Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

Hm, will it end by volume 11? It seems like it could go on for a while more this.

Finished reading the official english release of volume 7…and proceeded to read up to the current chapter via scanlations. Cliffhangers do that to you.

This has proven to be a very entertaining read the story actually made a good time travel plot, and I usually hate those, though to be honest the more recent story events have made my head hurt more than Inception did.

Just curious, but has anyone played the PSP game? If so how is it?

Kinda ironic, considering all the fast pace changes in the last few chapters, that this thread went dormant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Next chapter is titled: Last Diary

Basically to sum up everything: [spoiler]Yuki pulls of his special trait to change reality, when all his chips are down. The 3rd reality’s diary users basically all got happy ends, except for the orphanage and the mayor. Thus the diary game never occurs in the 3rd reboot. Even 3rd Yuno has her loving parents back again. 2nd Yuno still loves 2nd Yuki, and 2nd Yuki loves 2nd Yuno despite her attempt to kill him (she’s yandere after all; its all forgiven :o ). Muru Muru isn’t too happy about all these change of events, but she appears to be subservant to Yuno.

There is one neat thing to mention: there’s two Muru Muru in the chapter. The 2nd reality’s and another that looks insane. Because she’s still wearing chains, her old uniform, and no crown: I assume she’s the 3rd reality’s.

Oh… and Yuki looks bad ass when he’s saving Yuno![/spoiler]

The end is nigh! Happy ending for everyone! (save the 3rd)
But not being future diary game doesn’t solve the problem that the time space god needs a successor.
And it seems Muru Muru is particularly fixated in Yuno.
And what will happen with the 3rd reality 9th?

So… what do ya’ll think of the ending?

I feel it’s pretty clear our manga-ka couldn’t leave well enough alone, and give us the morbid ending. In my opinion, the story [u]ENDS[/u] before the whole “hammer time” garbage. That happy end crap was… well… totally random and garbage.

However the part with… Yuki having won after Yuno kills herself, and Yuki spending 10,000 years doing absolutely nothing but sulking, was 100% in character for weepy ass Yuki. He had the power to create a new universe, but just wanted to spend it crying over what he lost… that’s the Yuki we all know and love.

It was interesting to see how in a “perfect universe”, Yuno would have never won Yuki. Really bitter sweet really, considering her total and absolute devotion to him.

So for the most part: I liked the end… so long as that lame Future Chapter 1 is rejected. :stuck_out_tongue:

The answer for having the extra Muru Muru was awesome. It was so obvious, but I didn’t think about it being possible.

Good points. You may be right that it would have been better without the happy ending.
Though still something has to happen in the 3rd universe; Deus still needs a successor.
And I also never considered what happened to the 2nd universe Muru Muru.

You know… I was thinking…

#1: Deus was God of universe, but we look NOTHING like he did. Makes me wonder if he took a new image after becoming God, or if that was his original form and he just made humans look different from him on purpose.

#2: Muru Muru… what he hell was she anyway? Deus mentions that her powers were sealed, and she served as a servant more than anything else, but she evidently OUTLIVES the God she serves and becomes the servant of the next one. Plus when she’s unsealed, she defeated a godpowered 9th… so Muru Muru is no weakling.

#3: Was Deus the first God to gain and lose his power? It’s mentioned that eventually Gods die and a replacement must be choosen… so one day Yuki will have to do the same. But was Deus the first, or merely one in a long chain?

#4: Akise. LOL. Sucks to be him. LOL.

Also on the 3rd Universe Future Diary thing, and Deus dying there… it seems like Yuki from the 2nd Universe will become the new God there, seeing how he didn’t make his own Universe in the 2nd reality… so does that mean we get Muru Muru twincest (2nd and 3rd versions)? One can only hope. :wink:

A long cycle of multiples gods is a more interesting idea, so we could go for that xD
Muru Muru… maybe she was created by Deus (or by a previous god)? Or maybe she was the friend of the still human Deus (or a previous again) who was empowered? We may never know.
Maybe she serves as a sort of failsafe: if the Deus dies without a successor being chosen, she takes his place till one is.

lol…[url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-10809128]was reading this[/url], and was reminded of Yuno for some reason… :stuck_out_tongue:

So they picked Tomosa Murata as the voice of everyone’s favorite yandere.

Yay? Nay?

I suppose all that matters, is that she can laugh and scream like a maniac in love. :mrgreen:


That’s because if the animation studios in Japan didn’t give Yuki his own adaption, Yuno was going to kill them.

ALL OF THEM. :twisted:


I thereby use my vile necromantic arts to revive this thread as an undying zombie who can only spread misery and death.

So, the anime is just around the corner. Expectations? I’ll watch it right out, but I have read the studio doesn’t have a good record with adaptations.

Also, I’ve discovered recently there’s a PSP game. Has anyone played it?

If the anime adaption stays faithful to the manga, then nothing will go wrong. See how the Hellsing OVA is superior to the Hellsing TV show… that’s because the OVA stayed true to the original. The only thing I’d honestly change, is the weird Gainax ending of the Future Chapter.

On the PSP game: it sucks. It’s something like an alternate universe omake. Doesn’t really add anything worthwhile to the overall setting, and the PSP ends without really resolving anything in the plot, since it basically just returns back to the manga.

The problem with Hellsing TV is that they made it when there was like a volume and a half of manga. Hellsing took forever to get released. So the TV show tried to stay true to the anime … but it was never going to work, and they had to resort to pulling things out of their ass almost immediately.

Hellsing Ultime didn’t happen for a few years after that. This wasn’t a coincidence :slight_smile:

So it begins! The most anticipated series of the season!

And also Mirai Nikki, which isn’t half bad.

They had fun with the flashforward (well, not really) at the beginning.

As always, Norio Wakamoto rules.

We are all faithfully watching the anime, yes? We aren’t cheating on Yuno and watching other slutty whore anime, right? RIGHT!?

Remember… she’s always watching. Always. :twisted:

Isn’t Tsubaki kind of cute?

is killed by an axe

Can I haz your stuff? :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you read the Mirai Nikki Paradox mini-series? Tsubaki got a good end in that one. It’s also official that only “Good Looking Men” can win her. :wink:

How to Win Tsubaki: Walkthru Part 1

How to Win Tsubaki: Walkthru Part 2

How to Win Tsubaki: Walkthru Part 3

Pity in Paradox everything gets reseted
And besides, she also gets a happy end in the 3rd world

In other news, just checking the wikipedia discovered that all the diaries users have a Roman God motif in the name.