day late
i posted this a few days ago
here is their real reason … gulations/

Wow, I’m surprised that topic of mine is still being posted in, lol. Well, I’m hoping MangaGamer does decide to release future “dark” games by at least changing the name of the titles. Anything to fly under the radar. Still a pretty big blow to dark-eroge gaming. Now has never been a better time to start learning Japanese (rolls eyes).

There’s no guarantee it’s a permanent removal. They may just change the title and webpage (no box art to change as it’s download-only) and put it back up eventually. That they removed the game upon Liquid’s request does sound a bit dire, however.

Here’s a question that might help me decide if I will purchase future MangaGamer titles…
If you already have bought one of those games that got removed :

  1. Does it still play?
  2. Does it still install?
  3. Can you still download it from their site since you purchased it, even though they removed it from ordering?


This is kinda dumb in my opinion im sorry… but wow, Its a game… for people aged 18 or over, so you are supposedly mature enough to make decisions (though most of us like me dont make the best ones)
But come on… its in a game… if you like that kinda thing, ok so be it, play it IN the game dont act it out though…
Example of this exact kinda thing is well say… Counterstrike… or TF2 both games where its “fun” to kill someone else, its a game and it has its audience, so do the games with a “Rape” theme.
Im not saying killing and raping is ok or that one is better than the other… but they are saying its ok to play games where u blow someones head off then laugh about it in an emote (tf2). But if the game contains a rape scenario the entire game should be dropped? Im sorry but in this case i gotta say, thats just a double standard…


‘My Sex Slave is a Classmate’ can no longer be downloaded any more even if you purchased it.
But you can still download the patch for it.

I just checked and I can still download the game…

I just checked as well, and I cannot download it any more. Odd…

So some people can download it still while others can’t.

Had me scared for a second. But I can still download it as well.
Email MG maybe it’s error on their part.

Is it a max number of downloads in their DRM? I know there’s a max number of activations.

I haven’t heard of one or seen one so far. I’ve downloaded my sex slave is a classmate maybe 12 times so far and it doesn’t seem to be any problems so far. Hell they really aren’t that strict on giving out more activations.

I believe it’s worth linking this:

The trial for ‘Suck my dick or die!’ can still be downloaded.
If anyone wants to pick up the trial, u should get it now.


I’m sorry to say, but i’m GLAD we didn’t get this released now…
I believe this image sums up my thoughts

Because we all want to P1EY as Haresu

Isn’t this the same trial version as the one that was originally available on the site right when they opened?

I was looking forward to Suck My Dick Or Die it had a good plot and soundtrack