Milky House Memorial on its way

Got my copies today. I did notice a few things. (Besides, the 18th date like Allarien-san mentioned.) The label says “PCR Distributing Co.”, the “exclusive Distributor of J-List Products”. It’s been awhile since I did an order but I’m sure my last order had J-List on the label, where’d this PCR Distributing Co. name come from? And I had ordered another game along with the two collections but the package only had the two collections in it. I’m wondering if they went to a new distribution setup and that caused the gap between the notifications and when the packages actually were sent. (And I do want my other game as well…)

And the “random” factor I was talking about wasn’t just the wandering around in and of itself. It was the when of the encounters. At several points in the game, you were wandering around looking for the next encounter event to advance the story but there seemed to be a random chance factor built into whether the encounter happened or not.

Er, let me give an example of sorts. Starting from a save point, you travel from the main house to the front gate where you hit the next encounter event and advance the story. If you stop and restart from the same save point, you could travel to and from the main house and the front gate over a dozen times before the encounter is triggered. That’s the “random” factor I was talking about.

Sigh, then again maybe my copy of the game was just broken and the flags wouldn’t set correctly. It was a used copy and maybe there was some data corruption. I know my old copies of May Club and Season of the Sakura both have some weirdness to them. (another reason I’m happy for the collections.) And before you ask, no, my copies are not pirates but regular copies of the game. Just much abused over the years probably…

Ooh, speaking of which, I just looked on the back of my Three Sister’s Story, Season of the Sakura and Runaway City boxes. (The cardboard box, not the jewel case.) Same old address, er, po box. So again, where’d the PCR Distributing Co. name come from? Or has it always been there but I just havn’t noticed? Ah nevermind, I’m just going to sit here and talk to myself for awhile…

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Unicorn:
[B] I don’t know the new versions of these games either. But at that prices, I would at least recommend the JAST memorial collection without second thoughts. Each of the games in this collection is worth the price for the whole collection itself…

Thanks for the information Unicorn-san and of course ekylo-san too, but I guess I won’t able to buy anything for quite a while
(just having some immediate need that empty my purse, sad isn’t it )

[This message has been edited by RedHell (edited 03-22-2003).]

Originally posted by RedHell:
(just having some immediate need that empty my purse, sad isn't it [img][/img] )

It always seems to work that way doesn't it? [img][/img]

Hmm, strangely enough, as happy as I am about getting the games anew, I'm sort of looking forward to using the collections in arguments with people. Mainly those that use the excuse that the games are too expensive or that they are abandonware for downloading pirated versions of them. I so need to get out more...

Been playing through Season of the Sakura a little bit (I’m on Chapter 6) and I have to say that they’ve done an excellent job so far. (I’ve been playing in non-enhaced graphics mode, because the Anti-aliased Graphics look blurry to me)

I played through Nocturnal Illusion and comparing them to the original copy that I first bought, I have noticed different H-scenes or should I say omitted scenes from the original. (little red riding hood and Arisa’s scenes). Why would they be ommited from the original?

Originally posted by DragonLord:
Why would they be ommited from the original?

Because they are entering the gray zone: These characters are a bit young, after all...

Because the law banning falsified imitations of child porn hadn’t been struck down for the overpowered overreaching shoot-first-forget-asking-questions law that it was. So even though Red Hood did not actually exist, and even though Arisa was far older than the main character, they could possibly have been construed as contravening the law. Maybe.

Is it just me, or did anybody else also miss the “Flying sakura opening” from “Season of the Sakura” in the JAST Memorial Collection?

Hmmmm. Now, I have XP compatibility at the cost of this nice feature…