Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

Yea. The neat thing is, no one really noticed the pattern until the author revealed it in the official guide. :o

In fact I remember people bitching about Dark Horse translating the 11th’s name as John Bacchus, instead of John Balks like all the fanlatons were doing. At the time, Dark Horse didn’t say anything and just ignored the remarks. Now with everything explained, those bitchers were proven wrong. :lol:

Although I doubt they noticed the pattern either… probably a case of the author telling them the secret to smooth the official translation.

The official guide also revealed that…

#1: Akise wasn’t in the First World. Deus created him in the Second World because he was suspicious about Muru Muru (which were not present in the First World). That’s why Yuno had the most trouble with him and he completely threw her plans off the rails all the time. Obviously he’s not in the Third World… though if he were, I’m sure Tsubaki would have been his girl…

For me, it pointed out that…

#2: Tsubaki predicted Yuno would betray Yuki waaaaay at the beginning arcs, which Yuki thought was an entry from her diary at the time, but she replied was her own woman’s intuition.

Didn’t really catch that part when the saga ended.

Isn’t it sad, Akise?

i am loving the anime

And this anime is loving you. But if she [i][u]EVER[/i][/u] catches you watching another anime (they’re all just slut whores)… well… things might get nasty.

I really need to watch this anime once finals are over. May have to compete with Skyrim though, but hey what are the odds she’ll have a problem with that :mrgreen: ?

She’d probably tie you up and lock ya in a basement or closet. It would be the standard default, “might do something bad, but really hasn’t yet” type reaction to most things. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya know, it was always in the manga, but I never took true notice that the series has an “eye fetish” until the anime. Sure, the whole glazed and empty eye thing has been a yandere staple since forever, but Mirai Nikki goes to extreme lengths in showing all the lovely optics our violent girls have (and of course, Yuki’s hysterical ones as well).

Come to think it, if the other animes are slut whores, what does that make all those big name video game releases with tons of content guaranteed to keep one busy for weeks like Skyrim, Batman: AC, and Saints Row 3?

Distractions that take away from giving her attention. And we all know what happens when you don’t give enough attention to her… :twisted:

She’ll shove her love even further into you?

Isn’t wonderful she’s always thinking of you, even when you’re not thinking of her. :o

On a sidenote: I recently discovered Mukae Emukae.

Episode 10: Yuno’s moe level is OVER 9000!!!

In other news, the sky is blue.

And so the anime has ended.

I don’t remember if it was in the manga, but here is shown that Akise for some reason lives in the 3rd world. And also that Yukki’s classmate whose name I forgot became close to Hinata and etc, even though without Minene’s attack he should have never met them.

And the next project has started! Would it have anything to be with the Future Diary segment, that was shown incompletely in the anime?

In response to your spoiler question…

[spoiler]Akise never existed in the manga’s Third Universe, because Second Universe Deus created him on the suspicion that Muru Muru was fucking him over somehow (and of course she was… or at least the First Universe version). Akise never existed in the First Universe, which is why First Universe Yuno could never predict anything he did. Had First Universe Yuno successfully killed the Second Universe Yukki and continued her original plan, she would have been able to predict all the actions of Akise in the Third Universe redo because Third Universe Deus would have gotten the feeling Muru Muru was fucking him over.

So there shouldn’t be an Third Universe Akise in the true end. Second Universe Yukki wouldn’t have created him, because he has Third Universe Yuno (who has yandere memories implanted in her)… and Second Universe Yukki doesn’t know that Tsubaki was Akise’s soul mate in the pre-reboot Second Universe.[/spoiler]

Confusing, yes? :stuck_out_tongue:

The anime added stuff that makes no damn sense to appease the fans of the changed characters.

If it’s still Future Diary, there’s the Mosaic and Paradox omake.

Figured it was mostly fanservice.

And isn’t most of Mosaic already in the anime?

my guess is extended dvd epilouge

Without Narg there’s maybe not a lot of interest in this thread, but here’s some news:

Anyone seen the live action reboot? Is it any good?

Here’s some info on it.

This woman plays Yuno.

Yo Narg. 'sup! One year over already huh!

I was gone for only six months. The project temporarily lost money when the gov’ment did the political shutdown, but is now running again. We’ll be going back to finish the last half, but the flight date is still unconfirmed. So I’ll be around for a few weeks, then vanish again for another six months.

Turns out it’s not a reboot, but a continuation of the original story.

Plot takes place in the “third universe” where Yuno #3 got the memories of Yuno #1. She’s a yandere, but doesn’t know why. :stuck_out_tongue: