Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

Heh… [url=http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/2456/wtfli.jpg]the BL fan girls are going crazy[/url] (spoiler link). Obviously, Yuno ain’t one of them. :o

Oh yes… moar yandere mode Yuki.

He’s still a naive crybaby idiot though… but he wouldn’t be Yuki if not. :stuck_out_tongue:

Once again… major spoilers about Yuno.

[spoiler]Yuno has two future diaries. One is hers: the other is the fake Yuno’s. Looking back now, it makes total sense and was foreshadowed: we knew that if you killed a Diary Holder, but left their Diary alone, the Diary still worked. Akise destroyed the fake diary, not realizing this, and Yuno has fatally stabbed Akise.



Akise claims that Yuno has been lying to Yuki all this time, and she wants to kill him so she can be god. Next chapter we’ll know. So it’s almost time for the big reveal… does Yuno love Yuki?

Personally? I’m going to make a prediction and say the answer is: yes. All the inner monologue and her actions up to this point, all indicate that she is obsessed with Yuki and his affection. However I think that like Akise, she might be a “puppet” created by Muru Muru… or being manipulated by her (if she’s from a previous time line).

I just can’t see her living without Yuki. Turning him into a comatose sex doll? Sure. That’s totally within Yuno’s character - she did it before, remember? :twisted: But living in a reality without him? It just goes against everything we know about Yuno… then again… maybe that’s the point. If Yuno plans to betray Yuki, it has to be a betrayal where Yuki is still “hers” to be loved and protected. I can’t see death working into that, unless Yuno if into necrophilia…

Then again… given how she treats her parents, maybe that’s fine too.

One more month to go.[/spoiler]

I can’t wait to see their children. :o

And no… those pics are taken outta order. That didn’t happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed it. :o

Final Tankobon confirmed for September 9, 2010 - which will include the first episode for the forthcoming anime. This series will be ending before August. Going with what we’ve seen so far… maybe one or two more chapters (assuming the final will be a “double sized” special).

Whoa. Yuno got ahead. :lol:

[spoiler]Theories proven correct: two Yuno’s. Alive one is from the previous time line. Third corpse was that of the “real” Yuno. Two diaries. Alive Yuno always says Yuki. Dead Yuno’s always said Amano. Worth checking to see if past diaries ever switched between Yuki/Amano (I always remember them saying Yuki though).

Akise is dead. Muru Muru is evil? Not sure… she keeps saying everything will be revealed on the 28th, but has crowned herself the new Goddess of the Universe (Deus is useless now). Evidently she’s more powerful than anyone imagined.

Just Yuki and Yuno are left. Will Yuno kill Yuki? Can Yuki kill Yuno? Will either get a happy end? One or two more chapters left I think…

Sad though… to think there could have been Yuno twincest.[/spoiler] :frowning:

[spoiler]Maybe there was (they were together at least a little while before the killing) :smiley:

It seems Yuki and Yuno will “become one” on the next chapter. Though how good will it be for Yuki?[/spoiler]

Interesting: author of Mirai Nikki also has another series called Hanako to Guuwa no Teller.

It also deals with the concept of freewill, fate, and being able (or not) to change one’s destiny.

Worth looking at, if trying to understand how the creator thinks (and trying to predict how Future Diary might end).

Lacks Yuno lov’n though. :stuck_out_tongue:


[spoiler]Yuki and Yuno are no longer virgins (Yuki is pretty ripped for a wimp)! :o

Yuno is trying to kill Yuki. :cry:

Yuno won the last contest. She was God, then when back in time. She was intending to kill Yuki, after having sex, if he didn’t kill her after having sex… that’s why it was HER happy end for the 28th. However Yuki has changed fate, because he had sex with her on the 27th.

Yuno does love Yuki though, that much has been established, but she says she has to kill him. However Yuno doesn’t want to kill Yuki… she had her shot twice already - and missed twice - because she’s torn over it. Yuki loves Yuno too… he doesn’t want to kill her. However if Yuki won’t be God (i.e. kill her after the happy end), then Yuno is determined she’ll be God instead. I think she’s just going to keep jumping time lines, until she gets a Yuki who becomes God: that’s what she’s always been aiming for.

Also interesting to note: Yuno was still a virgin. That indicates she never got to sleep with the Yuki from her own time line.

Another item: in her diary, Yuno gets her happy end (sex), then the world ends with her dying with Yuki. So to Yuno, a happy end doesn’t mean being God… no surprise of course.

I’m predicting that Yuki will convince Yuno to stop her killing mode, and just go along with his plan to save the both of them… that or Yuno will engineer the situation, so that Yuki kills her instead. Ah… but she’s such a cute yandere… she can’t die yet. Third scenario: someone else is gonna try to kill Yuki, and Yuno won’t have any of that… if Yuki is gonna die, it can only be her that does it.[/spoiler]

Next (final?) chapter won’t be until August. :evil:

Until August? Previous chapter said following one would be in July’s number, which evidently was this one, so I’m expecting next chapter in a month.
And yes, if there will be 11 volumes there shouldn’t be more than 1 or 2 chapters left (though isn’t it usually previewed if the following chapter is the last one?)


The end tag says the next chapter is in August, so I’m just repeating the official announcement. Of course if they release it earlier, I’m 100% for it. :o

Maybe the author gives longer deadlines, in case there’s a change of mind in the story.

