Mini Poll: AXNY/BAAF

I will still hold out some hope that you pass.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I think with all this 'thesis' stuff you
have been neglecting your 'wife'. When was
the last time you shared a meal together, taken a nice walk,relaxed on the sofa together? I think you need to leave that computer and go shopping right now and buy
something nice.

That was like....eight months ago :P

I shall be sacrificing a goat to the Thesis Goddess on your behalf. (Sorry, I couldn’t get my hands on a underclassman…)

Originally posted by woodelf:
But maybie the Thesis Goddess is tired of goat.
How about a virgin cowboy. [img][/img]

Who knows? I go with what I have on hand. Let's see, it would need to be done before 9a.m. Eastern, which is, er, 3a.m. here I think. I'm positive I can get ahold of a goat by then but I don't know about the virgin cowboy... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Ack! You're cruel! [img][/img]. A LMM surpise that those of us who can't be there won't be able to see [img][/img]

As long as it's a surprise "now shipping" announcement, I won't really care. Otherwise this way lies madness and death. Or maybe just death, I haven't quite made up my mind yet.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Ok then what about just the hat then? [img][/img]

Hmm, I think I can get the hat. Still wish I could get my hands on an underclassmen... sacrificing them really pleases the Thesis Goddess...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Who knows? I go with what I have on hand. Let's see, it would need to be done before 9a.m. Eastern, which is, er, 3a.m. here I think. I'm positive I can get ahold of a goat by then but I don't know about the virgin cowboy... [img][/img]

We could always immolate ladyphoenix. It wouldn't really hurt her or anything. Well, okay. Not for very long...I hope...

*hides can of gasoline*

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
As long as it's a surprise "now shipping" announcement, I won't really care. Otherwise this way lies madness and death. Or maybe just death, I haven't quite made up my mind yet.

Nope, definitely not a now shipping announcement. We don't wait till a con to announce least I won't personally

I will be making a LMM stand, that's all, similar (but smaller) to the one I made for myself at artist alley. Actually, I finished making it 3 hrs ago, and this time it's luggage-compatible.

5 hrs to my death, and I am still not done yet...

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-23-2002).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
It's nothing overly spectacular anyway, really...

maybe if you buy my stuff I will tell you about it :P

Sorry, but with school startign and all that,I'm nearly broke, and the money in my bank account is what will become my payment for X-change 2 or Brave Soul, whichever gets out first. Could you not just be a nice boy and tell us about it? ^_^

I just did. Read the post above

2 and a half hours left and counting…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
How about giving me $15,000 USD then for an extra semester (I go to a private university institution)

What's your account number?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
What's your account number?

You can send it to me via paypal...I wonder if they can do transactions of 5-digits values

I jsut had my final thesis presentation.
4 weeks ago I got an advisory grade of D and a "drop/withdraw thesis while
you have the chance since your grade is a D and you are not going to make it" threat letter.
Now I got a (american standard) B- as the final grade (A- canadian standard, low 80's) what the f*ck.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
You can send it to me via paypal...I wonder if they can do transactions of 5-digits values

I have no paypal account yet. I think, they need some days, if I apply right now for one.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
I jsut had my final thesis presentation.
4 weeks ago I got an advisory grade of D and a "drop/withdraw thesis while
you have the chance since your grade is a D and you are not going to make it" threat letter.
Now I got a (american standard) B- as the final grade (A- canadian standard, low 80's) what the f*ck.

Hmmm. Maybe, they had a really bad day 4 weeks ago...

... or, perhaps, Nandemonai finally sacrificed his copy of TS to the Thesis-goddess.

If I understand correctly, you did it now after all.
In that case: Congrats from across the ocean!

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-23-2002).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
You can send it to me via paypal...I wonder if they can do transactions of 5-digits values

I jsut had my final thesis presentation.
4 weeks ago I got an advisory grade of D and a "drop/withdraw thesis while
you have the chance since your grade is a D and you are not going to make it" threat letter.
Now I got a (american standard) B- as the final grade (A- canadian standard, low 80's) what the f*ck.

so you passed. right.

I knew you were just being pessimistic. Congratulations.

congrats, Lamuness! See, miracles DO happen!

D is passing grade (ie anything above F)

My thesis? I am not sure myself actually…I think it’s about Urban Interweaving. It’s a sports faculity/community center in downtown toronto…anyhow who cares, getting a professional Bachelor of Architecture degree is all that matters, no more school for me now

Alright…no more thesis talking now, it’s off topic…go to my BBS if you want to babble about it.

I guess I will see some of you at AXNY next week. Please buy my stuff~~~please please please

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-23-2002).]

I still want to see a picture of the booth. Oh, cool thought, take a picture of the booth with all the regular BBS people who come to visit the booth.


(no time to talk, gotta run down to downtown Toronto for CNAnime, expect to see this in AXNY)

Originally posted by Lamuness:

(no time to talk, gotta run down to downtown Toronto for CNAnime, expect to see this in AXNY)

Oh!! Can I buy one of these!? Please? pretty, pretty please... [img][/img].