Release a chapter early: readers are happy. Release a chapter late: readers are angry.

Wait… suddenly something dawned on me…

[spoiler]Doesn’t Yuki win? All the Future Diaries from the current timeline are gone, except Yuki.

Yuno isn’t from the current timeline: she’s from the OTHER timeline. The diary of Yuno from the current timeline is destroyed… so the last player is Yuki.

Maybe if Yuki claimed Godhood (however that’s done), the world can be saved. Yuno doesn’t have to die; she just has to tell Yuki how to be God.[/spoiler]

Also one last thing…

Muru Muru cheated on her bet with Deus, because she knew Yuno won from the other timeline. What did they wager?

Maybe the contest doesn’t finish until all the diaries are destroyed, independently of when are they from.
In any case, I don’t think that just by destroying the diaries you become god automatically, but more like you get the right to become it by the current god, and if Muru Muru is in charge I don’t think she is very enthused to give the win to Yukki.
And I forgot: where was the bet thing?

Start of Chapter 24, when Muru Muru reveals she had a hand in getting Fourth killed, as Deus (who doesn’t know the future; cause he wants to be surprised) was suspicious that Fourth should have lasted longer than he did.

Deus bets that Yuki will win. Muru Muru bets that Yuno will win. Prize? The scene ends before we get to see the terms.

Now we know why Muru Muru made the bet…

PV of the OVA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52P0DM-JDMg

Wow. I hope they keep that animation quality through the entire series and not just the first few episodes.

Not liking the CGI look for Deus though. Just… looks weird… then again, that’s probably the whole point: him being an alien god and all (the allusion they all just 2D being and he’s a 3D being is a nice presentation).

My Yuno is cuter than ever! :o

Nvm… didn’t read the post, and take note it’s an OVA… quality will be good throughout.

You were right: chapter was in this month’s issue. Seems like the author just gives long estimates, so he can have extra time in case something goes wrong.

Anyways… story isn’t over yet. This chapter gave more flashback into the original time line, and why Yuno is seriously bat shit insane. Also… Yuno is in full kill mode, and Yuki is no longer safe. Muru Muru is making her move as well.

Narg is very sad though…

There could have been twincest damn it! :stuck_out_tongue:

There can still be! Yukki can travel past to after 2nd Yuno appeared but before she killed 1st Yuno, and then, well, you get the idea…

Yuki is not gar enough to do that.
I bet he will go back in the past and kill himself so nothing will happen.

Yandere twincestis the kind of paradox that would destroy the whole universe (Worse than whatever Marty McFly could do).

Well it is kinda tragic, because Yuno (precious and lovable though) is the root cause of the problem…

[spoiler]She didn’t commit to the double suicide, thus breaking her promise to her original Yuki. So then she jumps into another time line to steal another Yuno’s lover. Yuno is actually afraid of dying: I’d dare say even for Yuki. Why not just slit her own throat, and give godhood to Yuki? She can’t do it.

She’s pulled risks in the story, but that’s because she knows who wins in the end (her and Yuki).

Yuki on the other hand, has proven on several occasions, that he was willing to die for Yuno - and the other time line Yuki actually did. I think that’s a strong underlying message, about who has true faith in who. And since we know each Yuno is different from each other, since it’s obvious that each Yuki is different from each other (that other time line Yuki was actually leading the kills)… maybe this lack of faith is inherent to the Yuno we have now.

Can’t wait to see how Yuki further reacts - knowing that “his” Yuno died - and how he uses psychological fighting to either subdue or mind break the living Yuno.

Also brings new spin on the whole Yuno was a virgin or not, since she obviously lies. If she was… why didn’t the first Yuki bang her?[/spoiler]

9th is still alive, and just saved Yuki’s ass… plus appears to be 100% more badass that before!

So now we know what Deus did to her, and that Deus knew Muru-Muru was plotting something.

[spoiler]Yuno, though in total kill mode, still loves Yuki; and Yuki still loves Yuno, despite that she just tried to off him.

Ah… a true yandere romance. :o[/spoiler]

Can you consider it twincest when you’re having sex with yourself, though? Shouldn’t that be rather masturbation? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm… I think they’re trying to squeeze out more juice from this series, when it should be ending already… :expressionless:

[spoiler]9th has part of Deus power. He figured out that Muru Muru was scheming something. However Muru Muru has part of Deus power as well. Anyways, they’ve rebooted everything for a third reality.

Yuki #2 is trying to save Yuno #3 (two years before their supposed to meet). Yuno #1 is trying to kill Yuki #2 and Yuno #3. Yuno #1 has taken the parents of Yuki #3 hostage. No idea if she’s killed Yuki #3 yet or not, but if Yuno #1 is all set about having sex with Yuki #3, then he should still be alive.

Confusing? Yea. It is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, Yuno #1 has revealed more of her inner nature: she’s more obsessed with having sex with Yuki (any of them), than actually being truly loved by Yuki (in that she doesn’t want to be helped - just have her way).

Also: Yuno parents deserved to die. They were truly fucked up.

In a neat twist, if this time skip actually happened in the previous realities, it explains the source of Yuno’s obsession for Yuki.

We also learn that Muru Muru #1 became God in World #1 - Yuno #1 was sent to World #2 in having the process repeat over and over until infinity. Yuno’s reward would be having sex with Yuki at the end of each game… and of course Muru Muru would continue being God over and over again as hers.[/spoiler]